
Saturday 27 January 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27th January 2024.

27th Jan Gary, 2024.

Right … it’s Saturday … 

And I have to admit, I didn’t actually watch anything, last night.

I don’t know that I was in mood.

We’ll have to see what happens, over the next few days, I think.


One thing I do know?

Is I’ve downloaded a couple of songs, over the past couple of days.

Moloko’s version of Numan classic, “Are ‘Friends’ Electric”, yesterday.

Followed by Republica’s, today.

I think I prefer Republica’s: it’s nearer the Numan original.

As does Saffron’s whole Tank Girl persona!

At any rate?

Feel free to give them both a listen.


Just as a last thought … ?

I’ve now got the Wurzels’ version of “Don’t Look Back In Anger”, playing.

If you don’t get how strange that is … ?

Doing a Zydecko version of “Born to Run” would sound JUST as odd!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

The day also saw Trevor§ leaving us a message or two!

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Ingvar Kamprad died on 27th January, 2018.   He’d founded which very Nordic company: Nokia, Ericsson or Ikea?

Q2)        The Paris Peace Accords were signed on 27th January, 1973. The.  Accords brought an end to what: the Korean War, Vietnam War or First Gulf War?

Q3)        The chemical element, Tennessine, was named on 27th January, 2017.   The synthetic element was named after which US state?

Q4)        The Military Service Act, 1916 received the royal assent: on 27th January, 1916.   It introduced what to Great Britain: conscription, demobilisation or rationing?

Q5)        Finally … ?   27th January is the feast day of Saint Sava.   He’s the Orthodox saint of where: Serbia, Croatia or Montenegro?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        “26th January” is a song by A.B. Original and Dan Sultan.   It was released, digitally, in which year: 2015, 2016 or 2017?
A1)        2016.

Q2)        26th January is Engineer’s Day.   Where: Pakistan, Paraguay or Panama?
A2)        Panama.

Q3)        26th January, 1998, President Clinton announced he’s never had sexual relations with whom: Angelina Jolie, Monica Lewinsky or Marilyn Monroe?
A3)        Monica Lewinsky.

Q4)        26th January, 2024, is the International Day of Clean Energy.   According to whom: the European Union, United Nations or the Union of South American Nations?
A4)        The United Nations, or UN.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Nadya Suleman gave birth on 26th January, 2009.   To how many live babies: eight, nine or ten?
A5)        Eight.   (Apparently, the octuplets have six older brothers and sisters.   To quote an old friend, when she found out how much my nephew weighed at birth?   “OUCH … !”)

Here’s a thought …
“Sometimes things that are really great and make lots of money are miserable to make, and vice versa”.
Alan Cumming, born 27 January 1965.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I’d guess they were small, Olga.   And they’ve got six older brothers and sisters!   I’m seriously saying nothing!
        And yes: that’s pretty much what hairdresser and barbers do here: charge more, the more you want done.   (At least one places throws in a posh coffee!)
        Yeah, you’re right, there: the shortages are (still!) being caused by pharmaceutical companies under stocking, and selling privately.   But that’s only one half of the equation.   I caught an episode of Panorama, last night: that made the very good point that a lot of online pharmacies — unregulated, unsupervised, online pharmacies — are making a fortune¶, selling directly to patients.   With no medical supervision.

        Hello, Mum!

        That’s possibly a good thing, Debbi.   Although getting one the wrong side of Arnie may not’ve been wise!
        Oh, talking of the ex-president?   This may grab you.

§        Those haircuts sound cheaper than the ones in Barcelona, Trevor!   At any rate?   I’ll have to see if I can find a copy of Private Shulz.   It was fascinating, from what I recall: and about a German attempt to ruin Britain’s economy with forged fivers¹.

¶        I’ve just done a quick Goggling, Olga: this site will sell me 1mg Ozempic pens for £112·50.   And tells me a sharps bin isn’t required.   Did you ever hear the phrase “Talking out of their bum”?

¹        If I recall the show, told me, correctly, Trevor?   British fivers were made from a paper made with a specific type of cotton, cotton that could only be found in two places.   One — at the time — was in the British Empire: the other in German territory in Africa …


  1. Q1) Ikea

    Q2) The Vietnam War

    Q3) Tennessee

    Q4) conscription

    Q5) Serbia
    Yes, I am sure there are pharmacies that make a killing out of this. What would happen if their regulators hear of them, I wonder. Here they have to pass an official exam to be able to get a post as pharmacists (not sure what happens there) and there is a Royal College of Pharmacists (I assume the same must be true there), so I wonder what would happen if the news get out. Of course, online chemists will still be able to sell anything, and I am convinced contraband meds are also available, although you take your life in your own hands when you buy one of those. One thing is buying a counterfeit handbag (not that I'd bother, because I don't car about labels. I just bought a second-hand handbag, in pretty good state, for 3 euros, so...) and another a medication, and even worse it it is something injectable...

  2. 1 IKEA
    2 Vietnam war.
    3 Tennesee
    4 Conscription
    5 Serbia

  3. Ah, yes! I did see that news. It's a start. :)

    1. IKEA
    2. Vietnam War
    3. Tennessee
    4. conscription
    5. Serbia


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