
Friday 14 July 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14-7-2023 — Bastille Day

14th July, 2023: Bastille Day.

Right … it’s Friday … 

Which means I know what I’m doing, tonight: watching another episode of Star Trek Strange New Worlds.

And it has to be said: the show’s looking very good.


Tonight’s episode will carry on the trend.


One thing I AM thinking … ?

Is that I have copies of a pair of nuclear war dramas: of both Threads, and The Day After.


I’ll be able to catch one of them, at some point.

We’ll have to see.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor§ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        14th July is Bastille Day.   Where: France, Germany or Sweden?

Q2)        The Day marks the what of the Bastille?

Q3)        The Bastille, itself, was where: Paris, Berlin or Gothenburg?

Q4)        The country that marks Bastille Day is the what: the Third Republic, Fourth Republic or the Fifth Republic?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The original events at the Bastille marked start of a what: rebellion, revolution or riot?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        13th July saw Ruth Ellis become the last woman to be hanged.   Where: the UK, the USA or the USSR?
A1)        The UK.

Q2)        She was hanged in which year of the 1950s?
A2)        1955.

Q3)        Ellis was hanged after murdering her boyfriend.   In which year of the 1950s?
A3)        1955.

Q4)        She shot her boyfriend outside a pub called the Magdala.   Where was the Magdala: Hampstead, Highbury or High Wickham?
A4)        Hampstead.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Who played Ellis in the 1985 film, Dance with a Stranger?
A5)        Miranda Richardson.
Here’s a thought … 

“These designs were intended to strengthen the country's national identity through the celebration of the events of 14 July 1789”.
From the Wikipedia entry on Bastille Day.

And a sinking great clue

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        I think there’s pros and cons to everything, Olga.   I did get talking to the nurse who ran the Diabetes course I was on, about the oral version of Ozempic, back in the day.   His experience was that it wasn’t as effective.   Cheers, though:  I’ll have a word with my GP, when I see her next.
        Oh, that’s a thought … do you remember we talked about aspartame?   It seems there’s issues.   (Apparently, it’s as dangerous as working as a hairdresser: remind me to not put hairspray in my tea!)
        Actually, they’ve usually been quite small, Debbi.   This episode’s OVER the two gigabyte limit.   I THINK the different colour profile’s causing issues.   At any rate?   I’ve got a 2k version brewing: that should be with you by tomorrow, at the latest.   (I’ve got both Macs on: and getting two machines announcing the time at me.)

§        Cheers, Trevor, I got them corrected.


  1. Q1) France

    Q2) The Storming

    Q3) Paris

    Q4) the Fifth Republic

    Q5) revolution
    I had read a similar article about Aspartame. Possible doesn't mean a lot, especially when one checks the list of other substances. Yes, sugar is dangerous as well, so, nothing seems to be without risks (Water and the microplastics...) (And I was reading an article about ovarian cancer, and you're right, it seems that hairdressers are at the highest risk of any profession for that one. It is down to all the chemicals they use, for perms straightening hair and dyeing it, I imagine. Not surprising, to tell you the truth, but I don't think that side of things get any attention, compare to other professions with inherent risks).

  2. 1 Paris
    2 Storming of the Bastille
    3 Paris
    4 5th Republic
    5 Revolution

  3. I should have said this, this morning …

    But, just so everyone knows, the next 10 question sites are tomorrow, and on the 26th and 28th July.

    Tomorrow’s is about Manitobo, the 26th is about New York State, and the 28th about the late great Bernard Cribbins

  4. Oh, boy! :) Um ... yay! (Okay, okay ... I'll be fine.)

    1. France
    2. storming
    3. Paris
    4. the Third Republic
    5. revolution

    My sister and brother-in-law are in France right now. Great timing, huh? :)


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