
Saturday 12 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12-3-2022: Mauritius

12th January, 2022.

Right … 

It’s now officially Saturday.

Which means I’ll possibly doing a lot of things: including a little light shopping.

Nothing exciting, in other words.

I will be finishing up my review of the third episode of Galaxy Four, tonight.

I hope you’re enjoying them!


Just in case you’re following the war … ?   And I’m willing to bet you know perfectly well which war I’m talking about … but … 

Just in case you’re following the war, you’re possibly — like me — following the technology news around it.

Instagram’s been blocked in Russia, for example.

The BBC’s launched dark web versions of its news pages: in Russia, Ukrainian and English*.

And … ?   A Norwegian IT chap’s set up a website that lets you send emails about the war to up to one hundred and fifty Russian emails addresses.

I wish the BBC had given the web address: that sounds like a simple way of making a contribution.


Just as a final thought for Terry Pratchett fans reading this … ?

I’ve just tweeted this, on the anniversary of his death:

Feel free to retweet it.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        12th March, 1968, saw Mauritius become independent.   From where: the UK, USA or France?

Q2)        The country’s in which ocean: the Pacific, Atlantic or Indian?

Q3)        Does Mauritius have an official language?

Q4)        ‘The Dodos’ are the Mauritian national side.   At which sport: cricket, cycling or football?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Bryani is the Mauritian version of what: biriyani, vindaloo or papatas bravas?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The Confederate States of America adopted what, on 11th March, 1861: its flag, its constitution or its army?
A1)        Its Constitution.

Q2)        11th March, 2020, saw the World Health Organisation declare that what was a pandemic: Spanish ’Flu, HIV/AIDS or COVID-19?
A2)        COVID-19.

Q3)        Dorothy Gish was born: on 11th March, 1898. In which 1914 film did she play Stella Ford: Judith of Bethulia, The Floor Above or Home, Sweet Home?
A3)        The Floor Above.

Q4)        Alex Kingston was born on 11th March, 1963. In which series does she play Miranda Pond: Doctor Who, Flash Forward or Law and Order: Special Victims Unit?

Q5)        Finally … ? 11th March, 1983, saw Bob Hawke appointed as Prime Minister of where: the UK, Australia or New Zealand?
A5)        Australia.
Here’s a motto … 
“Stella Clavisque Maris Indici.”
“Star and Key of the Indian Ocean.”
The Mauritian motto: in both Latin and English.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        You’ll need to open those pages — very specifically — with the Tor Browser: or, at least, one that let’s you browse the Onion network.

        Yep: that was a typo, Olga: where do I put my face?   At ANY rate?   I managed to get down — and up — the hill, ok.   The actual weight loss?   Is taking a little longer than I expected, though!
        Fun?!!   Fun???   I’ll tell you what, Olga, I’m related to an auteur, I know that!   Talking of auteurs?   I’ve got the blu-ray of the modern West Side Story.   Spielberg’s definitely lifted the colour scheme from real life: his version of the Sharks(red) and the Jets(blue) are in red and blue: they’re paralleling the Bloods and the Crips.

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        Cheers, Debbi, it’d be appreciated!   I should have the next one done, tonight: and have the video up, later!
        Hmmm … I honestly couldn’t tell you, Debbi.   But’s a bit of a coincidence, isn’t it … ?


  1. Q1) The UK

    Q2) The Indian Ocean

    Q3) no

    Q4) Football

    Q5) Biryani
    I’m sure I’ve told you I’ve met and worked with quite a few Mauritians in psychiatric hospitals, and I rented a room at the house of one of the nurses as well. He lived with his wife and he was a fabulous cook. Oh, and their spices!
    Sorry about the weight loss. In my experience, it can vary from day to day (not by tonnes, but if the loss is small, it can be noticeable. Perhaps it is more to do with female hormones, but with your digestive problems, it might also make a difference).
    Oh, and keep us posted on the links as well. It would be good to be able to share information there. They keep talking to a Spanish basketball teacher who lives in Russia, and he was saying that most of his students don't seem interested at all in the matter, and although he has seen opposition to Putin, many people are also supportive, although they don't get any regular information other than doctored versions.
    I know I told you our upstairs neighbours are from Belarus. I haven't seen them or spoken to them since all this started but I wonder what they think...

  2. Yes, it is!

    1. the UK
    2. Indian
    3. no (that's interesting!)
    4. football
    5. biryani

  3. 1 France
    2 Indian
    3 No
    4 Football
    5 vindaloo


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