
Saturday 19 August 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19th August 2023.

19th August, 2023.

Right … I’ve officially had to turn on!


Because I’ve woken up with another earworm!

Jain’s “Makeba”, again!


Hopefully, by putting “Forbidden Colours” on repeat!


Just as a quick extra point?

It seems X — the site formerly known as Twitter — is going to be removing the ability to block people.

You can still mute people: and block them from sending you a message.


I really don’t like the idea: I can see it causing problems.

As can this user on Mastodon: 

I can only hope Elon reverses that.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        19th August, 1940, saw the first flight of the B-25 Mitchell.   The plane was a what: fighter plane, cargo plane or bomber?

Q2)        Gary Powers was sentenced by the Soviet Union: after flying a U-2 plane over the Soviet Union.   He was sentenced on 19th August of which year of the 1960s?

Q3)        In a non-leap year, 19th August is the 231st day of the year.   Is 231 a prime number?

Q4)        According to the United Nations?   According to the UN, 19th August is World what Day: World Health Day, World Humanitarian Day or World Peace Day?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Trial of the Sixteen started on 19th August, 1936: as part of the Great Purge. Purge, and trial, were in which country: the USA, USSR or People’s Republic of China?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        18th August, 1969, saw the birth of actor, Edward Norton.   He played Derek Vinyard in which 1998 film: Rounders, American History X or Fight Club?
A1)        American History X.

Q2)        18th August, 2023, is a Friday.   When was it last a Friday?
A2)        2017.

Q3)        Princess Abe became Empress: on 18th August, 707AD.   Empress of where?
A3)        Japan.

Q4)        Max Factor, Jr, was born on 18th August, 1904.   The company he was president of, made what: make up, soap or frozen vegetables?
A4)        Make up.

Q5)        Finally … ?   18th August, 1917, saw the birth of former US Secretary of Defence, Casper Weinberger.   He was Secretary of Defence for which President: Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan or George Bush Sr?
A5)        Ronald Reagan.

Here’s a thought …
“A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of.”
Ogden Nash, August 19, 1902 – May 19, 1971.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Music and football questions get a people feeling competitive, Olga!   And I’m always careful, writing football questions.   I can guarantee you, at least one member of the audience will know more about football than we do!

         Enjoy it, when you do, Debbi!   (I’ve got “Those Old Scientists” on in the background: it’s hysterical: and touching.   The scene with Boimler and Nurse Chapel is touchingly powerful.)


  1. Q1) a bomber

    Q2) 1960

    Q3) No

    Q4) World Humanitarian Day

    Q5) The USSR
    You are right about questions. One needs to be careful. I don't think I'll be able to join tomorrow or all of next week, but if I have a chance, I'll say hello. Take care.

  2. 1 Medium Bomber
    2 1960
    3 Yes
    4 World Humanitarian Day
    5 USSR

  3. Will do. Thanks!

    1. bomber
    2. 1960
    3. no
    4. World Humanitarian Day
    5. the USSR


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I’d appreciate you* leaving your name — with a link to your website or social-media profile†, for preference — before you post a comment.

Should you choose to use a pseudonym/name, I’d appreciate it if that name were to be polite and inoffensive. I’d rather you kept it clean, and relatively grown up. Comments left with a pseudonym will be posted at my discretion: I really prefer a link.

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Thank you.

*   I know many value their online privacy. I respect that. But hope you respect my wish to see who’s commenting on my blog: and my wish for you to introduce your self to me, and to your fellow commentors.

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