
Friday 7 January 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7th January, 2022.

7th January, 2022.

You know, I don’t often get political.   But do like a rant: usually about stuff that affects me directly.

Cash usually does.

I’m unemployed, and job hunting: and, as such, I’m on what’s called Universal Credit, the standard unemployment benefit.

There’s a few other bits and bobs available: but that’s the main one.

During the start of the pandemic?

Thos of us on UC were given a twenty pound a week uplift: an extra bit of money equivalent to some £86 a month.

It got withdraw in September of last year.

Much to my disappointment, and the disappointment of many others.

The reason I mention it today … ?

Is that an article from the I newspaper floated across my timeline, yesterday: calling for the uplift’s reinstatement.

I’d love it if it did.   My electricity bill, for the month … ?   Was seventy quid.

That £86 would be bloody handy.

As much as I need it?

I seriously doubt it’ll happen under the current government.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        The HMS Beagle dropped anchor off the Chonos Archipelago: on 7th January, 1835.   The man who wrote The Voyage of the Beagle, and On the Origin of Species was on board.   Who was that man … ?

Q2)        CDQ was introduced as a distress call: on 7th January, 1904.   What replaced it, in 1906: SOS, RPG or RNR?

Q3)        The Sakigake probe — the first Space Probe launched by Japan — was launched on 7th January, 1985.   Where was it going: Halley’s Comet, Mars or Venus?

Q4)        14 people died on 7th January, 1928.   When which London river flooded: Hackney Brook, the Fleet or the Thames?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Surveyor 7 craft was launched: on 7th January, 1968.   Where was it going: Mars, the Moon or Venus?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        6th January, 1847, saw Samuel Colt receive his first contract from the US Government.   For the sale of what: coaches, revolvers or cheese?
A1)        Revolvers.

Q2)        New Mexico was admitted to the USA.   On 6th January of which year: 1911, 1912 or 1913?
A2)        1912.

Q3)        6th January is the feast day of André Bessette: also known as Brother André.   He’s venerated by whom: French Canadians, African Americans or Mexicans?
A3)        French Canadians.

Q4)        The US government halt the use of breast implants on 6th January, 1992.   Breast implants made from what: rubber, silicone or glucose?
A4)        Silicone.

Q5)        Finally … ?   6th January, 2021, saw Trump supporters attack where: the White House, the Capitol or the Pentagon?
A5)        The US Capitol.
Here’s a thought … 
“I’m one of those guys where the more coffee I drink, the more stunts I do, the more relaxed I get.”
Nick Cage, born January 7, 1964.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I think the sunshine always helps, Olga, doesn’t: we’ve got some here, today, which make getting to my weigh management class easier!   (Yep: I figured he was asking you to keep moving!)
        Yeah, you’re right: and I’ve done a few course that have done exactly that.   Still: every little helps.
        Oh, I mentioned the book on left handedness I was reading?   And how it highlighted various handedness inventories?   One of the check boxes on most of the ones listed, asked about which hand a person uses a knife with.   I immediately thought ‘my right,’ as that’s the hand I use a knife in: when I’m slicing bread, or chopping vegetables.   THEN it occurred to my I use a knife in my left hand … when I’m buttering toast or baked potatoes.   I’m wondering what a laterality student would make of that!

        Hello, Mum!

        Country squires, Debbi?   Around here?   There’s possibly some, but I don’t think I ever met any!   😃   It’s like trying to find all the cowboys in Queens!   In all honestly, though, the only two people I know of, who were horsey, were one of the regulars at a pub I worked in — who wasn’t posh! — and an old school friend who does showjumping.   Mind you, Brian’s a coder: and they earn the money to buy feed and stable a horse.   I don’t think that many squires do!
        Oh, did you ever read the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant?   I mentioned it in a couple of Facebook groups I’m in, and it’s causing discussion!


  1. Q1) Charles Darwin

    Q2) SOS

    Q3) Halley’s Comet

    Q4) The Thames

    Q5) The Moon
    That's a curious one about handedness, for sure. Our brains work in interesting ways.
    I hope they listen to the requests for extra money, but you're right. I don't think the current government in the UK is bound to do much about it. And taking into account what I'm reading about the situation in the NHS (it's quite dire here as well, but much of that is down to each individual community), they need to consider their priorities carefully.

  2. 1 Charles Darwin
    2 SOS
    3 Mars
    4 Thames
    5 the Moon

  3. I have not read that one. Is it sci-fi?

    I can imagine country squires are pretty rare in London. Yes, rare as cowboys in Queens! :)

    1. Charles Darwin
    2. SOS
    3. Halley's Comet
    4. the Thames
    5. the Moon

    Great word ... posh! Sounds fancy!

  4. Wow! I just looked the book up. That looks quite involved. :) Lots of world-building, as they say.


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