
Sunday 4 July 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4th July, 2021.

4th July, 2021

Right … the interview, yesterday, didn’t go well.

Well … 

The conversation between men and the interviewer went well enough.

But it was only then that I was able to confirm that the job was at the Billericay branch: with a projected start time of 05:30.

When the earliest bus from Brentwood leaving at six?

The job, unfortunately, couldn’t happen.


Just as pleasant thought … ?

Or pleasantish, anyway.

The Evil of the Daleks, one of the missing Classic Doctor Who stories, is to be released in an animated form on 27th September, 2021.

At least … it gets released here in the UK.

Assuming the £20 benefit uplift stays in place?

It’s something I can afford to look at.


Talking about that £20 extra benefit payment … ?

The extra payment ends in September: which could make Christmas miserable!

But … ?

Although it’s not — seemingly — been posted to the BBC’s news site, it seems that former Conservative ministers of the Department of Work and Pensions have written an open letter to Chancellor Rishi Sunak.

Encouraging him to keep the payment in place.

As where MPs, at Mr Sunak’s recent appearance in Parliament.


I’d hope it’s kept.

It’s a much needed boost.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga†, Debbi‡ and Edith^ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on four, and Edith on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        David Kid Jensen was born on 4th July, 1950.   Between 1977 and 1984, he was A DJ on which BBC Radio station … ?

Q2)        Giuseppe Garibaldi was born on 4th July, 1807.        Garibaldi is considered one of the people who unified where: France, Italy or Germany?

Q3)        4th July, 1954, saw the end of food rationing in the UK.   Rationing had been introduced. During what: the Falklands War, World War Two or the War of Jenkins’ Ear?

Q4)        The 30th President of the USA was born on 4th July, 1872.   Who was the president: Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington or Calvin Coolidge?

Q5)        Finally …?   Scientists discovered sub-atomic particles on 4th July, 2012: that are ‘consistent with the Higgs Boson.’   The Higgs Boson is also known as what: the God particle, Allah Particle or Jehovah Particle?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        3rd July saw the birth of writer, Franz Kafka.   In which year of the 1880s?
A1)        1883.

Q2)        He was born in Prague: then part of the Kingdom or Bohemia.   Prague’s now in which country: Austria, Borogravia or the Czech Republic?
A2)        The Czech Republic.

Q3)        Franz wrote Das Urteil in 1912.   The novel’s usually called what, in English: The Judgement, The Process or The Giant, Man-Eating, Praying Mantis from Space?
A3)        The Judgement.   (Drat!   No-one fell for The Giant, Man-Eating, Praying Mantis from Space!)

Q4)        Josef K appears in which Kafka story: The Judgement, The Trial or The Verdict?
A4)        The Trial.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Kafka died of complication of tuberculosis.   In which year of the 1920s?
A5)        1924.
Here’s a thought … 
“My name to them is like a spiral staircase, veal cutlets, barber’s itch—terms that give you an immediate picture of what they mean.”
Rube Goldberg, July 4, 1883 – December 7, 1970.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

†        The cancellation could be anything, Olga: hopefully, you’ll find out soon enough.   Although I’d be surprised if it’s giant space mantises.   As for the interview … ?   One of these days, I’ll learn how to read a job advert, I swear I will!
You know … it’s been years since I’ve read Anna Karenina: I’ll have to give it, War and Peace, and Greg Bear’s Eon, another look.   (Eon’s an interesting read: although I realise hard SF isn’t your thing.   It’s set in an alternate Cold War: when an asteroid that’s bigger on the inside turns up.)

‡        Well, so long as you’re not running around a Welsh seaside resort, being chased by a giant balloon, Debbi?!   You should be ok … !
Anything I can help with?   Oh … and you HAVE got Time Machine set up?   If push comes to shove, you can use it with Migration Assistant,  and restoring your main drive.

^        I certainly try, Edith!   Oh, and Cowboys and Kisses is a good one.   Did you ever hear Left Outside Alone?   Anastacia’s got one hell of a vocal range … !   (When a friend of mine heard it?   She thought Amy Lee of Evanescence, was making a guest appearance!   You can sort of see why … )


  1. Q1)Radio 1

    Q2) Italy

    Q3) World War Two

    Q4) Calvin Coolidge

    Q5) The God Particle
    Shame about the interview, Paul. If you've made a good impression, perhaps there's a chance of a job if they come up with something closer by (or at a different time, although you might have problems if you have to work late as well, depending on the bus timetable). I got classes offered sometimes that I didn't take because of the location. Although I should have been able to get there, if I counted the cost, and the time it took me to reach the place, and the fact that it might all be for a 60 or 90 minutes class, it didn't work for me.
    My experience with job ads is that many of them are poorly written (that puts me off already), and some of the details seem to be hiding (or are intentionally hidden). I see many that mention Barcelona, and then when I check, are in one of the smaller cities and towns around, sometimes nowhere near the actual city, and in spots not easy to get to.
    I hope the uplift remains in place. Fingers crossed! (And toes!)

  2. 1 BBC Radio 1
    2 Italy
    3 World War 2
    4 T Roosevelt
    5 God Particle

  3. Just for the benefit of your quizzers Paul, i used to go with Grandma to the sweet shop with a ration book, Also on my own with ration book as it didn't finally end until 1954.So i was going to our local high st with the ration book for some sweets when i was 10 0r 11!

  4. I think you mean sweet rationing, Mum: it ended in 1953, according to the BBC page.

  5. Thanks, Paul! I appreciate the info.

    1. BBC Radio 1
    2. Italy
    3. World War Two (The War of Jenkins' Ear? I just Googled it. Here, I thought you made that up! :))
    4. Calvin Coolidge
    5. the God particle

    All I can say is, your history classes must be murder. I mean, tough. A lot to study. :)

  6. 1.BBC one
    2. Italy
    3. World War Two
    4, Theodore Roosevelt
    5. God Particle

    Paul, her Vocal range is fabulous. She also reminds me a little of Taylor Dayne.


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