
Tuesday 6 April 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6th April, 2021

6th April, 2021.

It’s official: I might just go shopping.

On the other hand … ?

I might not.

Whether I do or I don’t … ?

I know I need milk.

And some vegetables.

I fancy beef stew, and having something that resembles carrots and parsnips would be an idea … 


I’m also another chapter into both The Lathe of Heaven, and Strontium Dog: The Starlord Years.

Both are looking good!

Although I don’t think Ursula would’ve invented someone like Billy Joe*!


As a final thought … ?

As a final though, Thandie Newton is no longer Thandie Newton.

She’s officially changed her name.

Or, at least, altered the spelling of her first name: from Thandie to Thandiwe, the original Shona spelling

She does know how to keep a blogger on his toes!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Trevor‡, Mum^, Debbiª and Edithº putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga, Debbi and Edith scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        Who was arrested in the Cadogan Hotel, on 6th April, 1895: Oscar Wilde, Bram Stoker or or H. Rider Haggard … ?

Q2)        6th April, 1483, saw the birth of which artist: Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael or Michelangelo?

Q3)        6th April, 1520, saw the death of which artist: Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael or Michelangelo?

Q4)        James Watson — one of the discovers of DNA — was born on 6th April, 1928.   In which North American country?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Pioneer 11 was launched on 6th April, 1973.   What was it initially supposed to study: Venus, the Asteroid belt or Pluto?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Philanthropist and slave trader, Elihu Yale, was born on 5th April, 1649.   The University named after him is in which US state: Connecticut, New York or California?
A1)        Connecticut.

Q2)        Thomas Hobbes was born on 5th April, 1588.   His best known book is called what: Behemoth, Leviathan or Kraken?
A2)        Leviathan.

Q3)        5th April, 1827, saw the birth of surgeon, Joseph Lister.   He introduced the use of carbolic acid to do what: sterilise wounds, clean glass or fertilise soil?
A3)        Sterilise wounds.   It was also used to sterilise instruments.

Q4)        Dean Kamen was born on 5th April, 1951.   He invented which form of person transport: the folding bicycle, the Sinclair C5 or the Segway?
A4)        The Segway.   (Yes: I’d love one!)

Q5)        Finally … ?   5th April marks the usual start of the Hanshi Festival.   It’s a festival, where: China, Thailand or Japan?
A5)        China.
Here’s a thought … 
“The art of flying and I have grown up together.   I was constructing aircraft even before I had seen one fly; that was in 1910.”
Anthony Fokker, 6 April 1890 – 23 December 1939.
And a song that won Eurovision on this day …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        The late Carlos Ezquerra was a comics art genius.   I don’t think he got Billy Joe’s anatomy quite right.   The character’s got two faces: one pointing different ways.   And two right arms: again, one pointing each way.   But Billy Joe’s got normal feet: one left and one right.   What would happen at the top of the legs, if he had two right legs, I don’t know!   Let’s leave that there, shall we?

†        Frankly, I’d LOVE to go, Olga!   Snooker’s the one sport I try and follow!   Unfortunately?   I didn’t find anywhere showing the match.   Jimmy, sadly, lost!
And you’re right: children of victims and criminals are often hard done by.   What CAN we say … ?

‡        I wish I could say the same about my place, Trevor: I always feel freezing, regardless of the weather, or heating.   (Oh … Jimmy lost …)

^        Hello, Mum!

ª        Sneaky?   I don’t know about that, Debbi, it’d be hard to sneak a snooker table into a place: they’re about four times the are of a 9-ball table!   And, yes, it is: I’ve just got to the alien invasion!

º        Oh, cheers for that one, Edith!   There’s a lot of slide, there!   :D   Good ol’ fashioned voodoo’s always seems the right subject for it.   Oh, did you ever hear Copperhead Road?   It’s one heck of a tune … !


  1. A1 Oscar Wilde
    A2 Raphael
    A3 Raphael
    A4 USA
    A5 the Asteroid belt

    Yes I saw on the BBC sports pages this morning that Jimmy White had lost 6 – 3 and that he will have to go back to school to regain his tour card.

    I am of an age that remember waking up to Ice on the insides of bed room windows in cold winters. Double glazing helped stop that.

    My energy company (using Government money) half paid for my cavity walls being filled with foam and the installation of many inches of Insulation in the loft.

  2. Q1) Oscar Wilde

    Q2) Raphael

    Q3) Raphael (Beautifully symmetrical)

    Q4) United States

    Q5) The Asteroid belt
    I'm having a bit of a day with the blog. I'm having increasing problems with it, and considering it costs me money and doesn't bring anything in, I'm seriously thinking getting rid of it, at least the current one, and perhaps going back to the free version. At least it wouldn't cost me anything. Although I'm not sure about blogging either, to tell you the truth. I've always preferred to be an observer. Take care.

  3. 1 Oscar Wilde
    2 Raphael
    3 Raphael
    4 Canada
    5 Venus

  4. It is something. The book, that is. :)

    Snooker. Hmmm ...!

    How does this grab you as a story title: Snookered to Death? Murder at the Snooker Match? :)

    1. Oscar Wilde
    2. Raphael
    3. Raphael
    4. the USA
    5. the Asteroid belt

  5. 1 Oscar Wilde
    3. Donatello
    4 Canada
    5. Venus

    I had heard of it but never heard it. What a powerful song. Are there bagpipes on the song?

  6. Paul, I just sent in my answers I'm not sure if I put my name on it. I'm sorry. I just found out my caregiver may have been exposed to covid and am awaiting her test results.

  7. 1 NASA
    2 Jupiter
    3 Homer
    4 Asimov
    5 Hydrogen


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