
Wednesday 1 May 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-5-2024 — Staffordshire

1st May, 2024: Staffordshire.

Do you remember, a few weeks ago, that I had space issues on my new Mac?

And had to call Apple as a result?

I had space issues on my new Mac, a few weeks ago and had to call Apple as a result.

But in the process?

Had to remove things from my regular Time Machine back-ups: as this seemed to be part of the problem.

I removed my iMovie and Photos libraries.

That came back to bite my proverbial, last night: as I accidentally deleted a whole pile of photo folders!

Oh, I’ve managed to reconstruct everything.


That’s taught me a lesson!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on three.

 Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        1st May is Staffordshire Day.   Staffordshire is what: a ceremonial country, or a metropolitan county?

Q2)        What’s Staffordshire’s county town: Stoke-on-Trent, Stafford or Tamworth?

Q3)        What’s Staffordshire’s largest town: Stoke-on-Trent, Stafford or Tamworth?

Q4)        Burton-on-Trent is in Staffordshire.   It’s famous for what: baking, brewing or shoe making?

Q5)        Burton-on-Trent was the home of the first factory to make what: Marmite, Dr Marten’s boots or Burberry clothes?

Q6)        Branstone is in Staffordshire.   It’s home to a famous brand of what: tea, pickle or jam?

Q7)        Cannock Chase is in Staffordshire.   In the 1960s, the area was the site of some notorious what: murders, rapes or assaults?

Q8)        One of Staffordshire’s symbol is the Stafford knot.   The Stafford knot is a type of knot called a what: overhand knot, granny knot or Bowen knot?

Q9)        Izaak Walton’s Cottage is in Staffordshire.   Walton wrote The Compleat what: Angler, Farmer or Brewer?

Q10)        Finally … ?   The Tamworth Two were from Tamworth in Staffordshire.   What were the Tamworth Two: cows, geese or pigs?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        30th April is Reunification Day.   Where: Germany, Yemen or Vietnam?
A1)        Vietnam.

Q2)        30th April is the feast day of Saint Suitbert the Younger.   He lived in a monastery, where: Cumberland, Essex or Huntingdonshire?
A2)        Cumberland.

Q3)        30th April, 1812, saw Louisiana join the USA.   The state’s name after whom: Louis 13th, Louis 14th or Louis 15th?
A3)        Louis 14th.

Q4)        30th April, 1943, saw HMS Seraph launch Operation Mincemeat.   By launching a what: torpedo, corpse or buoy?
A4)        A corpse.   (The plan was originally outlined in the Trout Memo: written by a Naval Intelligence officer called Ian Fleming.   Yes: that Ian Fleming!   The identity of the corpse is still much discussed: but the poor man, whoever he was, made one hell of a contribution!   The operation was also covered in a El Ministerio del Tiempo episode called “A Time of Spies”.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   30th April, 1980, saw the start of a siege.   Of which country’s London embassy?
A5)        Iran’s.   (The siege made for compulsive news viewing: and made the SAS famous.)
Here’s a quote …
“It borders Cheshire to the north-west, Derbyshire and Leicestershire to the east, Warwickshire to the south-east, the West Midlands county and Worcestershire to the south, and Shropshire to the west.”
From the Wikipedia entry on Staffordshire.
A song …

And a whole bloody playlist of earworms!


Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Yeah: that was the first time in a while I’ve lost weight for two weeks in a row, Olga: hopefully, it carries on!
        I’m just glad I managed to do the picture: with just a copy of Preview.   It turns out the app had a big more oomph than I thought!   Either way?   Have a very good day!

        Strictly speaking, it was half a kilo, Debbi: but cheers!   Hopefully, it will go down, again, next time!
        Actually, it’s more like … um … you know, that’s a very point: I don’t think I’ve seen a fictional version of Mincemeat: bar one, very good, episode of El Ministerio del Tiempo!   Which is odd: given the 1939 memo it was first mentioned in, was written by Fleming!


  1. Q1) a ceremonial country

    Q2) Stafford (I had one of my practical exam cases, for my membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, in Stafford. It went well, and I had a chance to make a short visit as well. A pleasant place, not very big).

    Q3) Stoke-on-Trent

    Q4) brewing

    Q5) Marmite (Ah! You wouldn’t have missed that one).

    Q6) Pickle (Branston with no e, though. I love pickles. I miss them here. It is possible to find them in some places, but they are too expensive. Not worth the bother.)

    Q7) murders

    Q8) overhand knot

    Q9) Angler

    Q10) pigs
    Sorry about the problem with the photos. I don't have my photos in very high esteem and don't keep many of them (other than the old ones, and those are in paper, apart from a few that I've scanned), so it probably wouldn't have bothered me that much.
    I saw your comment about Operation Mincemeat. I am sure I've watched something else about it, but it might have been a documentary... Although checking it out, there is a movie, a fairly recent one. I wonder...

  2. 1 Metropolitan
    2 Stafford
    3 Stoke on Trent
    4 Brewing
    5 Shoemaking
    6 Pickle
    7 Murders
    8 Overhand
    9 The Compleat Angler
    10 Pigs

  3. Hmm. Mysterious. :)

    1. a ceremonial county
    2. Stafford
    3. Stoke-on-Trent
    4. brewing
    5. Marmite! (love it!)
    6. pickle
    7. murders
    8. overhand knot
    9. Angler
    10. pigs

    Whew! I made it! :)


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