
Thursday 8 April 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8th April, 2021.

8th April, 2021

Yes: it’s officially official … I had a late night, last night.

Writing my review of the first episode of For All Mankind, series two.

And it has to be said, it looks rather impressive.


Let’s move on, shall we?   As I’m expecting the Job Centre to phone!

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡, Debbi^ andEdithª putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga, Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on four and Edith on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        8th April is International Romani Day.   Romani are supposed to have their origins, where: China, India or Egypt?

Q2)        8th April, 1938, saw the birth of Kofi Annan.   He was Secretary General of which international organisation: the EU, UN or the IMF?

Q3)        8th April, 1918, saw the birth of Betty Ford: wife of Gerald Ford and 40th First Lady of the United States.   Her Betty Ford Center dealt with what: addiction, cancer or HIV/AIDS?

Q4)        British designer, Vivienne Westwood, was born on 8th April, 1941.   She got her start in the industry making clothes for a shop run by who: Joe Meek, Malcolm McLaren or Simon Cowell?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The small Californian town of Carmel elected its new mayor: on 8th April, 1986.   Who was he: Ronald Reagan, Rock Hudson or Clint Eastwood?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        7th April, 2001, saw the launch of the Mars Odyssey probe.   By which space agency: the ESA, NASA or JAXA? 
A1)        NASA, the US agency.   The ESA is the European agency: JAXA is Japan’s.

Q2)        Mars is the fourth planet from the sun.   What’s the fifth?
A2)        Jupiter.

Q3)        The probe shares its name an epic Greek poem.   One written by whom: Homer, Sappho or Simonides?
A3)        Homer.

Q4)        The probe’s name was inspired by the work of which science fiction writer: Arthur C. Clark, Isaac Asimov or Robert Heinlein?
A4)        Arthur C. Clark.

Q5)        Finally … ?   2002 saw the probe detecting large amounts of what: hydrogen, helium or nitrogen?
A5)        Hydrogen.
Here’s a thought … 
“In today’s world, the security of every one of us is linked to that of everyone else.”
Kofi Annan, born, 8th April, 1938.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Oh, very posh, Trevor!   I’m still struggling to remember which way around a coat of arms is!

†        Most of the Blogger issues I’ve had, have calmed down, Olgaº.   Using embed codes, for example, or HTMI?   Can be used by switching from Compass view, to HTMI view.   Which is complicated … !   At ANY rate?   If you can keep me posted about a new link for your blog?   I can keep track of it!
Hmmm … Does Spain have what’s called Commons, or Common land, at all?   If I remember right, people in the UK had a right to foraging for wild plants on common land was usually ok: it was shared.   (I used to live next to Shenfield Common, way back when it had at least one badgers sett.   Coming across one of them late at night was quite something!)

‡        Hello, Mum!   (You put the answers on the wrong post!)

^        That’s OK, Debbi¹: take you’re time!   You DO know Wikipedia’s Snooker entry is quite extensive, though?   JUST in case … !   :D
Now, duck pin, darts AND snooker … ?
Well … so long as no-one’s standing on the snooker table … 

ª        I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you, Edith: hopefully, the agency can let you know what’s happening, quickly!
As for pipes?   I’m amazed at what I find out, myself, Edith!   Apparently, there’s a Spanish set, as well: I saw a busker with them, in Brentwood High Street, a few weeks ago.   I think they’re called Gaita, but I’ll have to check with Olgaº: she’s from that part of the world!

º        About those pipes, Olga: they’re Gaita, yes?   I’m blowed if I can remember what the busker said they were called!

¹        As I recall, Debbi?   The bed of a snooker table’s made out of four pieces of extremely polished slated.   They had issues with one table at a tournament, a few years ago: a ball went sideways, as a result of slates were wrongly assembled.   Oh, and as I recall?   The centre of a dart board has to be 5’8’ above the floor: the player has to stand 7’9¼” from the face of the board.   That distance is call the Oche: pronounced O-key


  1. Q1) India

    Q2) The UN

    Q3) Addiction

    Q4) Malcolm McLaren

    Q5) Clint Eastwood
    Yes, gaita. They are from the part of the country where my Dad came from, Galicia (well, and Asturias). They've always talked about having Celtic ancestry there, so I guess that might be the connection.
    I'm pretty sure there is common land here, and I know shepherds used to travel with their animals all around, but perhaps not as much as before. The thing is that it seems the autonomic government (I was referring to Galicia when talking about the camomile) has imposed laws on what can be gathered or not. So far, I'm not aware blackberries are an issue (I love picking them up, even if it can prove tricky and prickly), but one never knows...
    I'll keep you posted on the blog front.

  2. 1 India
    2 UN
    3 Addiction
    4 Malcolm McLaren
    5 Clint Eastwood

  3. A1 India
    A2 United Nations
    A3 substance abuse and addiction
    A4 Malcolm McLaren
    A5 Clint Eastwood

    Looking for a picture of the Apartment block in Redhill where I owned a flat I discovered that it is up for rent. The monthly rental is about 1K.

    Being modern-ish the flat numbers were 1 to 17 without the number 13.

    Just because some land is called Common does not give you the right to go pulling up plants. Many are protected.

  4. 1.Egypt
    2. UN
    3. Addiction
    4. Joe Meek
    5. Clint Eastwood

    Thank you, Paul. I am grateful to have your two groups as part of my life.

  5. Wow! More stuff I never knew. :)

    1. India
    2. the UN
    3. addiction
    4. Malcolm McLaren
    5. Clint Eastwood (They made his day. Get it? :) )


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