
Sunday 7 April 2013

The Daily Teaser — 7-4-2013: The Matrix …

You know, I think I’ve got my Sunday cut out for me.

At least, I’ve got today cut out for myself.

I’m quite happily going to be working on a few more Teasers.

I’ll be frank … ?   I’m thoroughly enjoying the amount of themed Teasers I’ve now put out.

Guess what … ?   Today’s Teaser is one of those very same themed ones.

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?


Yesterday’s saw Trevor suggesting I should have used Telstar as a video, and also saw Debbi putting in her answers: along with admitting loved yesterday’s video contribution*, she also bagged six out of six.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, Licence and video … 

Q1) 7th April, 1969, marks the birthday of the Internet: it saw the publication of RFC 1, defining the basic software and hardware of the Internet.   RFC stands for Request forwhat … ?
Q2) More to the point, what was the Internet called, in 1969 … ?
Q3) That network was initially funded by an agency of which US government department … ?
Q4) According to the RFC series, BCP stands for Best Current what: practice, particle or packet … ?
Q5) The Internet is dependent on the work of Donald Davies and Paul Baran, the men behind what: packet switching, planar switching or planet swopping … ?
Q6) Finally, one piece of revolutionary Internet software was the World Wide Web: what’s the name of the British scientist who designed this software … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 6th April saw the launch of Intelsat 1, the first satellite to be put into what sort of orbit … ?
A1) Geosynchronous.
Q2) More to the point, in which year of the 1960s was this … ?
A2) 1965.
Q3) Was Intelsat 1 a spy satellite, a communications satellite or a weather satellite … ?
A3) A communications satellite.
Q4) Science fiction writer, Arthur C. Clarke, is credited with first coming up with the idea of this sort of satellite: in a 1945 letter to which magazine … ?
A4) Wireless World.
Q5) What — in 1971 — was the name of the only British satellite to be launched in a British rocket … ?
A5) The Prospero X-3.   (The British government cancelled the funding not long afterwards.   I’m still angry: have been ever since I first heard about the cancellation of the whole Black Arrow project.   ‘MUPPETS’ is too mild a term … )
Q6) And FINALLY … what’s the name of the US agency that launched Intelsat 1 … ?
I’ll leave you with this thought from Jonas Whitespore …
“On the internet, nobody can hear you fart”.
Jonas Whitespore.
And, because I couldn’t find songs about the ’Net, I’ll show you a few songs that were hits because of the ’Net … 

Or went strangely viral on the ’Net … 

Or — in the case of Eduard Khil — gave a career a latter day boost … 

Enjoy the day … !

*        I’m just wondering what you and Trevor will make of today’s videos, Debbi: the songs concerned were either hits — or international hits, at any rate — because they got posted to the ’Net.

1 comment:

  1. It's an interesting mix! :) Mr. Trololo is a rather intriguing person, isn't he?

    1. comment
    2. Arpanet
    3. Department of Defense
    4. Practice
    5. packet switching
    6. Tim Berners-Lee

    Did you see my last post? Sir Paul McCartney is coming to DC! :)


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