
Saturday 4 December 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4th December, 2021

4th December, 2021.

Yes: things are occurring.

Or possibly happening.

If you want to put it like that!

At any rate … ?

When I started this post, it took several attempts to upload the image.


I don’t know, but that hasn’t put me in a good mood.

On the potential upside … ?

As you might know, my street’s mobile phone service has been dreadful since June 2020: as a result of a mast getting taking down.

Yesterday, O2 — my mobile phone providers — sent me a text message.

Its seems that — on 9th December — O2 will be doing some ‘essential work,’ in the CM14 4PQ area of Brentwood.

It looks — if I’ve read the maps right — like they’re doing work some work near the top end of Western Road.

Somewhere near the top end of Western Road.

Nowhere near where a signal’s actually needed.

Hmmm … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and Mum on eight.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        McGurk’s Bar was bombed on 4th December, 1971: by a member of the Ulster Volunteer Force.     Where WAS the bar: Belfast, Londonderry or Armagh?

Q2)        4th December is National Cookie Day.   Where: Canada, the USA or Mexico?

Q3)        The Unity Module was launched on 4th December, 1998: and attached to the International Space Station on 6th December, 1998.        It was launched on which Space Shuttle: the Endeavour, Challenger or Atlantis?

Q4)        The LA Times was first published on 4th December, 1881.   It’s based in which US state: California, Oregon or Washington?

Q5)        Finally … ?   4th December, 1829, saw Lord William Bentinck — the then Governor-General of India — declare anyone abetting suttee would be guilty of murder.   What WAS suttee: ritual suicide, child sacrifice or ritual strangulation?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Illinois was admitted to the USA.   On 3rd December, when: 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821 or 1822?
A1)        1818

Q2)        It was which star to do so: the 20th, 21st or 22nd?
A2)        The twenty-first. (21st).

Q3)        What’s Illinois’s capital: Chicago, Joliet or Springfield?
A3)        Springfield.

Q4)        What’s Illinois’s largest city by population: Chicago, Joliet or Springfield?
A4)        Chicago: with an approximate population of 2.6 million people, as of the 2010 Census..

Q5)        Big Bill Broonzy, Howlin’ Wolf and Muddy Waters worked in Chicago.   They all played Chicago … what: jazz, blues or rock?
A5)        Chicago Blues.   (Remember seeing the scene in The Blues Brothers: with John Lee Hooker playing in the Maxwell Street market, in Chicago?   Chicago Blues use of electric amps started, there: in order to get heard over the noise of Chicago’s biggest street market.)

Q6)        Three Presidents were living in Illinois, when they were elected.   Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, and who else?
A6)        Barack Obama.   (Ronald Reagan was from Illinois: but was living in California when elected.)

Q7)        The small city of Nauvoo is in Illinois.   It was found by whom: the Latter Day Saints, the Plymouth Brethren or the Branch Davidians?
A7)        The Latter Day Saints.

Q8)        Shawnee Hills and the Upper Mississippi River Valley are AVAs — American Viticultural Areas — in Illinois: at least, in part.   They’re areas known for making what: beer, wine or rum?
A8)        Wine.

Q9)        The Peoria Riverman are from Illinois.   They play what: American Football, Ice Hockey or Baseball?
A9)        Ice Hockey.

Q10)        Finally … ?   Illinois has a coastline on which Great Lake: Michigan, Superior or Huron?
A10)        Lake Michigan.
Here’s a thought … 
“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.”
Jay-Z, born December 4, 1969.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Yep, I caught that, Olga^.   I see what I’ve done, as well, I’ve mixed up Q1 and Q2, the year it joined and the order it joined, in.
        And, yeah, you’re right: single living can be tricky.   I enjoy it, to a certain extent, but company’s good, some time!
        That they were, Olga, that they were!

        Hello, Mum^!

        Yeah: I caught the mistake, Debbi^.   Eventually!   And yes, they’re a few years old, now.   Them and the Beach Boys knew their harmonies!

^        Oh, we’ve got another ten question set on Tuesday.   I’ll throw in a clueª.

ª        She went to pay her Texas.   That’s bad … !


  1. Q1) Belfast

    Q2) The USA

    Q3) The Endeavour

    Q4) California

    Q5) Ritual suicide (of course, supposed to be performed by women)
    Easy to mix up dates. I saw this and thought you might be interested, although you've probably read it already. I know you like Apple but it made me think of your time working answering complaint calls as well...

  2. 1 Belfast
    2 USA
    3 Challenger
    4 California
    5 Suicide

  3. What is with the 10-question sets? :)

    What causes you to do 10 questions versus 5? Just curious. :)

    1. Belfast
    2. the USA (another day I've never heard of before now)
    3. the Endeavour
    4. California
    5. ritual suicide (by a widow by throwing herself on the deceased's burning pyre)


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