
Sunday 21 April 2013

The Daily Teaser — 21-4-2013: Finding Roma

You know, I think sleep is starting to catch up with me.

No, really … !

I’ve a funny feeling I’m jetlagged: from the clocks going forward a couple of weeks ago.

But at least I’m not Joe Berti.

Who managed to avoid being injured in the Boston Bombings, last Monday, went home to the small Texan town of West.

Just in time to be unscathed, going past the fertiliser plant as it went off.

I think we can safely say he’s lucky … !

Let’s move on, shall we … ?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Andy and Debbi* putting in their answers.   With Andy reminding us yesterday was the anniversary of the deaths of Steve Marriott and Bert Weedon, and Debbi telling us why she loves the internet, it saw Andy scoring six out of six, and Debbi — trailing by one point — scoring five.

Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s rather imperial questions, shall we … ?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 21st April, 753 BC, is the traditional date of the founding of Rome.   By which legendary twins … ?
Q2) Which of the twins is killed by the other … ?
Q3) Either way, what type of mammal suckled them as babies … ?
Q4) According to the story, Rome’s building was started by the surviving twin … on which of the seven hills of Rome … ?
Q5) What was the name of the body that twin set up to govern Rome … ?
Q6) That surviving twin is considered to be Rome’s first King: who was its seventh and final king … ?
Q7) The founding twin is also considered to have form Rome’s armies: its first … what … ?
Q8) Those armed forces consisted of divisions made up of up to how many men: 4000, 5000 or 6000 … ?
Q9) In an alternative version of Rome’s foundation, the city is said to have been founded by which Trojan Prince … ?
Q10) And finally … Which Roman city was known as New Rome, when constructed by Constantine the Great … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 20th April, 2010, saw the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explode: in which Gulf was that rig … ?
A1) The
Q2) More to the point, what was the name of the British company that leased the Deepwater Horizon … ?
A2) BP.
Q3) 20th April, 1902, saw Marie and Pierre Curie manufacture Radium Chloride, for the first time.   What’s that longest half-life for a form of  Radium: 1603, 1602 or 1601 years … ?
A3) 1601.
Q4) 20th April, 1961 saw the failure of the invasion of where … ?
A4) The Bay of Pigs.
Q5) 20th April, 1937, saw the birth of actor, George Takei: what was the name of the musical he appeared in, in 2012 … ?
A5) Allegiance.
Q6) And finally … 20th April, 1861, saw Robert E Lee resign from US Army: in order to lead the armed forces of which state … ?
A6) Virginia.
I’ll leave you with this thought, generally ascribed to Julius Cæsar …
“I assure you I had rather be the first man here than the second man in Rome.”
Commonly ascribed to Julius Caesar.
And with this song about a certain pair of twins … 

Have a good day … !

*        My pleasure, Debbi … ! :D


  1. Q1) 21st April, 753 BC, is the traditional date of the founding of Rome. By which legendary twins … ?
    Romulus & Remus
    Q2) Which of the twins is killed by the other … ?
    Remus by Romulus(allegedly!)
    Q3) Either way, what type of mammal suckled them as babies … ?
    Q4) According to the story, Rome’s building was started by the surviving twin … on which of the seven hills of Rome … ?
    Romulus dug a trench (or built a wall, according to Dionysius) around the Palatine
    Q5) What was the name of the body that twin set up to govern Rome … ?
    The group of 100 Patricians later referred to as the Senate (Pedants 'R' Us!)
    Q6) That surviving twin is considered to be Rome’s first King: who was its seventh and final king … ?
    Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (Tarquin the Proud)
    Q7) The founding twin is also considered to have form Rome’s armies: its first … what … ?
    Q8) Those armed forces consisted of divisions made up of up to how many men: 4000, 5000 or 6000 … ?
    3300 according to Wikipedia! Or, during the Regal Era the standard levy was probably of 9,000 men, consisting of 6,000 heavily armed infantry (probably Greek-style hoplites), plus 2,400 light-armed infantry (rorarii, later called velites) and 600 light cavalry (equites celeres)
    Q9) In an alternative version of Rome’s foundation, the city is said to have been founded by which Trojan Prince … ?
    Q10) And finally … Which Roman city was known as New Rome, when constructed by Constantine the Great … ?
    And now, in the same vein...some emperors!

  2. Hi Paul! Getting an early start, before I watch TV. Hopefully, I'll get to see Doctor Who tonight. If not tonight, then tomorrow, for sure!

    1. Romulus and Remus
    2. Romulus killed Remus
    3. a she-wolf
    4. The Palatine Hill
    5. The Roman Senate
    6. Lucius Tarquinius Superbus
    7. tribes
    8. 4,000
    9. Aeneas
    10. Constantinople


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