
Saturday 13 August 2022

Star Trek Picard — Series 2 Episode 8 — Mercy — A Review

12th August, 2022.

Right … it’s Friday: and dinner is cooking.

As ever.

It’s fish and homemade chips: again.

And frankly?

I’m wondering why on Earth we’re supposed to have fish on a Friday?

I don’t actually know!

That’s beside the point, I think.

It’s Friday.

Which means I’ll be watching Mercy, the next episode of Star Trek Picard’s second season.

And be telling you about it, tomorrow night.

I’ll see you then!


Oh, JUST as a thought … ?

The Teaser I mentioned in the intro … ?   Is the one for 13th August: Left Hander’s Day.

Feel free to have a go!

13th August, 2022.

Episode 8 — Mercy — opens with the traditional summary of earlier episodes.

Then, after showing us Kore* (Isa Briones) discovering some unpleasant facts about her fathers work, shifts: to show us the figure of a boy, running from something unknown.

Only to fall: and be found by something sinister.

The scenes shifts, again: to 2024.

Where Admiral Picard and Guinan (Patrick Stewart and Ito Aghayere) being questioned by Agent Wells (Jay Karnes).

Wells is keen to ask a few questions.

Starting with the relatively simple: “Are you an extraterrestrial lifeform?”

And informing the pair that they can leave … once they tell him how they’re planning to interfere with the Europa mission.

He’s got the footage of the Admiral and his friends, sneaking into a little shindig


After the titles?

We move.

To see Raffi and Seven (Michelle Hurd and Jerry Ryan) in Los Angeles: whilst Seven is checking for Borg life signs, Raffi is letting Rios — back on La Sirena — know that they’ll concentrate on find the Queen possessed Dr Jurati (Alison Pill): whilst he works to repair the ship.

All Raffi and Seven know for sure … ?

Is that the Queen/Jurati left the wrecked bar with a man with a red beard.

And that — going by the wreck mobile phones and car batteries they keep finding? — the Queen is slowly developing some of her old powers.



Picard is still talking to Agent Wells.

Having been questioned by experts, Cardassian, experts?

The Admiral has managed to turn the tables on the agent: and found that — in his childhood — Wells had an encounter … with a Vulcan … 

Guinan is now in a separate cell: being visit by Q who let her know exactly why he’s sent Picard back in time.

He’s an immortal god … who’s discovered he’s dying … 

A bombshell he doesn’t drop on Kore (Isa Briones) when he leaves an offer of help in her doorway.

An offer labelled ‘Freedom.’

Kore’s father, Dr Adam Soong, has a visitor of his own.

The Borg Queen, in the body of Dr Jurati … has a proposition for the Doctor.

One that involves assimilating some of the mercenaries the Doctor’s hired … so she can steal the La Sirena


Now … Has Star Trek Picard done it again?   Has it, with Mercy, knock out another great little episode … ?

Frankly, I think it has.

We have a cast that’s very much on form: with plaudits, in particular, going to Ito Aghayere and Jerry Ryan.

Ryan’s scenes show us the seemingly stoic Seven is far more damaged than she lets on: and wonderful to watch..

Ito’s scenes with Q, and with Wells … ?   Were something else altogether: the look on her face when Q walk’s in burnt it’s way into my eyes … 

As did Santiago Cabrera’s expression: in his scenes with Sol Rodriguez as Doctor Ramirez.

Many years ago I saw a show I believe was called Masterclass: with famous people giving lessons on their job.

One episode — if memory serves — had Julian Lloyd Webber giving a lesson on cello playing.

Another?   That seems relevant, here?   Had Michael Caine giving a one off lesson about movie acting.

And, at one point?   Reminding his class that stage acting is like using a hammer: that movie acting, because of the closeness of the camera, is more like using a scalpel.

Seeing Cabrera, Aghayere and Ryan using their faces, last night, only proved his point.

I saw an episode with a lot of scalpels, last night.

Scalpels that were a joy to watch!

Frankly … ?

Mercy was a superb episode!


With that said … ?

I’m watching some superb TV, right now.

As you know?   I’m watching Stranger Things on Tuesdays: I’ll be watching Chapter 8, Papa, on Tuesday, 16th August, and posting my reviews of it on the 17th August.

I’ll be watching Hide and Seek, the next episode of Star Trek Picard, on Friday 19th August: posting my written and video reviews on Saturday, 20th August.

I’ll see you then: then a VERY good day!


*        According to what we see on screen?   The character’s name is pronounced CORE-rii.

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