
Sunday 24 March 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24-3-2024 — King James

24th March, 2024: King James.

It’s now, officially, Sunday.

The day after I caught a couple of episodes of Monarch: Legacy of Monsters.

Which were fun.

One thing that did throw me?

Was simply the fact it’s set in modern-day Tokyo … a modern-day Tokyo covered in Godzilla evacuation posters.

OK, granted: I know the series is set in a version of the world where wandering monsters have a habit of doing a lot of damage, and that such a thing would be everywhere, in the real world.

But it was slightly odd … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        James 6th of Scotland was proclaimed as king of England: on 24th March, 1603.   He was James the what of England: 1st, 2nd or 3rd?

Q2)        More to the point, his coronation as King of England was in which year: 1603, 1604 or 1605?

Q3)        Who did he replace as monarch of England: Elizabeth 1st, Elizabeth 2rd or Victoria?

Q4)        Who did he replace as monarch of Scotland: Mary, Robert the Bruce or James 5th?

Q5)        Finally … ?   James was the longest reigning king of an independent where: England, Wales, Ireland or Scotland?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        23rd March is the (Anglican) feast day of Saint Gregory the Illuminator. He’s supposed to have converted which country to Christianity: Armenia, Bulgaria or the Czech Republic?
A1)        Armenia.

Q2)        23rd March is Family Day. Where: South Africa, Egypt or Thailand?
A2)        South Africa.

Q3)        23rd March, 2022, saw the death of Madeline Albright. She’s served as the 64th US what: President, Secretary of State or Defence Secretary?
A3)        Secretary of State.

Q4)        23rd March is Republic Day. Where: Pakistan, Afghanistan or the People’s Republic of China?
A4)        Pakistan.

Q5)        Finally … ? 23rd March is Promised Messiah Day. To whom: Jehovah’s Witnesses, Ahmadiyya Muslims or Scientologists? (I’m going to be picky, here.)
A5)        Ahmadiyya Muslims.
Here’s a thought …
“I am a stranger and found it here when I arrived, so that I am obliged to put up with what I cannot get rid of.”
King James, speaking of the House of Commons.
Or two …
“A custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs, and in the black, stinking fume thereof, nearest resembling the horrible Stygian smoke of the pit that is bottomless.”
From A Counterblaste to Tobacco, by King James.
And, as King James was supposed to be a descendant of Banquo? A #play …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I hope so, Olga!   If nothing else, I’m also hoping to put in for funds from the Hardship Fund the council runs: we’ll have to see about that!   But, yeah: I’ve met a few people in the public sector who find it hard to stay motivated!   Pay rises help … but only so far!
        Does your friend have a personal, social media account?   Their messaging apps can be handy …

        Hello, Mum!

‡        Very true, Debbi!   Oh, I caught a couple of episodes of Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, last night.   At one point, in episode two, Kurt Russell’s in a place I can only describe as a Japanese version of the Village: it’s what his character calls a place for “… secure asset management.”   Ahem!


  1. 1 James 1st
    2 1603
    3 Elizabeth 1st
    4 Mary Queen of Scots
    5 Scotland

  2. Q1) 1st

    Q2) 1603

    Q3) Elizabeth 1st

    Q4) Mary

    Q5) Scotland
    Yes, you are right. We are connected through facebook, although I'm not sure if she uses messenger, although it might be worth a try. From checking her account, it seems she mostly posts about things related to work, but I don't post about personal things either, so...

    I'll keep you posted.

  3. Interesting! Secure asset management. Wave of the future! :) Except the future is now.

    Reminds me. I have to read more Orwell. For laughs. lol

    1. 1st
    2. 1603
    3. Elizabeth 1st
    4. Mary
    5. Scotland


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