
Wednesday 15 November 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-11-2023 — The Day of Eight Billion.

15th November, 2023: the Day of Eight Billion.

Yes: it’s Wednesday.


The day after Tuesday!

You’d guessed that bit, I’m thinking!

At any rate, yesterday saw me looking after my nephew … and his pet rabbit, Mikey!

It’s amazing how noticeable a bunny can be!


Yesterday also saw me finishing a review of “Glasnost”, the series four opening episode of For All Mankind.

The next one will go up, next week!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor§ leaving Debbi a message.

About planes!

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        15th November is the Day of Eight Billion: the day the eight billions human was born.   15th November of which year of this century?

Q2)        A symbolic eight billionth baby was picked by the the Philippines’ Commission on Population and Development.   The baby girl was born where: Quezon City, Manila or Davao City?

Q3)        What — according to Wikipedia — is the world’s most populated country: India, China or the USA?

Q4)        The Day of Seven Billion was in 2011.   The Day of Nine Billion is currently predicted for when: 2026, 2032 or 2037?

Q5)        Finally, and according to Wikipedia, again?   The Day of Two Billion was in which year of the 1920s?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        14th November is World Diabetes Day.   Gestational Diabetes occurs when you’re what: pregnant, overweigh or tired?
A1)        Pregnant.

Q2)        Diabetic retinopathy — a complication of diabetes — damages what: your eyes, lungs or hands?
A2)        Your eyes.

Q3)        Diabetic neuropathy is caused by Diabetes.   Damage to what: the nerves, blood vessels or lungs?
A3)        Nerves.

Q4)        Polyuria is one sign of diabetes.    t means you do a lot of what: urinating, sleeping or defecating?
A4)        Urinating.   (On a personal level?   This is the irritating symptom!)

Q5)        Finally … ?   Diabetes is a disease of the what: endocrine system, lymphatic system or central nervous system?
A5)        The endocrine system.

Here’s a thought …
“The Day of Eight Billion […] was designated by the United Nations as the approximate day when the world population reached eight billion people.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the day.
And a song …

  Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

†        I heard there’s issues, Olga: Carles Puigdemont has been arrested in Italy, hasn’t he?
        Oh, I think Cameron’s got a sense of ethics: just no sense of shame!   The man managed to make a complete mess of the Referendum, left office, and seven years later?   He’s back in the Cabinet, as in nothing had happened!   Good grief!

‡        It sounds nasty, Debbi!   And a bit like the ’87 Hurricane: that was nasty!   (Oh, Trevor left you a note, yesterday.)

§        I’ll let her know, Trevor!


  1. 1 2022
    2 Manilla
    3 China
    4 2032
    5 1927

  2. Q1) 2022

    Q2) Manila

    Q3) China

    Q4) 2037

    Q5) 1927
    Oh, the issue at the moment is that we don't have a government. Nobody got the majority in the summer elections (in July) and first the conservative party (PP) tried to make a coalition government, but didn't manage, then, Pedro Sánchez tried. As he was already governing under a coalition, it seemed easier, but, basically, he needs the votes of the two pro-independence Catalan (and Basc) parties, and they have all asked for things in exchange. Here they asked for an amnesty of the people who are still away or awaiting trial for issues to do with the "illegal" referendum in Catalonia, and as that was finally agreed, there has been an outcry about it. Today and tomorrow there is the debate to see if he gets elected president (well, prime minister, I guess, but here he is called president) again. He has the votes, so... But let's say the conservatives are not happy, and judges aren't happy and... Well, a bunch of people...

  3. I'll take a look. Thanks!

    1. 2022
    2. Manila
    3. China
    4. 2037
    5. 1927


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