
Friday 28 December 2012

The Daily Teaser — 28-12-2012

Bleaugh … !

I think I can TELL I’m getting old.

One late night last night — watching Mock the Week — and I feel VERY sleepy. 

To the point where I’m, frankly, tempted to go back to bed … !

I think I’ll try and avoid it, though.

It WOULD be nice to get out and about, wouldn’t it?

Let’s get moving on, shall we?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and Andy putting in their answers: with both bagging 6 out of 6, it saw Andy reminding us it’s Mark Ronson’sº dad’s birthday, today, and Debbi* telling us how shy she was as a youngster.

Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s themed questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and  video… 

Q1) 28th December, 1895, saw the first fee paying film screening: by which brothers … ?
Q2) That screening was in the basement of which Café … ?
Q3) What did the brothers call their projector … ?
Q4) The word cinema comes from a Greek word that means what: marching, movement or dancing … ?
Q5) Nat Taylor is the man credited with inventing the Multiplex cinema: in which Canadian city was his first cinema … ?
Q6) What cinematic device did Charles Cretors invent: the movie camera, the popcorn machine or the clapboard … ?
Q7) As of 2012, what’s Britain’s highest grossing movie … ?
Q8) While we on the subject: there are three linked films on Wikipedia’s Highest Grossing UK Films list, at Eight, Nine and Ten.   Name one of them.
Q9) Which Stanley Kubrick film did Stanley Kubrick describe as “the proverbial good science fiction movie” … ?
Q10) And finally … which Orson Welles film was regarded — until 2012 — as the greatest film ever made … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 27th December, 1911, marked the first formal performance of Jana Gana Mana: Jana Gana Mana is the national anthem of which country … ?
A1) India.
Q2) More to the point, in which year of the 1940s did that country become independent … ?
A2) 1947.
Q3) 27th December, 1845, saw which anæsthetic used in childbirth, for the first time … ?
A3) Ether.
Q4) 27th December, 2004, saw Viktor Yushchenko the Ukraine’s General Election: during what became known as the what Revolution … ?
A4) The Orange Revolution.
Q5) 27th December, 1977, saw the UK release of Star Wars: which US film company recently bought the franchise from George Lucas … ?
A5) Disney.
Q6) And finally … 27th December, 537AD, saw the Hagia Sophia church, in Istanbul, completed.   What is it now used as … ?
A6) A museum.
Enjoy those, everyone.

I’ll leave you with this interestingly DIY approach to movie making from Werner Herzog …
“If you want to do a film, steal a camera, steal raw stock, sneak into a lab and do it!”
Werner Herzog.  (Who sounds like he’s seen Monsters )
And a tune or two from — or about — the movies … 

*        Naah … You were never shy, were you, Debbi … ?   Mind you, I have to admit, I was … ! :D

º        You know, it ALWAYS amazes me what you can learn, writing these, Andy


  1. Q1) 28th December, 1895, saw the first fee paying film screening: by which brothers … ?
    Louis Lumière and his brother Auguste
    Q2) That screening was in the basement of which Café … ?
    Grand Cafe on Boulevard des Capucines in Paris
    Q3) What did the brothers call their projector … ?
    Cinematograph - couldn't tell if it was "la" or "le"
    Q4) The word cinema comes from a Greek word that means what: marching, movement or dancing … ?
    Q5) Nat Taylor is the man credited with inventing the Multiplex cinema: in which Canadian city was his first cinema … ?
    Ottawa, Ontario at the Elgin Theatre
    Q6) What cinematic device did Charles Cretors invent: the movie camera, the popcorn machine or the clapboard … ?
    the popcorn machine (still going strong, I note)
    Q7) As of 2012, what’s Britain’s highest grossing movie … ?
    As of 21/12/2012 - Skyfall, and to think they postponed making it!
    Q8) While we on the subject: there are three linked films on Wikipedia’s Highest Grossing UK Films list, at Eight, Nine and Ten. Name one of them.
    The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring and I've proudly maintained my record of never even seeing a trailer for one of them (Ah, irrational dislikes)
    Q9) Which Stanley Kubrick film did Stanley Kubrick describe as “the proverbial good science fiction movie” … ?
    2001: A Space Odyssey - had to be, really.
    Q10) And finally … which Orson Welles film was regarded — until 2012 — as the greatest film ever made … ?
    Battlefield Earth! Oh, all right then Citizen Kane

  2. Oh, I was terribly shy! :) I'll write it all up in my memoirs. Slowly, but surely. :)

    1. the Lumière brothers
    2. the Grand Cafe on Boulevard des Capucines in Paris
    3. the Cinematograph
    4. movement
    5. Ottawa
    6. the popcorn machine
    7. Skyfall
    8. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
    9. 2001: A Space Odyssey
    10. Citizen Kane


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