
Thursday 29 February 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29-2-2024 — The Intercalary Day.

29th February, 2024: The Intercalary Day …

Right … it’s Thursday … 

And … ?

I’ve had a couple more people interested in the laptop.

One … ?

Seems genuine.

Although hasn’t got back to me, over the price.

A second … ?

Offered part-exchange on something … that I chose not to look at: as — when I clicked on the link provided — took me to a log-in page that appeared to be from Facebook.

This is the suspicious log-in page

But that — to me — seemed very suspicious.
  • It didn’t have a familiar link.
  • The link it did have, had a ‘Not secure’ warning.
  • And it seemed nothing like the log-in page I’m familiar with.

This is the log-in page I’d expect to see.

It seemed … odd … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        29th February happens once every how many years: four, five or six?

Q2)        The last time 29th February occurred, was when: 2020, 2019 or 2018?

Q3)        29th February happens during a what: Leap year, Jump Year or Skip Year?

Q4)        This type of year has how many days: 364, 365 or 366?

Q5)        Finally … ?   When is the next 29th February: 2027, 2028 or 2029?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        “Goodbye, Farewell and Amen” aired on 28th February, 1983.   It was the last episode of what: M*A*S*H, Dallas or The Bold and the Beautiful?
A1)        M*A*S*H.   (I still remember Colonel Blake’s last episode.   That was a shocker!)

Q2)        Gangster, Bugsy Siegal, was born on 28th February, 1906.   Was he a member of the Mafia?
A2)        No: Bugsy was Jewish American, and couldn’t join the exclusively Italian American Cosa Nostra.   He worked with many Mafiosi: but was a member of the Jewish Mob, and not a mafiosi, himself.

Q3)        28th February is Andalusia Day.   What’s Andalusia’s capital?
A3)        Seville.

Q4)        Harry H. Corbett was born on 28th February, 1925.   He played Ethel the Squire: in which Terry Gilliam film?
A4)        Jabberwocky.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Stephen Spender was born: on 28th February, 1909.   He was a what: poet, sculptor or painter?
A5)        A poet.

Here’s an observation … 
“February 29 in the Julian calendar falls 13 days later than February 29 in the Gregorian, until the year 2100.”
From the Wikipedia article about 29th February.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        The lock’s gone, Olga!?   I hope it’s sorted, by now.   (I’d hate to be locked out: I’m way too fond of the loo!)
        Yes: Siegal wasn’t a Mafiosi.   He was a leading player in the Jewish Mob — as was Mayer Lansky — but not a Mafiosi himself.
        And I know what you mean about being safe, rather than sorry: I’ve had another iffy one, today … 
        I’d imagine reading a foreign language would be easy: IF it’s similar to your own, and doesn’t have too many unfamiliar letters.   I know ‘ç’, in French, is (sort of) an ‘s’, what ‘ñ’ is supposed to be, and what ‘ß’ is supposed to be.   But wouldn’t know how to pronounce a Polish ‘ł’ or ‘sz’!

        Hello, Mum!

        Well … Noah DID manage to annoy people, Debbi!   That’s possibly something!
        You do … ?   I’m thankful!
        Oh, with the Siegal question?   I worked on the assumption he wasn’t a member: as — from the little I know — the Mafia only accepted Italian, or Italian American, members.   I’m very aware the Jewish Mob lift the phrases ‘Undzer Shtik’ and ‘Kosher Nostra’ from their Italian American cousins.


  1. 1 four years
    2 2020
    3 Leap year.
    4 366
    5 2028

  2. Q1) Four

    Q2) 2020

    Q3) Leap year

    Q4) 366

    Q5) 2028
    Yes, I saw your comment. It looks fishy.
    I was thinking about people coming from places with a completely different alphabet, like Arabic countries, or China, or India, (although many people from India would have had access to some English education, although it depends on the social circumstances, I guess). There didn't use to be many Indian and Pakistani people here, but now many have fruit and vegetable shops (some restaurants, but not that many). And you should see the signs... Spelling of fruit and vegetables can be "creative" to say the least.
    Yes, thankfully everything was sorted, although now I have some fun with paperwork... For a short month, it is proving quite looooong in hassle.

  3. Ah! Thought so.

    Didn't know that about the language. It's my understanding only Italians can join The Mafia.

    1. four
    2. 2020
    3. Leap Year
    4. 366
    5. 2028

    Good to know I can still do simple math. I mean maths. :)

  4. If that was you getting off of theed #9 bus in the High Street at about noon then congratulations on looseing so much weight.You looked many stones light than the last time I saw you. Mind you that was a number of years agoo. Since before the first Covid lockdown I have rarely visited central Brentwood and the high street.


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Should you choose to use a pseudonym/name, I’d appreciate it if that name were to be polite and inoffensive. I’d rather you kept it clean, and relatively grown up. Comments left with a pseudonym will be posted at my discretion: I really prefer a link.

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