
Monday 5 February 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5th February, 2024.

5th February, 2024.

It’s official: it’s Monday.


As ever, I’m up early: so I can get to my weight management class on time.


I’ll find out whether I’ve lost some weight.


Getting up as early as I did … ?

Means I caught Radio Four’s Tweet of the Day: the (extremely brief) show that plays a bird call at listeners, along side a drive few facts about the bird in question.

Today’s Tweet?

Was presented by Chris Packham: and informed us about the bird making it, the (male) Great Bustard,

The one thing that struck me as funny — funny peculiar, rather than funny ha-ha — was the bird’s call.

I know ornithologists and bird watchers will define the word ‘tweet’ differently to me, and millions of Twitter users: but, for me, it’s got a light sort of feel to it.

It describes the sort of sound made by budgies, rather than anything else.

So, hearing the sound made by Great Bustards?

The only way I could describe the sound, is ‘Fart’!


Just as a final thought?

My Mac — like most of the ones I’ve had over the past few years — has a feature that lets me find symbols, and emojis.

So you know?

‘💨’ is the emoji that comes up when I search for ‘fart’.

Someone’s got a bit too much time on their hands: and it’s not me!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everybody scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        5th February saw South Carolina ratify the Articles of Confederation.   In which year of the 1770?

Q2)        Director, Michael Mann, was born on 5th February, 1943.   He was Executive Producer of which TV show: Miami Vice, Kojak or 21 Jump Street?

Q3)        Hank Aaron was born on 5th February, 1934.   He played what: basketball, baseball or American football?

Q4)        The first food with genetically modified ingredient to go on sale in the UK, did so on 5th February, 1996.   What was it: tomato purée, spaghetti hoops or beef stock?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Session musician, Hal Blaine, was born on 5th February, 1929.   He played what: lead guitar, rhythm guitar, bass guitar or drums?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        4th February saw the founding of a well known social network.   Which social network: X, Facebook, Mastodon or MySpace?
A1)        Facebook.

Q2)        It was founded in which year: 2003, 2004 or 2005?
A2)        2004.

Q3)        The network’s now owned by a company called what: Meta, Morpheus or Phor?
A3)        Meta.

Q4)        That company owns a messaging app.   Called what: WhatsApp, Skype or Zoom?
A4)        WhatsApp.

Q5)        Finally … ?   A film about the social network was released in 2010.   What was the film called?
A5)        The Social Network.

Here’s a thought …
“I’m a painter, really.   To be successful, you have to go to Hollywood, and I didn’t like to travel.”
H. R. Giger, 5 February 1940 – 12 May 2014.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Funny you should notice The Social Network, Olga: says I, as innocently as possible!
        Spain’s tax system sounds a lot like the UK, from what I know!   Bloody complicated!   And I suspect that’s why it fuels the cash-in-hand jobs, here, too!
        About the only time I had any benefits?   Was getting tax rebates from the call centre job I did.   It was Pay-as-you-earn: but I ended up paying slightly more tax than I should have done, as my pay went through the temp agency I was (technically) working for.

        Hello, Mum!

‡        I think that’s George’s Law at work, again, Debbi!   (Oh … I caught the first episode of The Underwater Menace, last night: I’ll have my reviews up, later!)


  1. Q1) 1778

    Q2) Miami Vice

    Q3) baseball

    Q4) tomato purée

    Q5) drums

    Oh, don't tell me about agencies. I worked for an agency doing psychiatry locums while I was studying my American Literature degree and PhD, and they were OK, and then two of the women who worked at the place and I had been dealing with moved to create their own agency and I moved with them, and they were good, but my experience with other agencies, both in the Uk and here, hasn't been that fantastic, to be honest.
    I agree with you on the bird's song... Song might be an overstatement here!

  2. 1 1778
    2 Miami Vice
    3 Baseball
    4 Tomato puree
    5 Drums

  3. Something to look forward to.

    1. 1778
    2. Miami Vice
    3. baseball
    4. tomato purée
    5. drums

    You and Trevor get a mention in my latest blog post. Something about a signing I did at a cafe about a decade or more ago! :)

    Some of us like to travel. :)


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Should you choose to use a pseudonym/name, I’d appreciate it if that name were to be polite and inoffensive. I’d rather you kept it clean, and relatively grown up. Comments left with a pseudonym will be posted at my discretion: I really prefer a link.

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