
Sunday 10 March 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th March 2024.

10th March, 2024.

Yes: it’s officially Sunday.

And … ?

I’ve managed to buy someone a card.

It’s one of those days!


I have to admit, I’m thinking of catching a movie, tonight.

Dashcam looks interesting: as does The Flash*.

Sasha Calle, who plays Supergirl?

Is quite striking looking.

But … ?

I’m VERY aware I have to get up in the morning!

We’ll see.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        10th February, 2023, saw the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank.   It was headquartered in which US state?

Q2)        10th March, 2024, is Mother’s day in the UK.   When’s the 2024 Mother’s Day, in the USA?

Q3)        10th March, 2024, is ALSO the fourth Sunday or what: Lent, Easter or Christmas?

Q4)        Buffy: The Vampire Slayer debuted on 10th March, 1997.   Mr Pointy was Buffy’s favourite what: sword, hammer or stake?

Q5)        Finally … ?   10th March is Székely Freedom Day.   It’s marked by Székely people who live where: Austria, Hungary or Czechia?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        9th March is the feast day of Saint Pacian.   He was a bishop of where: Barcelona, Seville or Madrid?
A1)        Barcelona.

Q2)        9th March is the 69th day of a leap year.   What day of the year is it, in a non-leap year?
A2)        68.

Q3)        9th March, 1933, saw President Roosevelt present the Emergency Banking Act to Congress.   The act was part of Roosevelt’s what: New Deal, New Policies or New World?
A3)        New Deal.

Q4)        The Jagorawi Toll Road opened: on 9th March, 1978.   It was the first toll road, where: Indonesia, Japan or Thailand?
A4)        Indonesia.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Bobby Fischer was born: on 9th March, 1943.   He played what: snooker, draughts or chess?
A5)        Chess.

Here’s a thought …
“My mum and dad believe in ghosts and I grew up in a deeply superstitious house.   My mum even did part of her PhD on spiritualism in the Victorian era.   It was interesting to talk to her about Harry [Price] and both my parents had certainly heard of him.   But it didn’t change my opinion that, basically, clairvoyants are all charlatans”.
Rafe Spall, born 10 March 1983.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        The Flash sees Michael Keaton return as Batman: and Christopher Reeve’s image used for brief glimpses of his version of Superman.   With all due respect to everyone else who played the parts?   Keaton and Reeve were the characters, as far as I was concerned.   As for Margot Kidder’s version of Lois Lane?   Kidder’s is the definitive version of the character.

        Yeah, there was a film floating about, wasn’t there, Olga?   I’ve still got memories of the set I did about him: well, about his game against Boris Spassky.
        There’s still a story of how — when he was living in Iceland — he’d phoned a local TV station, during a chess tournament: both players, and commentators, missed a move the loser could have won the game with.   But, yes: I knew he was … odd.   Did you know his mother was Jewish?   That makes some of his anti-semitic comments decidedly … well … odd.
        I wasn’t too worried: I knew you had a busy day, Friday.   But can I make a suggestion?   Take a brolly, today!

        Hello, Mum!

§        You know, that’s not the first time I’ve heard of that ‘reading out the credits’ thing, Debbi¶!   They used to do it on the UK version of Whose Line is it, Anyway?   Or, at least, do them as Beavis and Butthead.

¶        Oh, about the New Deal, Debbi?   Would having Dave the Orangutan stand for president work?   He’s got to be better than the alternatives!


  1. 1 California
    2 12th May
    3 Lent
    4 Stake
    5 Hungary ( Romania )

  2. Q1) California (you’ve written February rather than March in the question).

    Q2) 12th May (Here in Spain it’s the first Sunday of May, so the 5th of May this year)

    Q3) Lent

    Q4) stake

    Q5) I think you got it the wrong way round. It is the Székely Hungarian people who live in Rumania, not the other way round.
    I was supposed to be covering a literary walk for the radio, but as it was raining so heavily it got cancelled, and at the place where we were suppose to set off from, they had organised a Games Day, with all the role playing games run by women (to commemorate the 8th of March), so I decided to talk to them and take a few pictures, as it was organised by a Games association from the district. I asked and they showed me some interesting dice. I’ll share the post when it’s up so you can check, but they had some with fractions, Roman numerals, and some interesting shapes and number of sides as well. I thought of you.
    I took a raincoat, because the problem with covering something for the radio is that I am supposed to take the tape recorder and also a camera, and take notes, so I don't have enough hands in any case, and with an umbrella... Well, impossible.

  3. Seems that way. :)

    1. California
    2. May 12
    3. Lent
    4. stake
    5. Hungary (Although, I think it's actually the Székely Hungarian minority of Romania who celebrate it:

    Happy Mother's Day over there, you lot! :)


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