
Friday 19 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19-11-2021: Charles 1st

19th November, 2021.

Yep: stuff’s happening … 

Firstly?   I’m going to thank Matt, over on Facebook.

He was as good as his word, and managed to drop off an old monitor to me, last night.

Something I’ve been wanting to use for my old Mac mini, the one I nicknamed Bruce, for a while now.

The thing works.

It’s just a shame I get the dreaded folder/question mark symbol that tells me the hard drive’s got issues!

It may just mean I need to do a lot of jumping about to see what I can do about it: or, at least, whether I can get hold of a powered optical drive, to reinstall the operating system.

It’s not why I’m busy, today.

I’ve got to get hold of kidney beans, today: and some chopped tomatoes.

I’m planning to make chilli con carne, at some point.

I got everything, yesterday.

Bar chopped tomatoes and kidney beans!

I’ve got to do that, after eleven today.

First off?   My landlord’s pest controller’s due at ten.

AND I’ve got a phone meeting with the Job Centre: about a mandatory scheme they want to do.

THEN I have to buy the beans and tomatoes: and be back by three.

When Apple’s due to phone about my MAIN Mac’s inability to announce the time … !


JUST as a final thought … ?

The Today Programme’s interviewing various talking heads: about the lack of staff in the NHS.


Rejoining the EU — so we can hire/rehire all of the medical staff whose qualifications we used to recognise, only a few short years ago — seems like a bloody good idea.

Heigh ho!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Edith‡, and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, Edith on four, and Mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        Charles 1st of England was born on 19th November, 1600.   He was also king of where: Scotland, Catalonia or Lombardy?

Q2)        He was also king of where: Ireland, Calvados or Tuscany?

Q3)        He was a member of what: the House of Tudor, the House of Windsor or the House of Stuart?

Q4)        His reign started in which year: 1624, 1625 or 1626?

Q5)        Finally … ?   He was executed in which year: 1649, 1650 or 1651?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Alan Moore was born on 18th November, 1953.   He wrote for which British comic: The Beano, Whizzer and Chips or 2000AD?
A1)        2000AD.

Q2)        Margaret Attwood was born on born November 18, 1939.   Which of her novels has been turned in to a TV show with Elisabeth Moss?
A2)        The Handmaid’s Tale.   (Am I the only person who thinks Elisabeth Moss looks vaguely like a young Gillian Anderson.)

Q3)        18th November is the feast day of Saint Mabyn.   The village, parish and church named after her is in which English county: Cornwall, Devon or Somerset?
A3)        Cornwall.

Q4)        Malcolm Young died on 17th November, 2017.   He’d been a member of which band: AC/DC, INXS or Crowded House.
A4)        AC/DC.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Bell Telephones offered the first electronic push button phones to the public: on 18th November, 1963.   To the public in which US state: Pennsylvania, New York or California?
A5)        Pennsylvania.   Here
Here’s a thought … 
“Princes are not bound to give an account of their Actions but to God alone.”
Charles 1st.
And a video …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        It’s funny you should mention a version of Pétanque, Olga.   From what I recall, there was a Pétanque club at one of the local pubs.   The Tower Arms, I think: it had a huge beer garden but was out in the sticks.
        The Star Trek situation is mildly annoying, to say the least: especially as I’m enjoying the newer ones.   Star Trek Picard is superb: and Discovery has an interesting range of characters.   It’s just a shame Michelle Yeoh left in series three: her character was an interestingly nasty piece of work.   😄
        Either way?   Have fun, tomorrow!

        Hello, Mum!

        They are … ?   Well, that makes it worthwhile writing them, then, Edith!   :D

^        I can appreciate that, Debbi: the money we can end up paying for entertainment is … well … stupid!   (Have you upgraded to Monterey, Debbi?   About the only issue I’ve had is it’s refusal to announce the time: something this particular Mac’s been doing for the past few years.)


  1. Q1) Scotland

    Q2) Ireland

    Q3) House of Stuart

    Q4) 1625

    Q5) 1649
    Fingers crossed, at least the weather is looking good for tomorrow, so far.
    Good luck with your schedule for today. I hope you manage to sort everything out, the course isn't a waste of time, the news is good on the pest control front, and you get all the goodies needed for cooking.

  2. !.Scotland
    2,. Ireland
    3. Gouse of Stuart
    3. 1625
    5. 1650

    Good luck with your kidney beans and tomatoes.

  3. 1 Scotland
    2 Ireland
    3 Stuart
    4 1626
    5 1651

  4. No, my system is too old to be so upgraded, I believe. :)

    I won't discuss the weird metaphor that crossed my mind just then. :)

    1. Scotland
    2. Ireland
    3. House of Stuart
    4. 1625
    5. 1649


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