
Tuesday 18 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-6-2024 — Mr McCartney

18th June, 2024: Sir Paul McCartney.

It’s officially official: it’s Tuesday … !

But you knew that.

Personally … ?

I know I’m going to be stuck indoors, this morning.

I’m waiting for a phone call from my surgery, for my latest diabetic review.

Hopefully … ?

I’ll be able to get a replacement for the now unavailable trulicity, quickly.


You’re possibly very aware that there’s a general election due to take place in the UK: on the 4th July.

And that I’ll be voting Green: because of their offer to increase Universal Credit.

I did notice, however, that John Swinney — the Scottish First Minister — has proposed a social energy tariff: cheap energy prices for those of us on low incomes.

As someone on a cheap internet deal, a cheap deal aimed, again, at those of us low incomes?

I would seriously welcome that!

There’s only one problem.

Mr Swinney’s not standing in Essex: he’s the Scottish First Minister.


Social tariffs are needed south of Hadrian’s Wall, as well as north of it.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        18th June saw the birth of singer-songwriter, Sir Paul McCartney.   In which year of the 1940s?

Q2)        What was the name of his first band: the Quarrymen, the Beatles or Wings?

Q3)        What was the name of his second band: the Quarrymen, the Beatles or Wings?

Q4)        What was the name of his third band: the Quarrymen, the Beatles or Wings?

Q5)        He co-wrote many Beatles songs, with who: John Lennon, Ringo Starr or George Harrison?

Q6)        One of those Beatles tunes is supposed to be the most covered Beatles song of all time.   Which song: “Yesterday”, “For the Benefit of Mr Kite” or “WithinYou, Without You”?

Q7)        What instrument did Paul play, in both Wings and the Beatles: bass guitar, lead guitar, rhythm guitar or drums?

Q8)        McCartney was the lead singer in Wings.   Denny Laine played guitar.   Who was the keyboard player?

Q9)        Famously, McCartney is one of two left handed members of the Beatles.   Who’s the other?

Q10)        Finally … ?   Paul released his first solo album in 1970.   What was it called: McCartney, Ram or McCartney II?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        17th June, 1631, saw the death in childbirth of Mumtaz Mahal.   Her widower, Shah Jahan 1st, built what, in her memory: the Taj Mahal, the Eiffel Tower, or The Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament?
A1)        The Taj Mahal.

Q2)        The Anglo-Corsican Kingdom was establish on 17th June, 1794.   On which Mediterranean island?
A2)        Corsica.

Q3)        17th June is Iceland’s National day.   What’s Iceland’s official language?
A3)        Icelandic.

Q4)        17th June is the feast of Saint Hervé.   He’s a patron saint of whom: musicians, painters or actors?
A4)        Musicians.   (I don’t know if anyone’s told Paul McCartney.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   Kenneth Kaunda died on 17th June, 2021. He’d been the first President of where: Angola, South Africa or Zambia?
A5)        Zambia.
Here’s a thought …
“Criticism didn’t really stop us and it shouldn’t ever stop anyone, because critics are only the people who can’t get a record deal themselves.”
Paul McCartney.
A playlist …

And an earworm …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Well, I don’t know if generous is the word, Olga: they would’ve ended up with a composers royalty, after all.   But it did make for some interesting covers.   Although I’m not sure about Dollar’s version of “I Wanna Hold Your Hand”!
        Hmmm … is there some sort of digital filter on the recorder?   That might be helpful!

        Hello, Mum!

        That’s OK, Debbi, I know how it goes, some times.   (Pressures of recording, and all that!)
        I swear, how legal practitioners manage, I’ll never know!
        Oh … Hopefully, the answers are short!


  1. 1 1942
    2 Quarrymen
    3 the Beatles
    4 Wings
    5 John Lennon
    6 Yesterday
    7 Bass guitar
    8 Linda MaCartney
    9 George Harrison
    10 MaCartney

  2. Q1) 1942

    Q2) the Quarrymen

    Q3) the Beatles

    Q4) Wings

    Q5) John Lennon

    Q6) “Yesterday”

    Q7) bass guitar

    Q8) Linda McCartney

    Q9) Ringo Starr

    Q10) McCartney
    I am sure there are filters we can use, but the director of the radio station is very insistent we don't change the settings. The recorders are used by a lot of people, and most of us don't have much (if any) technical knowledge, so I guess he wants to avoid ending up with something that can't be used at all. The editing programme also allows for many modifications, but, again, I only know how to do the very basics.

  3. Short enough, I guess. :)

    1. 1942
    2. the Quarrymen
    3. the Beatles
    4. Wings
    5. John Lennon
    6. "Yesterday"
    7. bass guitar
    8. Linda McCartney
    9. Ringo Starr
    10. McCartney

    Lived through another! :)


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