
Saturday 14 May 2022

Star Trek Discovery — Series 4 Episode 8 — All In — A Review

13th May, 2022.

Right: it’s Friday, again.

Which means;
  • This is going to be a short intro.
  • Dinner’s almost ready.
  • I’m going to be watching another episode of Star Trek Discovery.
And you’d’ve worked all that out, by now, that I’ve been watching Star Trek Discovery’s for some time.

Once I’ve had dinner?   I’ll be watching Episode 8, All In: and finding out if they got the title from the poker term: or the wrestling match.

I’ll tell you for sure, tomorrow night.

When I’ve watched it, and posted my reviews.

14th May, 2022.

Episode 8All In — opens with the usual summary of previous episodes.

Then shifts:  to show us an angry Admiral Vance (Oded Fehr*) calling up every resource† the fleet has: to try and catch the fleeing Booker and Tarka (David Ajala and Shawn Doyle‡.)

Genius scientist, Ruon Tarka, has managed to use the Admiral’s passwords to breach security.

It’s just then … ?

That Vance is cornered by President Rillak (Chelah Horsdal).

He, and Captain Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) … ?

Get an old fashioned carpeting.

Especially as Tarka had been put in place by Admiral Vance, and Booker was Captain Burnham’s lover.

The President has VERY distinct orders for the pair.

The Admiral is to chase Booker and Tarka: by checking the only four known dealers that trade in the isolynium they need to build Tarka’s weapon.

The Captain?   Is to head out to find more data about Species 10-C: something that Admiral Vance reinforces.

Until he gets a chance to have a word when the President’s not looking.


Meanwhile, on Booker’s ship?

He and Tarka are discussing what to do next, how long it’ll take to build the weapon … and where they can get hold of the isolynium Tarka need to build his weapon.

The only place Book think’s they’ll find it?   Is a casino on Porathia: known as Haz Mazaro’s Karma Barge.

Meanwhile … ?   Captain Burnham’s received modified orders from the Admiral.

Get hold of anything she can about Species 10-C.

And arrest Book and Tarka if she finds them.

Given what the Discovery’s crew have found?   Burnham knows she needs hard to find stars charts.

The only broker — only person — she knows that will have them?

Is Haz Mazaro, on his oh so iffy Karma Barge.

Do you get the feeling things will get awkward … ?


Now … 

If you’ve read this post’s introduction, you’ll realise I was wondering whether All In’s title referred to poker, or a wrestling match.

If you don’t know?

Going ‘all in,’ in poker, means you’re putting everything last penny you have into the pot.

And some British wrestling bouts were fought under ‘all in’ rules: if it all took place in the ring, it was legal.

Having seen the episode, I can safely say the answer?   Is both.

In order to outbid each other for the isolynium,  Captain Burnham and Book have to pay more money than the other.

Book?   Agrees to try and find someone cheating at cards.

Michael?   Has to raise more money: by letting Lieutenant commander Joann Owosekun (Oyin Oladejo) take part in a nasty series of all in wrestling bouts.

The pair end up having to play each other at Leonian Poker for the isolynium: something Book’s good at.

In amongst the verbiage, my point is simply that the titles refers to wrestling and poker.

That?   Is possibly a minor point.

No, you’ll be wondering what I thought of All In.

I mentioned — in the review of …But To Connect — that I wasn’t impressed with it: or the other Lee Rose directed episode, The Examples.

The were a little too dry for my tastes, I think: both earning two stars in my rating system, with others earning at least three.

I wasn’t necessary stunned with …But To Connect, in other words.

All In, on the other hand?

Was a far better episode, I felt.

We get Martin-Green and Ajala bouncing well from each other for example.

Granted, these latter seasons of Discovery are about Burnham and Book: but it’s nice see the pair in conflict, rather than just discussing their day.

Something Discovery can occasionally not be good at?

Is giving its minor characters a few minutes in the spotlight: it’s usually all about the main characters.

So seeing All In remedying that — by giving Oyin Oladejo Lt Commander Owosekun a chance to shine — is welcome.

And give us a very dramatic last chance card game?

With some very well designed props, I should add.   The cards used during the game — somewhere between a Western deck, and a Japanese Hanafuda set^ — looked good.

There is possibly a lot to say about All In: there is.

I know I’m impressed with it.

And, on the strength of it?

Will be watching episode nine, Rubicon, on the 20th May: and reviewing it on the 21st.

I hope you’ll be joining me.

All In.

*        MU’AD-DIB!   See last week’s video!

†        Including what Vance refers to as an Eisenberg class ship.   The class are named for the late Aron Eisenberg: who played Nog, in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

        Shawn Doyle is not an otter.   His character just shares his name with an otter … 

^        I don’t know if those octagonal cards were a nod to the rebooted Battlestar Galactica — developed by Ronald D. Moore, the former Star Trek: The Next Generation producer — I don’t know.   But I’d be curious to find out.

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