
Friday, 25 June 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25-6-2021: The Virginian

25th June, 2021.

Just as a quick question … ?

I’ve just noticed a news item.

You’ll be aware that shots were fired at a Royal Navy ship, patrolling in Ukrainian waters, off the coast of Crimea, a day or two ago.

The patrol’s been defended by the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.

Apparently?   The Navy was ‘defending our values’ in the area.

I’d like to know what values they were … !


At any rate … ?

I’ve had the new washing Machine delivered and installed.

It’s just finished a load of teatowels, by the sound of things.

Mackfields* — the local business that I bought it from, and who did the installation — did an amazingly quick, and thorough, job.

Even managing to adjust the feet on the thing: to enable it to stay stable, whilst working.

Something I think contributed to the tragic death of the last machine.

Either way?   I’m grateful: both to them, and to My Mum, who helped pay for the thing.


Which could prove to be an issue with my spectacles.

An arm came off, yesterday: while I was shopping.

They’re still under warranty: that should cover the cost of repair.

Hopefully … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum†, Olga‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Olga, Debbi and Mum, scoring five out of five, and Edith on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        Virginia ratified the US Constitution, on the 25th June.   In which year: 1787, 1788 or 1789?

Q2)        Virginia is the what of Virginia: the Commonwealth, Republic or Nation?

Q3)        Virginia is also called the Old what: Dominion, State or Homestead?

Q4)        Virginia was originally a colony of where: England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales?

Q5)        The 35th State to join the USA was originally part of Virginia.   What’s that state called?

Q6)        Roy, Moss, Jen and Richmond are characters in The IT Crowd.   Which of those characters shares their name with Virginia’s capital city?

Q7)        During the US Civil War, what side was Virginia on: Confederate or Union?

Q8)        Langley, Virginia, is home to which US Federal agency: the FBI, the CIA or the BATF?

Q9)        Brunswick Stew is popular in Virginia.   What meat was traditionally used in Brunswick Stew: beef, lamb or squirrel?

Q10)        Finally … ?   What’s Virginia’s state dance: the Tango, Square Dance or Conga?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Some people in England will mark 24th June as Midsummer’s Day.   The Summer Solstice is usually on which day in June: the 17th, the 19th, or the 21st?
A1)        The 21st June. (The day can occasionally fall on the 20th.)

Q2)        Midsummer’s Day is also the feast day of Saint John the what: Gardener, Baptist or Cheese-wright?
A2)        Baptist.

Q3)        In England, Midsummer’s Day is also one of four quarter days: a day when school terms started, and rents were due.   Name one of the other three.
A3)        Lady Day (25th March), Michaelmas (29th September) or Christmas Day (25th December).

Q4)        Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream is set where: Athens, Thessalonika or Rhodes?
A4)        Athens.

Q5)        Finally?   Midsummer Common is where: Bristol, Cambridge or Oxford?
A5)        Cambridge.
Here’s a thought … 
“Virginia is for lovers.”
David Martin.
And a Virginian playlist …


Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        You can find Mackfields contact details, here.

†        Hello, Mum!

‡        Trust me, Olga: I think the hole neighbourhood’s got Environment Health on speed dial!   The building next door had a rat problem, as well … 

^        Well done, Debbi!   You watch, we’ll get you doing the ~ sign, next … !

ª        That they are, Edith, Edith, that they are!   There’s a Christmas version, as well.   There’s lot’s sleigh bells … !


  1. Q1) 1788

    Q2) The Commonwealth of Virginia

    Q3) Dominion

    Q4) England

    Q5) West Virginia. We were paying attention, Paul!

    Q6) Richmond

    Q7) Confederate

    Q8) The CIA

    Q9) Squirrel

    Q10) Square Dance
    Good for the new washing machine. I'm sure I've seen you on Instagram saying that the glasses had been sorted, so that's more good news.

  2. 1 1788
    2 Commonwealth
    3 State
    4 England
    5 West Virginia
    6 Richmond
    7 Confederate
    8 CIA
    9 sQUIRREL
    10 Square Dance

  3. Let's see. Is it "live long and prosper"? :)

    1. 1788
    2. the Commonwealth (fancy name for a state! Posh! :) )
    3. Dominion
    4. England
    5. West Virginia
    6. Richmond
    7. Confederate
    8. the CIA
    9. squirrel
    10. Square Dance

    Whew! Made it through all ten. Again! :)

  4. 1. 1787
    2. Commonwealth
    3. Dominion
    4. England
    5. West Virginia
    6. Richmond
    7. Confederate
    8. CIA
    9. Lamb
    10. square dance

    That was a fun version of the song.


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