
Monday 17 July 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17th June, 2023.

17th June, 2023.

Right … it’s not often I feel like improvising songs: badly or otherwise!

But I felt like it, this morning.

I can only hope today’s intro video doesn’t scare your cat!


I have a confession to make: I saw this piece on the BBC’s site, yesterday.

It tells us many who are on long-term sickness benefits feel written off.

I have to say, I know where the piece is coming from.

If for no other reason than this.

People who aren’t seen as having a Limited Capacity to Work, have to go to a meeting with a case working at least once a fortnight.

Those of us who are seen as such?


Any skills we may have, and can use?

Are wasted as a result.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum* and Olga† putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out of five and Mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        17th July is the World Day for International Justice.   It makes the signing of the treaty that created what the International Criminal Court.   The Court is in which European country?

Q2)        17th July is Constitution Day in South Korea.   What’s South Korea’s capital city?

Q3)        17th July, 1976, saw twenty-five African nations boycott what: the 1976 Summer Olympics, the Commonwealth Games or the FIFA World Cup?

Q4)        17th July, 1048, saw Damasus 2nd elected as what: Holy Roman Emperor, Pope or US President?

Q5)        Finally … ?   17th July, 1936, saw a coup start in Morocco.   This marked the start of a civil war, where: Spain, France or Italy?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        16th July is the Feast Day of Saint Helier.   He’s the patron saint of which of the Channel Islands?
A1)        Jersey.   (The island’s main town is named for him.)

Q2)        Which government service held its first photo-call, on 16th July, 1993: MI5, MI6 or GCHQ? 
A2)        MI5.   (They have a website: but no Mastodon page.)

Q3)        Richard 2nd was crowned: on 16th July, 1377.   He was deposed in which year of the 1390s?
A3)        1399.

Q4)        Mission Basilica San Diego de Alcalá was founded: on 16th July, 1769.   It’s now part of which Californian city: San Diego, Los Angeles or San Francisco?
A4)        San Diego.   (After many years performing pub quizzes?   I know for a fact there’ll teams who will get this wrong.   They’ll be sitting there going “It can’t be San Diego, that’s too damn obvious!!!!”)

Q5)        Finally … ?   16th July, 1970, saw the UK’s Home Secretary declare a State of Emegency.   Over strikes at UK what: mines, ports or power stations?
A5)        Ports.
Here’s a thought … 
“I still take the pill because I don't want any more grandchildren.”
Phyllis Diller, July 17, 1917 – August 20, 2012.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Comedy’s a funny — funny peculiar, rather than funny ha-ha‡ — business, Olga.   When they’re off stage, comedians all seem to be very serious: so I think serious — or dull! — writing about comedy might be par for the course.
        Talking this way puts me in mind about an old story I heard.   You’ve heard of Joey Grimaldi, yes?   The story says a doctor was visited by a new patient: who complained he felt constantly miserable, and depressed.
        The Doctor says “Go see a Joey Grimaldi show: that’ll cheer you up, if only for an evening.”   The new patient said “But, Doctor, I am Grimaldi”.

        That’s something my Aunty Bella used to ask: “Was it funny peculiar, or funny ha-ha?”


  1. Q1) The Netherlands

    Q2) Seoul (The floods there at the moment are terrible and the images incredible. I think people who make disaster movies will realise that they cannot compete with nature when it gets going).

    Q3) the 1976 Summer Olympics

    Q4) Pope (He didn’t last long...)

    Q5) Spain

    I’ve met quite a few people who ask “funny weird/peculiar or funny ha-ha” although I guess most of them are of a certain age. Not sure young people would say that, but one never knows. And you might believe it or not, but in psychiatry, when asking about somebody (a patient, usually) who had done something, usually dangerous, wrong, or both, the question: “is s/he mad or bad?” came up quite often. (Dangerous to know didn’t often feature, although the answer would have been “yes” in most cases)

  2. 1 The Hague Netherlands
    2 Seoul
    3 Montreal Olympics
    4 Pope
    5 Spain

  3. This is interesting. I put my answers in yesterday and they mysteriously vanished. :)

    1. the Netherlands
    2. Seoul
    3. the 1976 Summer Olympics
    4. Pope
    5. Spain

    Hopefully, these will stick. :)


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