
Friday 8 April 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8th April, 2022.

8th April, 2021.

Right … it’s now Friday.

You can tell, can’t you?   It’s on your phone or computer’s calendar, isn’t?   Showing up in the corner.

The top right, in my case.

At any rate: it’s a Friday … following two days on the trot, where I’ve had to get up at five.

I’m grateful to have had the chance to sleep in!


The current government?

Is planning to introduce photographic voter ID.

Despite the fact the UK’s never had any.


It’s not something I can support.

The plans include provisions for a ‘free’ photo ID card that you could get from the council.   ID that — from what I can see — requires you to have paid-for ID to show the council who you are: and to pay for the passport photos to go on it.

Free?   My arse.

At any rate, one ray of possible hope?

Is the simple fact that, yesterday, the bill was going through the House of Lords.

As their Lordships voted to widen the forms of ID needed.

Bills getting turned into law is never guaranteed.

So the Voter ID law isn’t a guaranteed thing.

If it does go through?   The Upper Chamber’s actions will make the thing affordable for the like of you and me.


It’s possibly too early for all sorts of things.

It’s too early to phone calls, I know that.

I’ve just had one from 01633 303 455: and got a burst of conversation in some sort of Indian language … before they put the phone down, at their end.

Quite what that was about?   I don’t know.

But I suspect someone was playing silly buggers … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum* and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        8th April is the Feast Day of Saint Perpetuus.   He’s usually depicted, directing the building of what: a church, monastery or graveyard?

Q2)        8th April is International Romani Day.   By contrast, the World Day of the Romani Language is in which month: September, October or November?

Q3)        Shearith Israel was dedicated on 8th April, 1730.   It was the first synagogue, in which city: New York, Los Angeles or Seattle?

Q4)        Electricity company, EDF, was founded on 8th April, 1946.   The company’s from which European country?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Frank Robinson became the first African American manager of a Major League Baseball team: on 8th April, 1975.   Which team: the Cleveland Indians, San Francisco Giants or the Baltimore Orioles?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        7th April, 451AD saw the town of Metz attacked.   By whom: Attila the Hun, Tamerlane or Genghis Khan?
A1)        Attila the Hun.

Q2)        Former MP, John Stonehouse, resigned his party membership: on 7th April, 1976.   For doing what: faking his own death, fiddling his expenses or having an affair?
A2)        Faking his own death.

Q3)        William Wordsworth was born on 7th April, 1770.   He co-wrote Lyrical Ballads with whom: Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, Samuel Taylor Coleridge or Percy Bysshe Shelley?
A3)        Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

Q4)        Andrew Sachs was born: on 7th April, 1930.   He played Mr Polly in a BBC version of which H. G. Wells novel: The History of Mr Polly, The War of The Worlds or The Invisible Man?
A4)        The History of Mr Polly.

Q5)        Finally … ?   7th April is World Health Day. It marks the creation of what: the NHS, WHO or the CDC?
A5)        The World Health Organisation, or WHO.
Here’s a thought … 
“It seemed like the National League teams were willing to sign any promising prospect regardless of color, while the American League was only interested in the outstanding, can't-miss black prospect.”
Frank Robinson, August 31, 1935 – February 7, 2019.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!   Say Hi to Janet for me!

        More than probably, Debbi!   😆   Oh, JUST as a thought … ?   Any idea if Frank Robinson’s related to Jackie Robinson?   I know it’s a common surname, and couldn’t find anything, myself … but the co-incidence caught my eye.


  1. 1 Monestery
    2 October
    3 New York
    4 France
    5 Baltimore Oriales

  2. Not as far as I know. You'd think the Wikipedia editors would note it, if that were the case.

    1. a church
    2. November
    3. New York
    4. France
    5. the Cleveland Indians


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