
Monday 17 May 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17th May, 2021

17th May, 2021.

Yes: it’s true.

I’ve a Zoom interview pencilled in for this afternoon: for a company that sells air purifiers.

Whether that’ll go ahead, I still don’t know: as I’ve not heard back.


Well, we’ll have to see.


At any rate … ?

The only other thing I have to worry about?

Is what to have for dinner.

The BIG decision?

Spaghetti … ?

Or a burger … ?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Debbi‡, Trevor^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on four, and Edith on three.

Let’s see how they, and you, does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        17th May, 2006, saw the sinking of the USS Oriskany: in the Gulf of Mexico.   In order to form what: an artificial reef, an underwater cemetery or a cheese factory?

Q2)        The last Liberal government of the UK fell: on 17th May, 1915.   Who was the Prime Minister that had been in charge: Anthony Eden, H. H. Asquith or David Lloyd George?

Q3)        The USA’s first same-sex weddings were held: on 17th May, 2004.   In which US state?

Q4)        17th May, 1866, saw the birth of composer, Erik Satie.   In which country: France, Spain or Germany?

Q5)        Finally … ?   17th May, 1935, saw the birth of dramatic, Dennis Potter.   His first series for the BBC was all about which Italian Lothario?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        16th May, 2005, saw the government of Kuwait allow women to what: vote, drive or own property?
A1)        Vote.

Q2)        16th May, 1890, saw the birth of Edith Grace White: a noted ichthyologist.   Ichthyologists study what: cats, fish or tapeworms?
A2)        Fish.   (Edith specialised in sharks and rays.).

Q3)        The first Academy Awards took place: on 16th May, 1929.   This year’s awards, the 93rd, saw the Best Picture Award go to which film: Sound of Metal, The Father or Nomadland?
A3)        Nomadland.

Q4)        16th May, 1905, saw the birth of actor, Henry Fonda.   He won his only Best Actor Oscar for which film … ?
A4)        On Golden Pond.

Q5)        Finally … ?   16th May is the Feast day of Brendan the Navigator.   He’s the patron saint of what: thinkers, tailors, soldiers, sailors or spies?
A5)        Sailors.
Here’s a thought … 
“My only regret is to die four pages too soon.”
Dennis Potter, 17 May 1935 – 7 June 1994.
And some music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Oh, I wish, Olga!   I think my phone numbers more popular that I am!

†        Hello, Mum!

‡        It IS a bit of a mix up, Debbi: and it sounds like Trevor had a good day!   (Oh … You’ve got mail.   Next stop’s The Stones of Blood!)

^        Sounds like you had a good day, Trevor, glad to hear it went well … 

ª        William Katt, William Katt … You know I’m sure I know him from something, Edith: I know he’s been in Andromeda, which I’d catch occasionally.   And I think I’ve caught a couple of the Perry Mason TV films: Katt was Perry’s sidekick, wasn’t he … ?   Very imposing looking chap, I think.
Ohh, Hazel O’Connor’s Will You is possibly one of the best love songs ever written.


  1. A1 artificial reef
    A2 H. H. Asquith
    A3 Massachusetts
    A4 France
    A5 Casanova

    As I mentioned to Debbi on Facebook this morning I accidentally caught a Docudrama about Delia Derbyshire on the telly last night. It was on BBC4 at 21.00 and was 1 ½ hours long. Interesting.

    First time I had heard of the musician Cosey Fanni Tutti who was in the program.

  2. Q1) An artificial reef

    Q2) H. H. Asquith (Prime Mine? I was going to say the spellchecker was faulty, but I suspect it wouldn’t pick that up. Do you use Grammarly online? Not sure if it would have picked it up either). Actually, the answer is no, as it didn't when I copied and pasted my answer onto your blog.

    Q3) Massachusetts

    Q4) 17th May, 1866, saw the birth of composer, Erik Satie. In which country: France, Spain or Germany? France. I visited Honfleur, where he was born, with some friends. It seems his childhood home is open to the public, but I don’t remember seeing it. My friend’s husband loves his research and likes to see everything, but it was a while back. Honfleur is lovely, by the way. (Quite upmarket).

    Q5) Giacomo Casanova
    I hope the interview comes through. I hate it when people don't confirm things, although I've come to realise that some people seem to assume that if they don't tell you something is not going ahead or there are changes, it means it will happen. (My take on it is the opposite, so I've taken to checking with people that they still want something to go ahead if I haven't had a firm confirmation. Of course, if they don't answer, you're left hanging, but at least you would be justified if you told them you assumed it wouldn't go ahead because they didn't confirm when you asked them to. If they are the ones sending who are setting the meeting, they'll have to send you a link. If they have sent you a link already, Zoom should send them a reminder, so one hopes the meeting should go ahead. If they haven't sent you a link, that's another matter, and it would make me think that they aren't very well-organised. Good luck, in any case.
    And, enjoy the meal, whichever one you go for. (For me, it's salad day).

  3. 1 Artificial Reef
    2 David LLOYD gEORGE
    3 Minnesota
    4 France
    5 Cassanova

  4. 1. Artificial Reef
    2. David Lloyd George
    3. California
    4. France
    5. Cassanova

    Yes, He played Paul Drake Jr.

    The song you posted just grabbed me, so to speak. It is difficult to find the words to describe it.

  5. I look forward to that! :)

    1. an artificial reef
    2. H.H. Asquith
    3. Massachusetts
    4. France
    5. Casanova


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