
Saturday 11 March 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11th March 2023.

11th March, 2023.

Right … it’s now Saturday.

You’d noticed, hadn’t you?

It’s also the day after I’ve had a boiler repair man over: to sort out my boiler.

The problem?

Was that it was losing pressure, overnight.

He’s not fixed it.

But has shown me how to depressurise the thing: and advised I keep a diary of when it loses pressure, over the next few days.

And phone back in, next Friday, should it repeat itself.


I’m going to be doing that.

And not surprised by what’s causing it.

It seems the valve that regulates the pressure — ones that has caused problems before now — is acting up.

The more things change … the more that stay the same!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five, and Olga and Mum on four.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        11th March is the 70th day of the year.   What day is it, in a leap year?

Q2)        11th March is Moshoeshoe Day.   Where: Kenya, Lesotho or Malawi?

Q3)        Queen Anne, the last British Monarch to refuse to sign a bill into law, did so on 11th March, 1708.   In the UK, Royal approval for a bill is called the Royal what: Assent, Consent or Descent?

Q4)        Douglas Adams was born: on 11th March, 1952.   He wrote Shada and The Pirate Planet for which science fiction series: The Flipside of Dominick Hyde, Time Tunnel or Doctor Who?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Arnošt of Pardubice (par-du-BIT-chi … I think!) was named as the last bishop of Prague: on 11th March, 1343.   1344 saw saw him becoming the first Archbishop of where?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        10th March is Mario Day.   It celebrates which video game character?
A1)        The entirely pixelated Mario.

Q2)        10th March is the feast day of Saint John Ogilvie.   He was a member of which Roman Catholic order: the Jesuits, Servites or Franciscans?
A2)        The Jesuits.

Q3)        Jon Hamm was born on 10th March, 1971.   He played Don Draper in which TV series: Parks and Recreation, Good Omens or Mad Men?
A3)        Mad Men.

Q4)        Sharon Stone was born on 10th March, 1958.   In which 1992 film did she first play Catherine Tramell?
A4)        Basic Instinct.   In a weird bit of co-incidentel timing?   This cropped up in my timeline, not long after writing this set.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Tsar Alexander 3rd was born on 10th March, 1845.   Who replaced him as Tsar, in 1894: Nicholas 1st, Nicholas 2nd or Nicholas 3rd?
A5)        Nicholas 2nd.   (A big thank you goes to Trevor, and my mother, for spotting the cock up, there: and to Debbi, for spotting something was off!)
Here’s a thought … 
“I don’t fear death - I fear the carnage I’ll leave behind in the sense of an emotionally stunned child.”
Helen Rollason, 11 March 1956 – 9 August 1999.
Yes: this is the woman my street is named after.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Tutte Lemkow got around, Olgaª, I know that.   He crops up in Raiders of the Lost Ark, as well.   Ruth Madoc’s another one: Fiddler on the Roof, Hi-de-hi, Little Britain.   She’s not — to my knowledge — done a Dr Who story … but her ex husband, Philip, has.   (Ever see the classic The Brain Of Morbius?   Philip Madoc’s in that!)
        Ooooh … the venue’s multi-campus!?   I hate that.   It’s cost me a job or two: when interview’s were listed at an address … that covers two different buildings!
        (Oh, Mario Day is about Mario: he’s in several games on several different platforms, including various Nintendo ones..)

†        Hello, Mumª!

        You got them right, Debbiª.  I managed to get my Tsar Alexanders mixed up.   The UK’s monarchy does these things better: it’s not had monarchs with the same name for … um … about two hundred years. We had four Georges’ in a row, at one point.

^        Cheers, Trevor: I got it corrected.   There were too many Tsar Alexanders!

ª        Just so everyone knows?   I’ve got ten question sets coming on the 22nd and 27th of March: about Andrew Lloyd Webber and Quentin Tarantino.   Feel free to sing ‘Any Dream Will Do’, to the tune of ‘Miserlou’.


  1. Q1) 71st

    Q2) Lesotho

    Q3) Assent

    Q4) Doctor Who (That figures!)

    Q5) Prague. Not very original there...

    You've probably realised by now that I don't care for video games very much at all... For some reason, I kept thinking that Mario must have a surname or there was something else you were asking. Oh, well!
    I once went to a job interview in Ashford, Middlesex. I went to the right place, but they told me they'd had people turn up at Ashford, Kent, more than once, and wonder where the hospital was (this was before GPS was the norm, of course).
    I don't like the sound of the issue with the boiler. If there is a problem with the valve... perhaps replacing it would be a better idea. (I always start thinking about all these movies where somebody either turns the valve the wrong way or it malfunctions and people end up running as it explodes... I am sure this doesn't happen in real life, but...)

  2. 1 Sunday
    2 Lestho
    3 Assent
    4 Dr Who
    5 Prague

  3. It occurs to me that for a while your kings were like George Foreman's family. Everyone (almost!) was named George. :)

    1. 71st
    2. Lesotho
    3. Assent
    4. Doctor Who (I've got one of my Tardis shirts on today!)
    5. Prague.

  4. BTW, how cool is it to have your street named after a female sports presenter!? :)

    My street's probably named after a couple of white guys who owned factories and ... who knows what else ... we are belong the Mason-Dixon line ... *sigh*


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