
Monday 11 December 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11th December 2023

11th December, 2023.

Right then … 

It’s officially Monday morning: and I’m up early, again.


It’s the last of my weight management meetings for the year.

Here’s hoping I’ve lost weight.


I’m feeling more tired than I should … because … ?

Frankly, I finished my review of “The Giggle”, the last of the Doctor Who anniversary specials.

I hope you enjoy it … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out of five, and Debbi on four.

The day also saw Trevor‡ leaving us a message, here.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        According to the UN, 11th December is International what Day: International Valley Day, International Ocean Day or International Mountain Day?

Q2)        Indiana joined the USA: on 11th December, 1816.   It has a shore on which of the Great Lakes?

Q3)        Writer, Anne Rice, died on 11th December, 2021.   Her best known fictional characters — Lestat and Louis, amongst other — were what: vampires, Martians or zombies?

Q4)        11th December, 2009, saw Rovio Entertainment release what: Pacman, Angry Birds or Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Marco Pierre White was born on 11th December, 1961.   He’s a what: golfer, chef or decorator?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        10th December is Constitution Day in Thailand.   It celebrates the day the Constitution was introduced: in which year of the 1930s?
A1)        1932.

Q2)        When did the country adopt its current constitution: 2017, 2019 or 2021?
A2)        2017.

Q3)        Thailand is — technically — what: a federal republic, a constitutional monarchy or a Buddhist theocracy?
A3)        A constitutional monarchy: despite all the generals running the place.

Q4)        The country used to be called what: Siam, Veraswami or Taiwan?
A4)        Siam.   There’s an old line I remember.   “Are you the king of Thailand?”   “Yes.   Siam …”.   (Waits for applause … )

Q5)        Finally … ?   Thailand is on what: the Balkan Peninsular, the Iberian Peninsular, the Indochina Peninsular or the Somali Peninsular?
A5)        The Indochina Peninsular.

Here’s a thought …
“Success is born out of arrogance.”
Marco Pierre White, born 11th December, 1961.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Oh, that explains it, Olga.   I’d had this impression Medina-Sidonia was considered a touch incompetent: but it he was a last minute replacement …
        I take your point about parts, Olga: I really do.   What got me about the trip, yesterday?   When they they had lightbulbs: shelves of lightbulbs.   But no plugs, and no fuses!

        Glad to help, Debbi!   :D

        I must have missed that bit, Trevor … 


  1. Recheck people's answers to Q1 and restate the scores.

  2. Q1) International Mountain Day

    Q2) Lake Michigan

    Q3) vampires

    Q4) Angry Birds

    Q5) chef
    I don't think many people would bother with fuses these days or know what to do with them. I remember a friend I worked with told me one of the few things of use she learned at school (primary school) was to change a plug, although when I moved to the UK, it wasn't very common to have to change the plugs on electrical items any longer, and I doubt that it happens very often if at all these days (not for years in my experience, unless you buy something abroad directly).
    I hope the meeting went well today.
    Take care.

  3. Always a pleasure, Paul. I didn't want to get up this morning, either. :)

    1. International Mountain Day
    2. Lake Michigan
    3. vampires
    4. Angry Birds
    5. chef

    However, I guess you saw about that film festival win! Whoa! :)

    Although, they always say, be careful what you wish for. :)

  4. 1 Mountain Day
    2 Lake Michgan
    3 Vampires
    4 Angry Birds
    5 Chef


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