
Saturday 25 February 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25th February 2023.

25th February, 2023.

Right … 

It’s officially hovering around the 4º mark: according to the BBC’s weather site.

Not exactly sub-zero: but definitely a temperature with an edge.

Which means … ?

That having a haircut, yesterday, possibly wasn’t the wisest idea … but at least I feel less shaggy.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        25th February is the National Day of Kuwait.   Kuwait is on which gulf: the Persian Gulf, the Hauraki Gulf or the Gulf of Mexico?

Q2)        25th February, 1705, saw the debut of Handel’s Nero.   In which city: Manchester, Hamburg or Toulouse?

Q3)        25th February, 1475, saw the birth of Edward, the 17th Earl of Warwick.   He was the last legitimate heir to what: the House of Stuart, House of Plantagenet or the House of Normandy?

Q4)        The Warsaw Pact disbanded: on 25th February, 1991.   At a meeting, where: Budapest, Pristina or Tbilisi? or 

Q5)        Finally … ?   Muhammad Ali won the world heavyweight championships on 25th February, 1964: under his original name.   What was that name?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)         Louis Philippe 1st abdicated: on 24th February, 1848.   As king of where: Spain, France, Italy or Germany?
A1)        France.

Q2)        Ninety-eight years later, 24th February, 1946, saw Juan Perón elected President.   President of where: Argentina, Bolivia or Colombia?
A2)        Argentina.

Q3)        24th February, 2022, saw Russian forces invade where?
A3)        Ukraine.   (When I wrote this set? President Zelenskyy was giving a rousing speech to MPs.)

Q4)        24th February, 1955, saw the birth of Steve Jobs.   From 1985 to 1997, he was head of which company: NeXT Inc, Apple or Disney?
A4)        NeXT Inc.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The last battle of the Cudgel War was fought on 24th February, 1597: in what was then called Ostrobothnia.   Ostrobothnia is now part of where: Finland, Sweden or Norway?
A5)        Finland.
Here’s a thought …
“You can be standing right in front of the truth and not necessarily see it, and people only get it when they’re ready to get it.”
George Harrison, 25 February 1943 – 29 November 2001.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!   (He was running NeXT!)

        I’d noticed the same thing, Olga^: it certainly seems to happen a lot, on Facebook!   And in the real world, as well.   We had a minute’s silence, here, yesterday: to mark the year’s anniversary.   I’m sure President Zelenskyy was flattered … but would’ve preferred a few more tanks!
        Talking of President Zelenskyy, did you know he made a speech to Parliament, towards the start of February?   He presented a genuine fighter pilot’s helmet to the Speaker of the House of Commons: with the words “ …we have freedom, give us wings to protect it,” written on it.   If that’s not a big hint, I don’t know what is!
        Matthew 6:3?   Sometimes the Bible can be very wise.   (As I recall?   Gene Simmons of Kiss has said something similar: it’s a quote I used in the Kiss set, a few years ago.)
        Yep: I managed to find the sugar.   I tend to get industrial sized bags: ones that — with the amount I use — tend to last me four to five months.   It works out cheaper at that rate.

        Oh, that he did, Debbi^, that he did … !

^        Oh, Debbi, Olga, did I mentioned I picked this up?   It looked bloody handy!


  1. 1 Persian Gulf
    2 Hamberg
    3 Plantagenet
    4 Budapest
    5 Cassius Clay

  2. Q1) the Persian Gulf

    Q2) Hamburg

    Q3) House of Plantagenet

    Q4) Budapest

    Q5) Cassius Clay
    Well, yes, I didn't know about the helmet, but Zelenski sure knows how to use the media (traditional and otherwise). I don't know if I mentioned that I had reviewed a book by an Ukrainian author for the group I do reviews for. The author had submitted some of his books before (he is usually a fantasy and sci-fy author, Anton Eine), but he decided to write a book about the first 100 days of the war, which he wrote as it was happening, or near enough, and he asked people to share their experiences. It is a very tough read. But I was surprised to notice that he didn't mention Zelenski by name even once, and he didn't talk about the government a lot either (he did mention that some of their comments about all soldiers being well-equipped, etc, were false, as one of his brothers went to fight and the whole family was trying to source equipment as they had close to nothing). One can't help but wander what people there think... Yes, we do get regular interviews, but, as it is usually the case, you very much hear from the people who are happy to talk, and usually who can speak English or another language...
    The dictionary will be very handy, and good that you managed to get everything.
    Try to keep warm. We have a snow warning for the coast of Barcelona for tomorrow evening and night, believe it or not. (It's only a yellow warning, but nonetheless...)

  3. Very cool! Good to know dictionaries still exist. :)

    1. the Persian Gulf
    2. Hamburg
    3. House of Plantagenet
    4. Budapest
    5. Cassius Clay


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