
Sunday 18 December 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-12-2022 —Michael Moorcock.

18th December, 2022: Michael Moorcock.

Yes: it’s official.

The BBC’s Doctor site has released video of Ncuti Gatwa’s 15th Doctor costume.

The overall look’s good.

But my first thought … ?

Was that the orange shirt was a bit loud.

Which is possibly a little hypocritical.

When I never said a word about Colin Baker’s outfit!


Oh, Jude’s been over: fun, sandwiches and Oreos were had.

And — as you’ve possibly guessed by now — a video was made.

Hitting like — and subscribing — would be nice.

I’d like to see him getting to 220 subscribers!


Oh, just in case snyone’s following me on

I’ve posted a photo!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring six out of six.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        18th December saw the birth of writer, Michael Moorcock.   In which year of the 1930s?

Q2)        During the 1960s, he edited a British science fiction magazine.   Called what: Strange Days, New Worlds or Far Horizons?

Q3)        His novel, Mother London, followed the lives of three psychiatric patients.   In which European city?

Q4)        Moorcock’s Pyat Quartet is made up of four novels. Byzantium Endures, The Laughter of Carthage, Jerusalem Commands and The Vengeance of where: Rome, Moscow or Tokyo?

Q5)        Moorcock received the World Fantasy Award Lifetime Achievement award in which year: 2000, 2001 or 2002?

Q6)        He won a 1967 Nebula award: for Behold the Man.   Behold the Man is about a time traveller: who ends up becoming whom: Jesus Christ, Moses or Muhammad?

Q7)        Moorcock’s most famous character was the albino, Elric of Melnibone.   Elric’s soul destroying sword was called what: the Widowmaker, Stormbringer or Nancy?

Q8)        Elric, Captain Oswald Bastable and Jherek Carnelian are versions of the same Moorcock character.   The character’s called the Eternal what: Monster, Champion or Knight

Q9)        Many of Moorcock’s works are set in a shared what: dimension, universe or multiverse?

Q10)        Finally … ?   Moorcock is a fan of whom: H.P. Lovecraft, J. R. R. Tolkien or Mervyn Peake?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        17th December, 1907, saw Ugyen Wangchuck crowned as king of where: Bhutan, Nepal or India?
A1)        Bhutan.

Q2)        The General Assembly of the UN elected Kofi Annan to the post of General Secretary: on 17th December, 1996.   He start his term of office on 1st January of which year of the 1990s?
A2)        1997.

Q3)        More to the point?   Who’s the current General Secretary of the UN: Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Ban Ki-moon or António Guterres?
A3)        António Guterres.

Q4)        The MV Danny F II sank: on 17th December, 2009.   Off the coast of where: Israel, Lebanon or Syria?
A4)        Lebanon.

Q5)        William 1st of Normandy was assassinated: on 17th December, 942AD.   He was better known as what: William Bignose, William Longsword or William the Farter?
A5)        William Longsword.

Q6)        Finally … ?   The Magnuson Act became US law: on 17th December, 1943.   It allowed people from where to become US citizens: China, Japan or Thailand?
A6)        China.
Here’s a thought … 
“It is almost impossible to have a baseless snobbish opinion of the General Theory of Relativity.”
From an editorial for Fantastic Metropolis, by Michael Moorcock.
And, as Michael Moorcock wrote or performed songs on this LP? A playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        “[Elon’s] brain works in mysterious ways.”   Coming from a qualified psychiatrist, Olga^, that says a lot!   :D.  (As I recall?   And think I’ve mentioned before now?   One of Steve Jobs’ ex girlfriend was a mental health worker: she made a few equally revealing comments about him.).  But, yes: that’s what I thought, too: he’s trying to stifle the competition.   So much for his Free Speech agenda!
        Lord knows what would happen with Amazon!   But if it’s any help for you and Debbi?   Apple MAY have to allow third party app stores on their phones and tablets: although whether that just covers app stores — rather than content providers — I don’t know.
        Either way?   Have a good day!

        Hello, Mum^!   See you later!

        Yeah … sorry about that, Debbi^!   It could be worse, though: Radio Four’s just played Feliz Navidad at me!   It’s as relentless cheerful as ever!   (Oh, I’ve left a comment with Olga: about possible third party app stores on Apple’s mobile devices.)

^        Just so everyone knows?   We have ten question sets on;
  • 28th December.
  • 31st December.
  • 6th January.
The 28th December and 6th January are about Iowa and New Mexico, the 31st is the (12 question) review of the year.   (I mentioned the late Queen in one question.)


  1. 1 1939
    2 New Worlds
    3 London
    4 Moscow
    5 2000
    6 Jesus
    7 Stormbringer
    8 Knight
    9 U inverse
    10 JRR Tolkien

  2. Q1) 1939

    Q2) New Worlds

    Q3) London

    Q4) Rome

    Q5) 2000

    Q6) Jesus Christ

    Q7) Stormbringer

    Q8) Champion

    Q9) multiverse

    Q10) Mervyn Peake
    Yes, I am sure Steve Jobs was quite "peculiar" as well.
    So far, I've survived to the morning, although it was quite chilly outdoors and now my voice is suffering. At least I will be indoors this evening and won't need to talk much (fingers crossed!) I have to edit today's event on Tuesday afternoon and have a class with Jordi on Tuesday morning. I hope my voice will have recovered by then.
    The 6th of January is a Bank Holiday here, as we celebrate Epiphany (especially children, who receive presents from the Three Wise Men, in theory), but the radio events related to that will be on the 4th and the 5th, so I hope I'll be able to join the longer teasers.
    Wish me luck and hope to see you tomorrow.

  3. Well, here we go. Can I manage to type all 10 answers? Ooh, the suspense! :)

    1. 1939
    2. New Worlds
    3. London
    4. Rome
    5. 2000
    6. Jesus Christ (sounds like an interesting book - and author!)
    7. Stormbringer
    8. Champion
    9. multiverse
    10. Mervyn Peake

    Took me only 2 minutes. Yay!

    And yet another author I need to read! So many ...

    Speaking of multiverses, have you seen the movie "Everything, Everywhere, All at Once"? It takes place in several multiverses. I've read the script, but have yet to see the movie.


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