
Friday 3 February 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3rd February 2023 Teaser.

3rd February, 2023.

Yes: it’s Friday.

And stuff will be occurring.

Not least of which … ?

Is the simple fact I’ve got my usual fortnightly meeting with my Job Centre case worker.

I managed to persuade my case worker to put it an hour: so that I could stay, to let in a repair man.

Who contacted me, yesterday.

They’re now turning up on the 17th!


Talking of dates … ?

A few months ago — more than a few, by now — I put for extra help from the Job Centre: fully expecting a long haul.


I got a letter from the court service: telling me a phone hearing had been scheduled in for 14.45 on the 8th March.

But, thankfully?

They’ve agreed to postpone it.

I’ve a doctor’s appointment on the 15th March: and wanted time to get extra evidence from her, and to send it off.

Here’s hoping.


Oh, before I forget?

I’ve done a review … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        3rd February is the traditional date of Setsubun.   Where: Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan or Japan?

Q2)        Which British Prime Minister made the Wind of Change speech on 3rd February, 1960: Winston Churchill, Harold Macmillan or Clement Attlee?

Q3)        Alfredo Stroessner was overthrown: on 3rd February, 1989.   As dictator of which South American country?

Q4)        3rd February, 1922, saw the death of writer, John Butler Yeats.   Where was he from: Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales or England?

Q5)        Finally … ?   3rd February, 1956, saw the birth of actor, Nathan Lane.   He plays Ernie   Smuntz.   In what: The Birdcage, Mouse Hunt or Penny Dreadful: City of Angels?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Who became the World’s Number 1 Men’s tennis player: on 2nd February, 2004?
A1)        Roger Federer.

Q2)        According to the UN, 2nd February is World what Day: World Banana Day, World Swamp Day or World Wetlands Day?
A2)        World Wetlands Day.

Q3)        2nd February, 1943, saw the German Sixth Army surrender to Soviet Troops.   At the and of the Battle of where: Stalingrad, Moscow or Yekaterinburg?
A3)        Stalingrad.

Q4)        2nd February, 2023, is a what: Thursday, Friday or Saturday?
A4)        Thursday.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Terra Mariana was formed on 2nd February, 1207.   The country was made up of what’s now where: Estonia and Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania or Latvia and Lithuania?
A5)        Estonia and Latvia.
Here’s a thought … 
“The more competition, the better. I hope to get snubbed again this year.”
Nathan Lane, (February 3, 1956), talking about being nominated for a Tony award.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Yeah, sorry about yesterday’s Question 4, Olga: I was struggling for inspiration, there!   And I’m glad I could help with Lew Dawson!   I swear, I worked for someone just like Ada.
        Funny old thing: I googled for ‘Merlina’.   And got the Mexican version of that dance routine!

        My pleasure, Debbi!   (If they release the cheaper versions of these box sets in the US?   They MAY be worth looking at.   My only problem?   Is that — with three of the nine Season Two stories —   there’s no Behind the Sofa watch along.   That’s disappointing.)


  1. Thanks, Paul. Sorry, things got a bit complicated at my end. I have several things I have to cover for the radio these next few days, and one of them seems to have gone belly up, so I'm trying to see what can be done. Tomorrow morning I have an event as well, but I hope to catch up when I come back (it shouldn't be long).
    Good luck with the meeting and fingers crossed on the hearing.

  2. 1 Japan
    2 Harold McMillan
    3 Paraquay
    4 Northern Ireland
    5 The Birdcage

  3. OK … Cheers for letting us know, Olga: we’ll see you when we’re older!

  4. Thanks, Paul. And best of luck with your job search.

    1. Japan
    2. Harold Macmillan
    3. Paraguay
    4. Ireland
    5. Mouse Hunt


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