
Tuesday 11 May 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11th May, 2021.

11th May, 2021.

It’s officially the case: I have girly pink dumbbells.

Cheap and light, girly pink dumbbells.


Well, my physiotherapist assigned me a new set of exercises — that start, tomorrow — that need relatively light weights.

I could have used a couple of books.

Or a couple of bags of sugar.

But, frankly?

The dumbbells are easier to hold that a couple of hard backs.

And what’s a diabetic doing, buying sugar?


Talking of money … ?

The dumbbells were cheap.

My provisional driving licence wasn’t: it was some £45, if memory serves.

Paid for by the Job Centre: as I needed to provide it — or a passport — as ID for a job.

A job: let me emphasise that for you.

I few years ago … ?   There was talk the government wanted to introduce photographic ID, paid for photographic ID, in order to vote.

Not something I was happy about: where is someone who’s out of work supposed to get the money for that?

Thankfully?   Those plans didn’t go through.

However … ?

According to a piece in the Guardian, yesterday, there’s plans afoot to re-introduce it.

I seriously hope not!

Had I no ID?   Or if I needed to replace the driving licence, or needed a separate, paid for, form of ID in order to vote?

I’d never be able to vote: as I couldn’t afford the ID.

I hope this gets voted down in Parliament.

I can’t afford to buy my right to vote.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Olga,Trevor, Debbi and Mum scoring five out of five, and Edith on four.

Let’s see how they, and you, does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        The Diamond Sutra — the world’s oldest known printed book — was printed on 11th May, 868AD.   It was printed in which country: China, India or Ghana?

Q2)        11th May, 1933, saw the birth of Louise Farrakhan.   He’s the leader of what: the Church of Scientology, the Nation of Islam or the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

Q3)        11th May, 1941, saw the birth of singer, Eric Burdon.   He was the singer of which British band: the Beatles, the Animals or the Hollys?

Q4)        11th May, 1918, saw the birth of theoretical physicist, Richard Feynman.   He worked on the superfluidity of liquid what: hydrogen, helium or oxygen?

Q5)        The first Pokhran-II nuclear tests were carried out: on 11th May, 1998.   By which nation: China, Israel or India?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        10th May, 1924, saw who named as the director of the FBI?
A1)        J. Edgar Hoover.   (The ‘J,’ stood for John.   His appointment was back when the organisation was still called the Bureau of Investigation.   Which is unfortunate: you can sing about the FBI.

Q2)        Louis 16th became King of France: on 10th May, 1774.   Who was his Queen Consort: Marie Antoinette, Catherine de Medici or Eleanor of Aquitaine?
A2)        Marie Antoinette.

Q3)        Fred Astaire was born on 10th May, 1899.   1933’s Flying Down to Rio was his first film appearance with who?
A3)        Ginger Rogers.   (She did everything he did: only backwards and in heels.)

Q4)        Producer, David O. Selznick, was born on 10th May, 1902.   He won a Best Picture Oscar for 1940’s Rebecca.   Who directed Rebecca: John Huston, Billy Wilder or Alfred Hitchcock?
A4)        Alfred Hitchcock.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Keith Richards and Mick Jagger appeared in court on Drugs charges: on 10th May, 1967.   They’re both members of which band?
A5)        The Rolling Stones.
Here’s a thought … 
“I’m an impatient comedian. And I feel the audience is as impatient as me.”
Phil Silvers, May 11, 1911 – November 1, 1985.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        So you’re writing while you’re behind the camera, Olga?   Partly?   It sounds like you and Debbi have something in common!   Did I ever mention R. E. Howard, the chap who wrote the original Conan stories?   I read somewhere that he always imagined sitting around a campfire with Conan: with the barbarian, regaling his audience with a tall tale.
And cheers for the link: I was thinking it was the Missouri Compromise!
I have to admit, I’ve never actually read any Desmond Bagley.   I don’t know much about him: beyond the fact he was a thriller writer: and, back in the early 1980s, you could walk into a branch of WH Smiths, and see his work, near the front door.
(I think Edith may know more about The Carters.)

†        Drat!   I missed it, Trevor: I’ll probably catch it over dinner.   I DO remember seeing the Hurricane in the trailer, saying “You can shove your snooker …” … and finishing off the rest of the sentence … !
And I was one of the 18.x million that watched.
It was first time I’d seen the final go to the last frame, like that: the next time was Ebdon v Hendry in 2002.   I think that went to the last black, as well, but don’t quote me!

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        So you don’t see your characters voices, Debbi!   (I always think Sam looks a little like you!).  But writing coming from experience sound … right … um … !
Oh, I’ve mentioned R. E. Howard to Olga: the author of the original Conan stories?   Apparently he was quite friendly with H. P. Lovecraft … 

ª        I’m glad you liked it, Edith: I’m never show how well the videos go, so it’s nice to get feedback.   Yeah, that’s right: Maybelle and Carlene were part of a family group, weren’t they?   You don’t get that much, in the UK.   (The Corrs, and the Nolans were family groups: but they were Irish.)


  1. A1 China
    A2 Nation of Islam
    A3 the Animals
    A4 Helium
    A5 India

    I am surprised that you do not remember the British sister group who are in the Guinness Book of records as the longest unchanged group. I mean the Beverley Sisters.

  2. Q1) China

    Q2) The Nation of Islam

    Q3) The Animals

    Q4) Helium

    Q5) India
    I love the dumbbells. I have a grey set of very light ones (I have a medium-weight set that are pink and some heavier ones red), but the light ones can be very effective if you do a lot of repetitions. I remember going to a pilates class where we did a lot of arm exercises using one of the small bells, and I didn't I was doing anything much at the time, but next day I could hardly move my arms. And I was going to the gym most days and doing several hours of exercise, including weights, at the time, so...
    I'm sure if they decide to introduce IDs and they are compulsory, they'll have to be free of charge, but I think we've had that conversation before (and yes, in Spain we've had them for as long as I remember, and you get one when you are 14. You have to pay something if you lose one, but not if it's stolen and you report it to the police...)

  3. 1 China
    2 Nation of Islam
    3 The Animals
    4 Helium
    5 Israel

  4. He sounds interesting. I'm always learning something interesting here. :)

    1. China
    2. the Nation of Islam
    3. the Animals
    4. helium
    5. India

  5. 1India
    2. The Nation of Islam
    3. The Animals
    4. helium
    5. China

    As I remember Carlene is a descendant of Maybelle's. Unless there are two Carlene Carters.


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