
Thursday 14 April 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14th April 2022.

14th April, 2022.

Right: I’m expecting my nephew, over, this afternoon.

Which means … ?   The flat’s going to be noisy!

Or possibly noisier!

At any rate?

There’s a distinct possibility of more videos!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in her answers: with both scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.   (Today’s video has yesterday’s answers.)

Q1)        Mieszko 1st converted to Christianity: on 14th April, 966AD.   As a result, the date is seen as when where was founded: Poland, Lithuania or Estonia?

Q2)        Sarah Michelle Gellar was born on 14th April, 1977.   She plays who in the Scooby Doo movies: Daphne, Velma or Scooby?

Q3)        14th April, 2000, saw Kenneth Noye sentenced to life imprisonment.   After committing murder on which UK road: the A4, the M25 or Watling Street

Q4)        The Second Spanish Republic formed on 14th April, 1931.  As part of its reforms, the Republic granted Home Rule to where: Morocco, Galicia or Catalonia?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Two bombs exploded at a bus station in the town of Nyanya.   The attack — and the town — were in which African nation: Libya, Malawi or Nigeria?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        13th April saw the birth of Thomas Jefferson.   In which year of the 1740s?
A1)        1743.

Q2)        He was which President of the USA: the second, third or fourth?
A2)        The third.

Q3)        He served as US vice president under whom: George Washington, John Adams or James Madison?
A3)        John Adams.

Q4)        Jefferson was the main author of what: the Constitution, Declaration of Independence or the Articles of Confederation?
A4)        The Declaration of Independence.

Q5)        Finally?   Jefferson is one of four presidents who’s on Mount Rushmore.   Name one of the other three.
A5)        George Washington, John Adams or Abraham Lincoln.
Here’s a thought … 

“I got locked out of our new house a few days ago without any shoes on and ended up bloodying and scraping the bottom of my feet.   I kind of scaled a wall thinking I was still a 22-year-old superhero.”
Sarah Michelle Gellar, born 14th April, 1977.

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

†        He’s at that sort of age, Debbi!   He’s taller than I am!   Oh, Trevor left you a footnote, yesterday: he’s suggesting that The Canterbury Tales are a good read.

‡        What on Earth saw 1984 and The Invisible Man banned, Trevor?   Oh, hang on, 1984’s pro-communist … !   I know Flowers for Algernon gets challenged, a lot.   Which is a shame: it’s gorgeous.


  1. 1 Poland
    2 Velma
    3 M25
    4 Galicia
    5 Nigeria

  2. Wait! 1984 is pro-Communist? Are you having a laugh? :)

    I thought it was anti-dictatorial. Or anti-something-bad! :)

    I vaguely recall The Canterbury Tales. Should probably re-read them at some point.

    1. Poland
    2. Daphne
    3. the M25
    4. Catalonia
    5. Nigeria

  3. The day saw Julia — who’s in a WhatsApp group I’m in — putting in her answers:

    The M25


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