
Monday 12 July 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12th July, 2021.

12th July, 2021.

Yep: it’s raining.

And frankly?   I’ve got to get potatoes in this lot!

Hopefully … ?   It would’ve stopped by the time I get out.

Which will be at some point after My 11 o’clock Zoom meeting.

That course … ?   Is certainly helping me get through the week.

Let’s move on, shall we?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Debbi† and Edith‡, putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Edith on four.

The day also saw Trevorª leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        12th July is the feast day of Jason of Thessalonica.   Where is Thessalonica: Croatia, Italy or Greece?

Q2)        12th July is ALSO the feast day of Saint Veronica.   She’s associated with what: the Veil of Veronica, the True Cross or the bones of Saint Peter?

Q3)        Fullerene is named after Buckminster Fuller: born on 12th July, 1895.   Fullerene is a type of what: aluminium, carbon or silicon?

Q4)        Wilko Johnson was born: on 12th July, 1947.   He was a founder member of which pub-rock band: the Kursaal Flyers, Eddie and the Hot Rods or or Dr Feelgood?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Australian Aboriginal Flag was first flown on 12th July, 1971.   It features a yellow what on a red and black background?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        11th July is the Day of the Flemish Community in the Flemish people’s home nation.   The Flemish people live in which European country: Andorra, Belgium or Croatia?
A1)        Belgium.

Q2)        11th July is Imamat Day: marking the day the Aga Khan, the Nizaria Ismaili leader, took office.   The Nizari Ismaili are a branch of which religion: Christianity, Islam or Judaism?
A2)        Islam.   (I honestly don’t know much about him: but get the impression he has a thing for the horses.) 

Q3)        Fashion designer, Giorgio Armani, was born on 11th July, 1934.   Which European country is he from: France, Italy or Spain?
A3)        Italy.

Q4)        A century earlier, 11th July, 1834, saw the birth of American painter, James Whistler.   His Arrangement in Grey and Black, № 1 is also known as Whistler’s what: Whistler’s Mother Whistler’s Grandma or Whistler’s Aunty?
A4)        Whistler’s Mother.   (Apparently, he wanted his mother to stand up: which she felt uncomfortable about.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   UK veterans marked the 70th Anniversary of which World War One battle, on 11th July, 1987: Passchendæle , Ypres or Gallipoli?
A5)        Passchendæle.
Here’s a thought … 
“I didn’t like my dad. And the worst of it is, I take after him. I see the bastard looking back at me every time I shave.”
Wilko Johnson, born 12th July, 1947.
And a video or twoº …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’m keeping my fingers crossed, Olga.   Hopefully, the Coptfold Road one will go up, soon: and give us some coverage!
I really should learn to lay off it: I’m sure it can’t be good if I’m diabetic!

†        On form, there was very few to beat him, Debbi.   Did you know Spike had some quite serious mental health issues?   There’s a story doing the rounds that he spent time in Warley Hospital: Brentwood’s former psychiatric hospital.   How true that is, though, I don’t know.   (He’s STILL the only person to call the Prince of Wales, a grovelling bastard!)

‡        I’m afraid he didn’t, Edith: he plays a slightly iffy booking agent called Maury Sline.

ª        Play fair, Trevor: Scotland never support England!   Besides … England did help make sure Scotland never got out of the group Stages … 
(Personally?   I’m happy it’s over.   It means it’s going to be another year before idiots start singing Three Lions … !)

º        That’s not his BEST performance of Roxette.   You should have seen the ones he did at the Essex Arms, back in the late 90s!


  1. Q1) Greece

    Q2) The Veil of Veronica

    Q3) Carbon

    Q4) Dr Feelgood

    Q5) circle
    We're leaving early tomorrow morning, so I won't be able to participate in tomorrow's quiz. I will probably be able to say hello on Twitter, if I can connect, but I'll see you back with the quiz next month. Stay well!

  2. Now, that was funny! :)

    1. Greece
    2. the Veil of Veronica
    3. carbon
    4. Dr. Feelgood
    5. disc or circle

    Have you heard about my dystonia fundraiser? If you can join the team, that would be awesome. It's free! Just being on the team helps.

  3. 1. Greece
    2. True Cross
    3. Aluminum
    4. Eddie and the hot Rods
    5. Bird

    This was a total guess day for the quiz. I'll learn something I guess.

    Iffy is a good term for him.


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