
Monday 1 July 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-7-2024 — Ontario

1st July, 2024: Ontario.

La, la!   Monday!

Yes: it’s that day of the week, again: which means I’m up early.

And, yes, before you ask … ?

It’s for my weight management meeting.

I’d gained, last week: so, hopefully?

I’ve lost, this week!

Wish me luck!


Did I mention I bought a copy of the newly released classic Dr Who serial, The Celestial Toymaker, recently?

I bought a copy of the newly released classic Dr Who serial, The Celestial Toymaker, recently.

So you know … 

And, whilst I’m not going to start watching and revising it, yet … ?

I did catch one of the extra features, last night: The Escape Room*.

In case you didn’t know, an escape room is a type of puzzle game.

You lock a handful of people in a room.

To get out?   They have to solve a series of puzzles†.

Watching Peter Purves, Maureen O’Brian and Lisa Bowerman, trying to solve a lot of Dr Who themed puzzles was rather fun!

But I’ll tell you what: Maureen O’Brian’s impatient!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum‡, Olga§ and Debbi¶ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

 Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Ontario joined a newly formed nation on 1st July.   Which nation: Canada, the USA or Mexico?

Q2)        It joined in which year of the 1860s?

Q3)        Name one of the other three such regions that joined that year.

Q4)        What’s Ontario’s capital: Toronto, Halifax or Winnipeg?

Q5)        What’s Ontario’s Official language: English, French or German?

Q6)        Is Ontario a province, or a territory?

Q7)        Dan Aykroyd is from Ontario.   He played Ray Stantz in which 1984 film: Ghostbusters, Beverly Hills Cop or Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom?

Q8)        The MegaCity Chorus are also from Ontario.   They sing what: rock, soul, blues, or Barbershop?

Q9)        The Ottawa Senators are an Ontario based, sports team.   They play what: Soccer, Ice Hockey or Canadian Rules Football?

Q10)        Finally … ?   Ontario is bordered by Quebec to the east, and north east.   And shares a western border with where: Manitoba, Nunavut or the North West Territories?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        30th June is the UN sponsored International Day of Parliamentarism. A Parliament is usually part of a country’s what: government, broadcasters or judiciary?
A1)        Governments.

Q2)        A parliament is usually what: elected, erotic or emulsified?
A2)        Elected.

Q3)        The UK’s Parliament sits, where: Stormont Castle, the Palace of Holyrood House or the Palace of Westminster?
A3)        The Palace of Westminster. (I’m not going to accept the House of Commons, or House of Lords as answers: these are two rooms in the palace.)

Q4)        The Althing — also called the Alþingi — is one of the oldest parliaments in the world. It’s which country’s parliament: Iceland’s, Greenland’s, Denmark’s or Sweden’s?
A4)        Iceland’s. (The ‘TH’ sound is represented — in Icelandic — with the letter thorn)

Q5)        Finally … ? India’s Parliament is where: New Delhi, Mumbai or Kolkata?
A5)        New Delhi.
Here’s a thought …
“Loyal she began, loyal she remains”.
Ontario’s motto.
A song …

And an earworm …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I get the impression — from what Emily, the presenter, said? — that this series will be added to upcoming Doctor Who Collection blu-ray box sets.

†        Those of us who remember it, will be reminded of The Adventure Game, the old BBC 2 series.   Gronda gronda rangdo!

‡        Hello, Mum!

§        So am I Olga: the quicker it’s done, the better.   (It’s a certain two-yearly check up for men my age.   Given where they’re putting the camera, it better be sooner!)

        I can imagine, Debbi.   I’m also aware Chris Rock’s stopped doing one of his best known sketches: he felt it was giving racists license to use the N word.


  1. Q1) Canada

    Q2) 1867

    Q3) Nova Scotia

    Q4) Toronto

    Q5) English

    Q6) a province

    Q7) Ghostbusters

    Q8) Barbershop

    Q9) Ice Hockey

    Q10) Manitoba
    I hope everything goes well during the meeting. And good luck with the test. My mother is waiting on a echocardiogram, but during the holidays it is unlikely she'll get called, although one never knows.

  2. 1 Canada
    2 1867
    3 Nova Scotia
    4 Toronto
    5 English
    6 Province
    7 Ghostbusters
    8 Rock
    9 Ice Hockey
    10 Manitoba

  3. Can't say I blame him.

    1. Canada
    2. 1867
    3. Quebec
    4. Toronto
    5. English
    6. a province
    7. Ghostbusters
    8. Barbershop
    9. Ice Hockey
    10. Manitoba


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