
Saturday 20 April 2013

The Daily Teaser — 20-4-2013

I have to admit, I was going to happily bang on about a somewhat strange dream, before I woke up.

Seemingly, I’d been phoned — by someone — to arrange an interview: on a very bad line.

And telling me I needed to bring a bat — I can remember distinctly thinking I’d have to get a toy one, a rubber fruit-bat type thing — and a plate of profiteroles.   WHY the bat and profiteroles, I have no idea: my alarm went off, before I could find out.

At ANY rate … ?   At any rate, I woke up: to the good news that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the other suspect in the Boston Bombings has been found.   I think we have to congratulate the relevant police forces.   And the Watertown resident who found the young man, hiding in a boat in his back garden … !

Either way … ?   Either way, it means that hopefully, Boston gets answers about why this happened.

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: along with bagging 5½* out of 7, and letting us know about a screenplayª she’s planning.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 20th April, 2010, saw the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explode: in which Gulf was that rig … ?
Q2) More to the point, what was the name of the British company that leased the Deepwater Horizon … ?
Q3) 20th April, 1902, saw Marie and Pierre Curie manufacture Radium Chloride, for the first time.   What’s that longest half-life for a form of  Radium: 1603, 1602 or 1601 years … ?
Q4) 20th April, 1961 saw the failure of the invasion of where … ?
Q5) 20th April, 1937, saw the birth of actor, George Takei: what was the name of the musical he appeared in, in 2012 … ?
Q6) And finally … 20th April, 1861, saw Robert E Lee resign from US Army: in order to lead the armed forces of which state … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 19th April — in the UK — is Primrose Day: which British PM does this commemorate … ?
A1) Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl Beaconsfield.
Q2) Just out of interest … ?   What’s the scientific name for the Primrose … ?
A2) Primula vulgaris.
Q3) 2005 saw Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger elected as Pope Benedict 16th: what title does he now hold … ?
A3) Pope Emeritus.
Q4) More to the point, who replaced him as Pope, in 2013 … ?
A4) Pope Francis.
Q5) Moving on … 19th April, 1954, saw the relevant authorities in Pakistan name its two official languages.   Name either … 
A5) Urdu and Bengali.   (At the time, Pakistan included what’s now and Bengal. )
Q6) 19th April 19th, 1971, saw the launch of the Salyut 1, the world’s first space station: by the USSR.   How many Salyut’s have there been … ?
A6) 7.
Q7) And finally … 19th April, 1999, saw the German Bundestag — the German parliament — open in which German city … ?
A7) Berlin.
Enjoy those: I’ll leave you with this quote from the funniest man on Facebook …
“I’ve been working with Bill Shatner these 40-plus years. He never seems to get it right. I gave him, ‘It’s Takei, as in way.’ I even said, ‘as in gay’ … I told him, ‘It’s Takei, rhymes with toupee.’ I thought that would do it.”
George Takei, born 20th April, 1937
And — given it was recorded today, in 1939 — this song … 

Enjoy your day … 


Just as an update to this post … ?

Andy’s managed to remind that today’s marks the first anniversary of the death of guitarist, Bert Weedon: the man who, with Play In A Day book taught most of Britain’s guitarists to play.

Just to celebrate … ?

Let’s BOOGIE … !

ª        Wowsa … !   I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it get’s somewhere, Debbi … !

*        Yeah, sorry about the languages one, Debbi: originally, the two languages were Urdu and Bengali, as Pakistan included what’s now Bengal.   The Salyut one’s a touch different: I went with seven, as they were the ones that were named Salyut: I think the extra two didn’t use it, as, although they were in the programme, they were under military sponsorship … 


  1. Q1) 20th April, 2010, saw the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explode: in which Gulf was that rig … ?
    Gulf of Mexico
    Q2) More to the point, what was the name of the British company that leased the Deepwater Horizon … ? bp plc
    Q3) 20th April, 1902, saw Marie and Pierre Curie manufacture Radium Chloride, for the first time. What’s that longest half-life for a form of Radium: 1603, 1602 or 1601 years … ?
    1601 years
    Q4) 20th April, 1961 saw the failure of the invasion of where … ?
    The Bay of Pigs
    Q5) 20th April, 1937, saw the birth of actor, George Takei: what was the name of the musical he appeared in, in 2012 … ?
    Q6) And finally … 20th April, 1861, saw Robert E Lee resign from US Army: in order to lead the armed forces of which state … ?
    A sad day too for fans of Steve Marriot and Bert Weedon...

  2. Thanks, Paul! :) I'm feeling very inspired these days. Thanks for all your support!

    1. Gulf of Mexico
    2. BP
    3. 1602 years
    4. The Bay of Pigs
    5. Allegiance
    6. Virginia


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