
Monday, 3 March 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3-3-2025 — World Hearing Day

3rd March, 2025: World Hearing Day.

It’s officially official: I’m knackered!


Well, I’m up early: for my weight management meeting.

The morning after a late night, posting written and video reviews of Apple TV+’s The Gorge.

That’s a well made, but flawed, movie.


Talking of videos … ?

The trailer for Dr Who’s second season/fifteenth series has now been released: and makes the upcoming series look interesting.

And interestingly dark.

I can only hope two things.

One?   Ncuti keeps the bowler.

Two?   Daleks crop up somewhere!

Now … does anyone else think that “outside the universe” line mean there’s going to be more from the Pantheon … ?

We won’t know, until the series starts airing on the 12th April.


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Irene‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s [insert number here] questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        3rd March is World Hearing Day.   According to an office run by whom: the WHO, the IMF or the EU?

Q2)        The day is designed to help prevent hearing what?

Q3)        Humans hear with what: their eyes, ears or noses?

Q4)        The organ also helps us what: balance, see or smell?

Q5)        Finally … ?   If we cannot hear, we are which ‘D’?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        2nd March is the feast of Saint Chad of where: Mercia, Wessex or Tyldesdale?
A1)        Mercia.

Q2)        The area concerned was in what’s now where: England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales?
A2)        England.

Q3)        Saint Chad is also the patron saint of where: Lichfield, Staffordshire or Stoke on Trent?
A3)        Lichfield.

Q4)        According to the Venerable Bede, Chad was a student on Holy Island.   Holy Island is also known as which ‘L’?
A4)        Lindisfarne.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Mr Chad was a bit of graffiti.   It became popular, when: WW1, WW2 or the First Gulf War
A5)        WW2.  (The graffiti was known as ‘Kilroy was here’ in the US.   In the UK, Chad would appear alongside a variation of the phrase “Wot, no beer/sugar/bog roll/coherent government.”)
Here’s a thought …
“The first event was held in 2015.   Before then it was known as International Ear Care Day.”
From the Wikipedia entry on World Hearing Day.
And some music …

The next ten question set is on 14th March.

It’s about Michael Caine.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Cheers, Olga: I’ll highlight that for Irene!
        Yeah: the majority in the relevant houses of Congress could prove decisive, there.   And I knew about the balance of powers: and the term limits.   But, as I recall?   The old Roman Republic has similar limits.   Those didn’t stop Augustus being named as Princeps.
        He’s ALWAYS wanted the Peace Prize!   There’s possibly too many comments about Mr Obama getting it, but his replacement … ?   Well, ‘mean spirit’ is being mild!
        At any rate, from what I’ve read?   What is supposed to have riled the President, and JD Vance, was the fact Zelensky wasn’t wearing a suit.   It was disrespectful, apparently.   There was a VERY old line from Elisabeth Sladen that seemed VERY relevant!

        Hello, Mum!

‡        Morning, Irene, how IS the day … ?   Oh, Olga’s left a comment on yesterday’s Teaser: one you may find helpful.

§        Sorry, Debbi!   I’ve corrected it!
        About the only thing I know about Styx, Debbi … ?   Was that the one song of theirs I know was from an LP called Kilroy Was Here!   Nice video: shame about the song …


  1. Q1) WHO

    Q2) loss

    Q3) their ears

    Q4) balance

    Q5) Deaf
    Absolutely. Of course, Zelensky has gone to visit all kinds of authorities wearing the same. And as many people have pointed out, Elon Musk walked around the Oval Office (as if he owned it, may I add) wearing a T-shirt and a baseball cap, so... Some say it is just a matter of money. Money can make any dress code not applicable, it seems.

  2. 1 WHO
    2 Loss
    3 Ears
    4 Balance
    5 Deaf


    Apologies for not completing Monday's quiz as Jim and I have been visiting Maldon today. We were tempted by the beautiful sunshine and enjoyed a lovely lunch.
    Looking forward to tomorrow's challenge.

  4. Happy birthday, Paul! And many more!

    1. the WHO
    2. loss
    3. their ears
    4. balance
    5. deaf


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