
Wednesday 17 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser 17-11-2021: Suez!

17th November, 2021.

It’s a Wednesday.

You’d noticed, hadn’t you … ?

At any rate, it’s a Wednesday where I’m not scheduled for a meeting, a pest controller, or some sort of medical appointment.

That’s possibly a result.


Oh … 

Bless her, my mother managed to find an old Mac mouse and keyboard sitting around.

And I’ve just found the power cable/brick for Bruce: my 2007 era Mac mini.

All I need now … ?

Is a VGA monitor: given that, I can access some of the older games that macOS no longer supports.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Edith‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on two, and Edith on zero.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        The Suez Canal was inaugurated, on the 17th November of which year: 1869, 1870 or 1871?

Q2)        The northernmost end of the Canal are on the shores of Port Said and Port Fuad.   This end of the Canal is where: Egypt, Sudan or Libya?

Q3)        The Southernmost end of the Canal is in Suez Port.   Suez Port is in which country: Egypt, Sudan or Libya?

Q4)        The Northern end is in the Mediterranean Sea.   The south end is in where: the Dead Sea, Red Sea or Redemption Sea?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Ever Given got stuck in the Suez in 2021.   What IS the Ever Given: an oil tanker, a container ship or a cruise liner?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        16th November is Icelandic Language Day.   Icelandic belongs to which language family: North Germanic, East Germanic or West Germanic?
A1)        North Germanic.

Q2)        16th November is the feast day of Saint Matthew the Evangelist: according to the Eastern Orthodox Churches.   Which of the Gospel is he supposed to have written?
A2)        The Gospel of Matthew.

Q3)        Louis Riel was executed on 16th November, 1885.   He was known as the father of where: Saskatchewan, Manitoba or Ontario?
A3)        Manitoba.

Q4)        16th November, 1940, saw the RAF bomb where: Hamburg, Dresden or Berlin?
A4)        Hamburg.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Hoxne hoard was discovered on 16th November, 1992.   The Horde was buried by whom: Vikings, Romans or Anglo-Saxons?
A5)        Romans.
Here’s a thought … 
“The scheme in question is the cutting of a canal through the Isthmus of Suez. This has been thought of from the earliest historical times, and for that very reason is looked upon as impracticable.”
Ferdinand de Lesseps, the man who built the canal.
And the only song I could think of …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        If I’ve got it right, Olga?   The bomber was from Syria.   And, from what the BBC’s saying, his application was turned down in 2014!   I’d imagine the care levels in Syria could be one factor, certainly!   On top of the mental health situation?   He converted to Christianity, whilst here.   The BBC are also saying a number of Iraqi and Iranian refugees have made … um … dubious religious conversions: in an effort to stay in the UK.   Apparently, there’s a scheme known as pray to stay.   My more cynical side would “He was on the swerve!”
        Cheers: the Job Centre meeting went well enough: although I THINK my case worker’s ill: I’ve had my third in a fortnight!   (I’ve another on Friday: about a scheme the Job Centre wants me to do.)

        Hello, Mum!

        Oh, yes, he did, didn’t he, Edith?   It’s easy to forget!   (Oh, sorry about yesterday’s score, Edith: yesterday’s quiz was brought than I thought.   I hope today’s is easier!)

^        You’re right, Debbi, it is!   Especially when you get a comment: thanking you!   (I’m going to have to start watching Evil of the Daleks, soon: I want to take advantage of the momentum!)


  1. Weird ol’ thing, Olga: I’ve got this mental image of you explaining the difference between Suez and sewers to a pupil!

    AND explaining homophones!

    English is weird!

  2. Q1) 1869

    Q2) Egypt

    Q3) Egypt

    Q4) The Red Sea

    Q5) A container ship
    That's funny, especially because one of the lessons I chose to teach, during the teacher's training course, was about homophones, although The Suez Canal didn't feature. (I'm taking note, though! It might come handy).
    Good to know the meeting went well, and you might be right about your worker, as they tend not to replace somebody if they are only on sick leave, and sometimes it can keep going for a while. Let's hope if that's the case, it isn't serious.
    They didn't give too many details here about the bombing/explosion, but it makes sense. And I'm not surprised about the conversions. That's bound to mess the mind of somebody who is not too well to begin with. What a mess!
    Enjoy your "off" day and I hope the scheme they suggest is useful.

  3. 1. 1871
    2. Egypt
    3. Lybia
    4. Dead sea
    5. A container Ship

    Don't worry,I realize I have knowledge gaps.

  4. 1 1869
    2 Egypt
    3 Libya
    4 Red Sea
    5 Container Ship

  5. So many great episodes of Doctor Who. I'm looking forward to what's coming.

    And I'm sorry to see Jodie Whittaker leave the show.

    1. 1869
    2. Egypt
    3. Egypt
    4. Red Sea
    5. a container ship


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