
Saturday 29 May 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29-5-2021: Wisconsin

29th May, 2021.

Right … 

I now have cleaner — ish — teeth: after a hygienist appointment, yesterday.

And meant to go shopping, once I’d finished.

I didn’t.

I felt mildly woozy: something that I blame on the second AstraZeneca jab, the day, before.

That’s the only effect I have had!

At ANY rate … ?

I’m going to try and do some shopping, today.


I’d like to put Marmite on something … !


I take it you watch the news, occasionally?

I do: technology interests me, as does anything going off in my town.

Every-so-often, Brentwood get’s the occasional drug raid: they’ve happened on my street, I know that.

Occasionally?   Someone opens up a a cannabis farm: I think we’ve had one of those in my street, as well.

What we haven’t had … ?   Is an illegal Bitcoin mining setup!

It seems that, over the past few months, West Midlands police were investigating a cannabis farm in Sandwell.

But turns out to have been an illegal Bitcoin* mine.

Well … the mine, itself, wasn’t illegal.

It’s connection to the electricity grid was: the thing was using electricity without paying for it.

It’s a genius idea, in a way.

The mine’s organisers are going to be serving less time for stealing electricity, than they would for growing cannabis.

Frankly?   I think we’re going to see more of these.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡, Trevor^, Debbiª and Edithº putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on four and Edith on three.

Let’s see how they, and you, does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        Wisconsin was admitted to the Union on 29th May.   Of which year of the 1840s?

Q2)        It joined on the same day — day, not year — as which New England state?

Q3)        Wisconsin was which state to join the Union: the 29th, 30th or 31st?

Q4)        What’s Wisconsin’s largest city: Lodi, Milwaukee or Niagara?

Q5)        Which side was Wisconsin on, during the American Civil War: Union or Confederate?

Q6)        Republican, Ron Johnson, and Democrat, Tammy Baldwin, are Wisconsin’s current what: Senators, Representatives or Governors?

Q7)        According to one report, Wisconsin produces much of the USA’s what: cheese, computers or cranberries?

Q8)        Wisconsin’s also known as the Badger State.   The badgers were early Winconsinite what: dairy farmers, miners or truckers?

Q9)        The Milwaukee Bombers are Wisconsin’s only what: Ice Hockey Team, soccer team or Australian-rules Football team?

Q10)        Finally … ?   Zack Snyder is from Wisconsin.   He’s a what: actor, director or singer?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        28th May saw the publication of The Forgotten Prisoners: marking the birth of Amnesty International.   28th May of which year of the 1960s?
A1)        1961.

Q2)        The group helps prisoners of … what?
A2)        Conscience.

Q3)        Peter Benenson, the man who wrote the letter, says he wrote it — and started the movement — after reading about prisoners, where: Spain, Portugal or France?
A3)        Portugal.   (The country was then ruled by the Fascist Salazar regime)

Q4)        Amnesty — and the letter — takes its cues from Articles 18 and 19 of the UN Declaration of Human … whats
A4)        Rights.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Amnesty’s governing body is the Global what: Assembly, Group or Secretariat?
A5)        Assembly.
Here’s a thought … 
“My name is John Johnson. I come from Wisconsin. I work as a lumberjack there.”
Folk rhyme.
And a state song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        BitCoin is a crypto-currency,   If I’ve understood it correctly, crypto-currencies aren’t supported by a central bank.   Instead, each coin’s identity is verified by a unique code: one that’s on what’s called a blockchain.   Its owner is recorded on a block chain ledger.   Each crypto-currencies coins are generated by a complicated mathematical process called mining, done on a computer.   Or, more commonly, a bank of linked computers.

†        Cheers, Olga, I managed to correct the numbering.   It’s where I swapped the questions around … but forgot to change the numbers!   And yes, I’m being careful.   I don’t think we’re getting many cases in town: although I know Trevor mentioned we’d had four more cases.   Hopefully … ?   I’ve not met them!
By the way, did mention I found the banned video for Relax, about five years ago?   It was the first time I’d seen it.   The saddest thing Brian Nash said in an interview, yesterday?   Was that many of the gay men who’d been extras in it and sadly died of AIDS, since it had been made.

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        Cheers, Trevor!   Nice to know they work!   I have to admit, I’m still learning how to use the updated version of Blogger.   It’s nice to know I can embed YouTube Playlists, I know that.
JUST four … ?   That’s possibly a result!

ª        You know, I don’t know that they were, Debbi: I think the Quarrymen name was the one they used when John Lennon first thought of forming the band, in school.   I think they were The Beatles — or possibly the Silver Beatles — by the time they got to Hamburg and the Cavern.  My sister, Ruth, is the fan.   Where do you think she got the name Jude from?
I can see why you were sceptical: a cartoon tortoise doesn’t seem THAT reassuring!   (Bert’s a tortoise!)

º        I’ve not seen Alfie, either, Edith: I really should sit down with it.   It, and the original The Italian Job are supposed to be his best 1960s films.   Actually, you might like The Italian Job’s end theme tune, it’s rather good.   And the car chase is something else!
The Sugar Babes have long since split, by the way: but they did well, at the time.


  1. Q1) 1848

    Q2) Rhode Island

    Q3) 30th

    Q4) Milwaukee

    Q5) Union

    Q6) Senators

    Q7) I don’t honestly know the answer to this. It is a big producer of cheese and dairy, and it produces many cranberries, but all? I guess without knowing which report, I wouldn’t dare to say.

    Q8) Miners

    Q9) Australian-rules Football team

    Q10) Director
    Fingers crossed there aren't any more cases. Now that you mention that about the Relax video, I'm sure I'd heard it before. I'm off to a fair where the local associations set stalls in the street and we're doing live radio the whole day, so busy busy. Take care!

  2. A1 1848
    A2 Rhode Island
    A3 30th
    A4 Milwaukee
    A5 Union
    A6 Senators
    A7 cranberries
    A8 miners
    A9 Australian-rules Football team
    A10 director

    Good to see we are back to “Normal”. Part of high street blocked off by police due to double stabbing last night. I think it was the bar which used to be the snooker club.

  3. Yes, the Silver Beatles! I remember reading about that. I used to read everything I could about the roots of rock n' roll. :) When I was in my teens and early twenties, but mostly teens.

    1. 1848
    2. Rhode Island
    3. 30th
    4. Milwaukee
    5. Union
    6. Senators
    7. cheese (I guess, because actually it's the bigger producer of cheese in the U.S., not the only producer)
    8. miners
    9. Australian-rules football team
    10. director

    And why am I not surprised how Jude got his name? I mean, every time you mention him, what earworm leaps to my mind? :)

  4. 1 1848
    2 Maine
    3 30th
    4 Milwaukee
    5 Union
    6 Representatives
    8 Miners
    9 Ice Hockey
    10 Actor

  5. 1. 1847
    2. Vermont
    3. 30th
    4. Milwaukee
    5. Union
    6. Senators
    7. Computers
    8. Minners
    9. Soccer team
    10. director

    That was a very interesting sequence. I didn't realize Mini Coopers had been around that long.


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