
Thursday 27 December 2012

The Daily Teaser — 27-12-2012

You know, it’s got to be said … Jude was definitely fascinated, bless him!

I’d managed to pick him up a Lightin’ McQueen toy car, yesterday.   And despite the fact he was feeling decidedly iffy, yesterday.

And — I think —  a bit overwhelmed by everyone turning up to say ‘Happy Birthday’ … !

Bless ’im … !

At any rate … let’s get moving on, shall we?   Yes, let’s … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and Andy putting in their answers: with both scoring 5 out of 5, is saw Andy* highlighting this — seemingly, the late Gerry Anderson, who died yesterdays, was planning a new take on his classic series, Thunderbirds — and Debbi telling us she’d never found a Mr Peanut she’d seen as a child especially scaryº.

But let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 27th December, 1911, marked the first formal performance of Jana Gana Mana: Jana Gana Mana is the national anthem of which country … ?
Q2) More to the point, in which year of the 1940s did that country become independent … ?
Q3) 27th December, 1845, saw which anæsthetic used in childbirth, for the first time … ?
Q4) 27th December, 2004, saw Viktor Yushchenko the Ukraine’s General Election: during what became known as the what Revolution … ?
Q5) 27th December, 1977, saw the UK release of Star Wars: which US film company recently bought the franchise from George Lucas … ?
Q6) And finally … 27th December, 537AD, saw the Hagia Sophia church, in Istanbul, completed.   What is it now used as … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 26th December is — obviously — Boxing Day.   It’s also the feast of which Saint … ?
A1) Saint Stephen.
Q2) It’s also —  in the Irish Republic — the Day of the Wren: which pre-decimal English coin had a wren on the back … ?
A2) The farthing.
Q3) Who became the first Afro-American to win the World Heavyweight Boxing champion, on Boxing Day, 1908 … ?
A3) Jack Johnson.
Q4) Which two Commonwealth countries usually start Test Cricket matches on Boxing Day … ?
A4) South Africa and Australia.
Q5) And FINALLY … UK football teams usually play what on Boxing Day:  charity matches, cup finals, or matches against local rivals.
A5) matches against local rivals.
Enjoy those, everyone.

I’ll leave you with this quote from birthday girl, Janet Street Porter …
“Sometimes I've looked at a plate of food and wondered if it wouldn't look better as a hat.”
Janet Street Porter, born 27 December 1946
And a song from David Knopfler … 

And considering Gerry Anderson died, yesterday … ?

I’ll leave you with the intro to his classic series … 

And with this song ALL about them … 

*        Oh, now THAT’S a shame to see, Andy: would’ve been interesting to see, I think … !

º        I think I might have done, myself, Debbi.   I DO know The Herbs, Parsley the Lion in particular, used to scare me silly,   I hid behind the sofa!


  1. That's such a cute video! :) I used to be a very shy kid. If anyone I didn't know came over, I'd run to my room and hide. :)

    I'm going to blog about that in the memoirs section of my new website. When I read about how shy Johnny Rotten was as a child, I could really relate to that.

    1. India
    2. 1947
    3. ether
    4. Orange
    5. the Walt Disney Company
    6. a museum

  2. Q1) 27th December, 1911, marked the first formal performance of Jana Gana Mana: Jana Gana Mana is the national anthem of which country … ?

    Q2) More to the point, in which year of the 1940s did that country become independent … ?

    Q3) 27th December, 1845, saw which anæsthetic used in childbirth, for the first time … ?

    Q4) 27th December, 2004, saw Viktor Yushchenko the Ukraine’s General Election: during what became known as the what Revolution … ?

    Q5) 27th December, 1977, saw the UK release of Star Wars: which US film company recently bought the franchise from George Lucas … ?

    Q6) And finally … 27th December, 537AD, saw the Hagia Sophia church, in Istanbul, completed. What is it now used as … ?

    public museum

    Bit of a thin day for anniversaries yesterday! I note it was Mark Ronson's Dad's birthday, as well Ah, well, maybe try answering these on the actual day, sometime...


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