
Friday 13 May 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13-5-2022: Stevie Wonder

13th May, 2022.

Right … I don’t know if I’ve done it right.

You’re wondering what I’m talking about, aren’t you … ?

I’m diabetic: and on a slew of medications.

Up until today?   That’s included Metformin, Aloglyptin and Dapagliflozin.   The last one’s also known as Forxiga: which is much more pronounceable!

I’ve now had — under medical advice — to stop using the Aloglyptin: as I’ve started using an injectable medication called Semaglutide: also called Ozempic.

Apparently, the two don’t work well, together.

I’ve also received instructions on how to use the thing: it’s an injection pen, similar to ones used for insulin.

Oh … and given a link to video instructions.

It’s powerful enough that I only need to take it once a week.

But?   I don’t like the look of the side effects.

And … ?

Well, I’ve never had to inject myself with anything, in my life.

I’m hoping like hell I’ve used it correctly!


In other news?

You’ll have realised I thoroughly enjoyed the Denis Villeneuve Dune Pt 1.

Yesterday saw an announcement.

Christopher Walken has been cast in Dune Pt 2: as Emperor Shaddam 4th, himself.

That’s a genius piece of casting!

Especially as Walken’s been known to dance around when worms get mentioned.

If you know, you know!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video. (Today’s video has yesterday’s answers.)

Q1)        13th May, 1950, saw the birth of Stevie Wonder.   He was originally billed as what: Little Stevie Wonder, Big Stevie Wonder or Medium Stevie Wonder?

Q2)        His first album was released in September of which year: 1960, 1961 or 1962?

Q3)        His For Once in My Life was released in which year of the 1960s?

Q4)        He released a version of We Can Work It Out in 1971.   Who recorded the original version: Led Zeppelin, the Beatles or Ian Dury and the Blockheads?

Q5)        Finally … ?   September, 1984, saw which of Stevie’s song reach №1 in the UK: For Once in My Life, Superstition or I Just Called to Say I Love You?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The WannaCry cyberattack took place on 12th May, 2017.   It was what kind of malicious software: ransomware, spyware or worm?
A1)        Ransomware.

Q2)        Actress, Katherine Hepburn was born on 12th May, 1907.   For many years, she was said to be involved with who: John Wayne, Spencer Tracey or Cary Grant?
A2)        Spencer Tracey.

Q3)        Song writer, Burt Bacharach, was born on 12th May, 1928.   He — and lyricist Hal David — wrote for which singer: Dionne Warwick, Stan Freberg or Kurt Cobain?
A3)        Dionne Warwick.

Q4)        Jonah Lomu was born on 12th May, 1975.   He played Rugby Union for which country: Australia, Vanuatu or New Zealand?
A4)        New Zealand.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Domhnall Gleeson was born on 12th May, 1983.   2010 saw him playing Rodney in Never Let Me what?
A5)        Never Let Me Go.
Here’s a thought …
“To those who say they care: Move more than your mouth.”
Stevie Wonder, born May 13, 1950.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I read The Remains of the Day, many years ago: but never saw the movie, Olga: I’m told Hopkins is superb.   But when is he never?   It’s the other way around with Never Let Me Go.   I caught it because Carey Mulligan was in it: but never actually read the book!
        The course went well: although they’re were only six of us, there.   And, get this: half of us were left handed!   What are the chances of that?   At ANY rate, that’s where they showed me how to use the Ozempic.   About the only problem?   I have to pick up a Sharps bin: they were on offer, there, but I left in a rush!   (I’ve improvised one from an old Marmite tub.)

        I wish, Debbi!   I could do with a Mac Studio: it’s got a lot of connectivity!
        Yeah: the answer was ransomware.   I’m just glad I missed the one bit of Mac ransomware I’d ever heard of.   Someone managed to spike the download page for a piece of software called Transmission.


  1. Q1) Little Stevie Wonder (Sweet!)

    Q2) 1962

    Q3) 1968

    Q4) The Beatles

    Q5) I Just Called to Say I Love You
    Well, it doesn't look easy, but I'm sure you'll have done it OK. You are on a lot of medication for diabetes. Must be complicated to manage and know what is doing what. Fingers crossed this one works well. And yes, a sharps bin is a must. I'm sure the GP surgery would be able to provide you with one. Not sure about the chemist...
    And I'm with you. Christopher Walken is fabulous!

  2. 1 Little
    2 1962
    3 1968
    4 The Beatles
    5 I just called to say I love you

  3. I saw on Facebook this morning Brentwood council's page for you to apply for your Energy bill rebate. I think that they will pay it into your bank account.
    Here is the link

  4. Cheers, Trevor: I filled it in on Tuesday.

    They’re taking their time, getting back to me … 

  5. Computers ... whatta ya gonna do? :)

    Good luck with the injections. Take care of yourself.

    1. Little Stevie Wonder
    2. 1961
    3. 1968
    4. The Beatles
    5. I Just Called to Say I Love You

    Have a great weekend! :)


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