
Tuesday 3 October 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3rd October, 2017

Hmmm … 

He says … 

I am facing time off.

Unpaid time.

As I’ve gone from thirty odd hours, last week, down to some fifteen, this week.

This means several things.


I’m job hunting.

I had a job interview, last week.   I’m trying to NOT get my hopes up: in case I don’t get the position.   But, given it’s extremely local, given the hours, And given it would be saving me a lot in terms of transport?

It’s one I dearly want.

Right now?

Right now, though, I’m listening to Radio 4’s Today programme, where Theresa May is droning on about whatever it is Brexit Bothered PM’s drone on about.

And thinking her problem are less immediate than the metaphorical lottery ticket I bought last Thursday.

Waiting — basically — to hear if I’ve won something.


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring ten out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and Video … 

Q1) Boris 3rd acceded the throne: on 3rd October, 1918.   Which country did he rule?
Q2) 3rd October, 1981, saw the end of a hunger strike by IRA prisoners.   In which UK gaol?
Q3) One of the first objects to reach space was launched on 3rd October, 1942.   The rocket was from which country: Germany, France or Soviet Russia?
Q4) 3rd October, 85 BC, saw the birth of Gaius Cassius Longinus.   In which of Shakespeare’s play is he called a ‘lean and hungry man’?
Q5) Finally?   3rd October, 1916, saw the birth of James Alfred Wight.   He’s better known as which veterinary writer?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 2nd October saw the first publication of the Peanuts strip: written by Charles M. Schulz.   In which year of the 1950s?
A1) 1950.
Q2) The main character is Charlie … who?
A2) Brown.
Q3) Charlie has a pet dog called Snoopy.   Snoopy is what kind of dog?
A3) Beagle.
Q4) Charlie has a sister: who hates feeding Snoopy.   What’s her name?
A4) Sally Brown.
Q5) Charlie is the manager of an amateur baseball team.   He’s the team’s what: pitcher, second baseman or right field?
A5) Pitcher.
Q6) Lucy, the eldest of the van Pelt family, runs a 5¢ what: lemonade stand, psychiatric booth or brothel?
Q7) Lucy’s also the reason Charlie fails to kick a what?
A7) American Football.
Q8) Lucy’s brother, Linus, is Charlie’s best friend.   And is frequently seen holding a what?
A8) Security blanket.
Q9) On appropriate occasions?   Linus will mention the Great … what?
A9) The Great Pumpkin.
Q10) Finally … The Peanuts Movie was released in which year: 2014, 2015 or 2016?
A10) 2015.
Here’s a thought …
“It is the spirit of the age to believe that any fact, however suspect, is superior to any imaginative exercise, no matter how true.”
Gore Vidal, October 3, 1925 – July 31, 2012.
And a Eddie Cochrane song.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a nice day … 

*        I can’t say I blame you, Olga!   It’s one hell of a sticky situation!   If it’s any consolation, it seems a lot of Catalan unions seem to be planning strikes in reaction to the violence.   Which seems a good way of responding.   My fevered imagination?   Had retired members of ETA quietly tapping assorted Catalans on the shoulder to quietly offer some second hand weaponry.   Which is possibly taking the Bloody Sunday too far.

†        I have to admit, I sat down with the first three episodes, last night, Debbi: it’s well worth watching.   Hmmm … It’s on CBS All Access, in the US, Debbi, their streaming service: I don’t know how affordable it is, over their, but I get the impression you’d be able to access it through multiple channels.   It’s on Chromecast and Roku: I don’t know about AppleTV.   As for Vegas?   I had I Don’t Like Mondays — at least the song’s backstory — on my mind, yesterday.   Brenda Spencer was another shooter that worked from one room.


  1. Q1) Bulgaria
    Q2) Maze Prison
    Q3) Germany
    Q4) Julius Caesar
    Q5) James Herriot
    So far they seem to be going down the route of non-violence, so they can have the high moral ground. Never much direct violence in Catalonia (even Terra Lliure used to damage buildings but avoided personal injuries. After the Hypercor debacle many years back and the public outcry they've never been keen on that route). Oh, we shall see.

  2. It's horrible beyond words. All of it.

    I love the Gore Vidal quote! :) He wrote some great books based on U.S. historical figures. Like Aaron Burr. :)

    1. Bulgaria
    2. the Maze
    3. Germany
    4. Julius Caesar
    5. James Herriot


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