
Sunday 9 July 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9-7-2023 — The African Union.

9th July, 2023: The African Union.

It’s official: we were supposed to get thunderstorms, yesterday.

But didn’t!

We got about ten minutes of light drizzle, instead: after a day that was very muggy.


We’ll get a real storm, today.


Oh … I’ve caught another episode of Star Trek Strange New Worlds.

In case you’re interested … ?

The review’s here;


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        The African Union was formed: on 9th July of which year: 2002, 2003 or 2004?

Q2)        It replaced the Organisation of African … what?

Q3)        The African Union’s headquarters is in Addis Ababa.   Addis Ababa is in which African nation?

Q4)        The Union has him many member states: forty-five, fifty-five or sixty-five?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Which Bantu language is one of the Union’s official tongues: Swahili, Kituba or Fang?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Charles 2nd granted a Royal Charter to John Clarke: on 8th July, 1663.   The Charter allowed Clarke to found what’s now where: Virginia, Rhode Island or Winnipeg?
A1)        Rhode Island.

Q2)        The Wall Street Journal was first published on 8th July, 1889.   The paper’s publishers — Dow Jones and Company — are a division of which company: News Corp, Disney or Sony?
A2)        News Corp.

Q3)        Mwambutsa IV of Burundi was deposed as King of Burundi: on 8th July, 1966.   The Kingdom of Burundi is now part of the Republic of where?
A3)        The Republic of Burundi.

Q4)        Union soldier, Eli Lilly, was born on 8th July, 1838.   The corporation that bears his name — Eli Lilly and Company — specialises in what: oil, hospitality or pharmaceuticals?
A4)        Pharmaceuticals.   (His company make at least two of the medications I’m on.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   8th July, 1853, saw the Perry Expedition arrive at Edo Bay.   Where is Edo Bay: China, Japan or Vietnam?
A5)        Japan.
Here’s a thought … 

“A United and Strong Africa.”
The Motto of the African Union.

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I hope the lunch went well, Olga.   Which reminds me, I’ve got Jude, next Saturday.
        At any rate … ?   We had about five minutes of light drizzle, yesterday.   Which is a shame.   It was so muggy, it was like walking thorough warm soup!

        Hello, Mum!

        Yeah, they can be a bit touchy, Debbi: the undead, that is.   Oh, I’ve got episode four, if you’re interested, Debbi.   Melissa Navia (Lieutenant Ortegas) did a good job.


  1. Q1) 2002

    Q2) Unity

    Q3) Ethiopia

    Q4) fifty-five

    Q5) Swahili
    Sorry about the weather. Here it was hot but not unbearable, and later there was a bit of a breeze. The meal went OK, although my cousin's girl is quite difficult when it comes to eating (or at least when she is with him. I might have mentioned that he is divorced, and I think she wraps her father around her little finger. When he is with her mother and her grandparents I'm sure he isn't that particular. And she doesn't talk very much (hardly at all). You can ask her a question and she doesn't answer. Once she starts playing or doing something she likes, she might, but she does not reply when you ask her. It can be a bit of a painful experience, to be honest.
    My cousin works as a welder, in a factory making small parts for machinery, so it does take a fair deal of attention and good eyesight, and she's suffered a second injury to his cornea. He as off sick due to an ulcer in his cornea some time ago, and it took a long time to go back to normal (more or less). Now it seems that the problem is chronic and he will not probably go back to that kind of work. He is waiting for further tests and reports. But as he is off-sick at the moment, he has taken the girl with him rather than send her to a summer camp, and for what he was hinting at, he finds it a bit much...

  2. 1 2002
    2 Unity
    3 Ethopia
    4 55
    5 Swahilli

  3. Thanks, Paul! I've seen the first episode. Really good, BTW! So I'm getting there.

    1. 2002
    2. Unity
    3. Ethiopia
    4. fifty-five
    5. Swahili

    Between the writing, the book reading, the script reading, the judging, the reviewing, the blogging, the podcast, the Zooms, and so on, I'm ... well ... not bored. :)


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