
Wednesday 4 October 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4th October, 2017


I’m up late — ish — after making that most silly of mistakes.

Yep: I forgot to put my alarm on.

After a night involving watching the opening episodes of House of Cards series five.

Worth a watch, House of Cards: although I don’t know if it’s plausible.

I don’t know if Frank and the gang are as bad as a genuine politician.


Talking of the AppleTV — which is what I was watching the show on — I have to admit, it froze after I watched Star Trek: Discovery, the other night.

Seemingly?   It couldn’t access the contents of my iTunes library.

But would would let me stream a couple of albums.

I don’t know quite what happened.

But nothing — switching Home Sharing off and on, re-starting both my Mac, iTunes, the AppleTV, itself, restarting the router, signing out of my iTunes account — seemed to work.

Until I pulled the power cable out of the AppleTV, and putting it back again.

That helped.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mr Strict*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 4th October, 1946, saw the birth of actress, Susan Sarandon.   In which film did she play Janet Weiss?
Q2) The Coverdale Bible was first published on 4th October, 1535.   It was The first bible published in which language: Spanish, English or French?
Q3) The current constitution of Frances was first published: on 4th October, 1958.   Technically, modern France is what: the fourth, fifth or sixth French Republic?
Q4) Protestors fought the British Union of Fascist: on 4th October, 1936.   In which Battle?
Q5) Finally?   The USA’s second largest robbery took place on 4th October, 1997: in Charlotte.   Charlotte’s in which US state: North Carolina, South Carolina or West Virginia?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) Boris 3rd acceded the throne: on 3rd October, 1918.   Which country did he rule?
A1) Bulgaria.
Q2) 3rd October, 1981, saw the end of a hunger strike by IRA prisoners.   In which UK gaol?
A2) HMP Maze: also called Long Kesh.
Q3) One of the first objects to reach space was launched on 3rd October, 1942.   The rocket was from which country: Germany, France or Soviet Russia?
A3) Germany.
Q4) 3rd October, 85 BC, saw the birth of Gaius Cassius Longinus.   In which of Shakespeare’s play is he called a ‘lean and hungry man’?
A4) Julius Caesar.
Q5) Finally?   3rd October, 1916, saw the birth of James Alfred Wight.   He’s better known as which veterinary writer?
A5) James Herriot.
Here’s a thought …
“Religion is not black and white.   It’s much more complicated.   Spirituality is much bigger than that. God is much bigger than that.   I don’t believe in a wrathful God.   I believe he’s much more forgiving and inclusive than some religions.   The things that are done in her name or his name are horrible.”
Susan Sarandon, born 4th October, 1946.
Here’s a tune … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day!

*        Morning, Mr S: welcome back aboard.   (Might just put your site into my sidebar: would that be OK … ?)

†        Good lord, Olga, there were Catalan paramilitaries?   I never knew!   I just hope things don’t get that bad.   I don’t know that the king’s speech helped, yesterday.   I’ll keep my singers crossed it goes well!   I’m just assuming Spanish/Catalan gun control is stronger than the USA’s! (If it’s any distraction, House of Cards looks good …)

‡        I have to admit, I‘ve never actually read anything by Gore Vidal, Debbi.   I just grabbed a quote by the nearest famous person born that day!   He’s named after a UK brand of shampoo.   He says, with a straight face … !   (What gets me, Debbi?   Is, apparently, it’s illegal for civilians to buy automatic weapons in the US.   Semi-automatic weapons are legally available.   As are the small adaptors that let you to turn a semi-automatic weapon  into an automatic gun.   It strikes me someone’s missed a trick.)


  1. Thanks, Paul. I decided, long ago, that we do not need a monarchy for anything, to be honest. Expensive to keep, interfering and, at least the Spanish ones, aren't even interesting for tourists. He's tall, but that's all I can say. Anyway, yes... No, it isn't easy to get hold of guns in Spain, at least legally. Police have always carried them, though. (I remember going to check if I got into Medical School or not, at Hospital Clínic, where the Medical School was (and still is, well, one of them, there are a couple in Barcelona), and a guy who was evidently a prisoner running from the hospital wearing a lovely hospital gown and two policemen running after him, shooting in the air. (The hospital was, at the time, the prison hospital, as the prison wasn't very far from there. Now that prison is closed).
    I almost forgot about the answers...
    Q1) The Rocky Horror Picture Show
    Q2) English
    Q3) Fifth Republic
    Q4) The Battle of Cable Street
    Q5) North Carolina
    Have a good day. Is it tomorrow you hear about the job? Fingers crossed on that too!

  2. Unfortunately, the gun lobby never misses a trick. It's disgusting.

    1. The Rocky Horror Picture Show
    2. English
    3. fifth
    4. the Battle of Cable Street
    5. North Carolina

    I make my opinion of the movie "La La Land" painfully clear on my film review blog. In a word: Noooo!!


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