
Tuesday 27 February 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27th February 2024.

27th February, 2024.

Right … Tuesday … 

It’s officially Tuesday: and I feel tired.

I had an early start, yesterday: for my weight management class.

I had my nephew, Jude, over: not as tiring as you’d think, but certainly loud!

Oh, and I managed to post my last written and video reviews of episode four of The Underwater Menace.

I’m feeling tired: but at least you have a video or two to watch.

I hope you enjoy them!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        27th February is World NGO Day.   An NGO is a Non what Organisation?

Q2)        27th February is Marathi Language Pride Day.   The language is spoken, where: India, China or South Africa?

Q3)        FC Bayern München was founded on 27th February, 1900.   The club is a German what: rugby club, football club or hockey club?

Q4)        Leonard Nimoy died on 27th February, 2015.   He played Paris: in which series?

Q5)        Finally … ?   A bill passed its second reading in the House of Commons: on 27th February, 1953.      The bill was supposed to simplify what: the dating of Easter, English spelling or the Highway Code?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        26th February is Saviours’ Day.   For whom: the Church of Scientology, the Nation of Islam or the Church of the SubGenius?
A1)        The Nation of Islam.

Q2)        26th February, 1966, saw the launch of the AS 201.   The launch was of the first what: space shuttle, X1 plane or Saturn rocket?
A2)        Saturn rocket.

Q3)        According to scholars, the Nabonassar Era started on 26th February, 747BC: and is used as a reference date for many periods of history.   Nabonassar was a king of where: Babylon, Assyria or the Ptolemaic Empire?
A3)        Babylon.

Q4)        26th February, 2008, saw the New York Philharmonic play its first concert, where: Vietnam, Laos or North Korea?
A4)        North Korea.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Articles of Confederation were signed on 26th February, 1778.   By which US state: Connecticut, Georgia, New Hampshire or Pennsylvania?
A5)        Georgia.

Here’s a stanza …
“For age is opportunity no less
Than youth itself, though in another dress,
And as the evening twilight fades away
The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day.”
Stanza 25 of Morituri Salutamus by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, February 27, 1807 – March 24, 1882.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

†        Ooooh … he got one of those emails, Olga§ … ?   Can you pass on my sympathies, please?   And congratulations?   It sounds like he managed to avoid trouble!
        I’ve never had one of those, thankfully, and like to think I could spot one: but they can get very convincing!   (Starting one email as ‘Mr Paul’ would be a bit of a clue, though!)
        Yeah, that was the ‘My Sweet Lord’ case: the other song was ‘He’s So Fine’.   You can hear the resemblance: especially between the “I’m gonna make him mine”, and “I really wanna be with you” parts!
        Either way, I think you’re right El Ministerio: we’re going to have to see what happens.

        You’d possibly get on with Ruth, Debbi, Jude’s mother: she was a bit of a one for Lennon.   I always felt Ringo was the best actor of the four!

§        Pointless trivia for you, Olga: Paul McCartney lifted the piano part for ‘Lady Madonna’ from Humphrey Lyttelton’s ‘Bad Penny Blues’?   (I believe the piano baseline is what they used to call a ‘barrel house’ rhythm.   Some pianists would put pianos on barrels, instead of legs.)


  1. Q1) Governmental

    Q2) India

    Q3) football club

    Q4) Mission Impossible

    Q5) English spelling
    Yes, we shall see. I always think I can spot those fake emails, but if you're upset about something and not paying enough attention...
    By the way, I forgot to comment on your advice about videos. I used something similar for the videos I did to promote my books. Thankfully, for the course we only have to use place holders rather than the finalised product, as the idea is that we would hand it over to the developers and then we would finalise things, depending on what worked and what not... But thanks for the suggestion. It will be interesting, as most of what I have found so far is geared towards children...

  2. 1 Governmental
    2 India
    3 Football
    4 Mission Impossible
    5 Dating of Easter

  3. Ever see the movie "Yesterday"? About a musician who gets famous playing Beatles song after the world changes so the Beatles didn't become famous, so no one knows the songs but him.

    It's interesting.

    1. governmental
    2. India
    3. football club
    4. Mission Impossible
    5. English spelling

    Simplify English? Try getting different country's spellings to match! :)

    Viva la difference? :)


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