
Thursday 5 October 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5th October, 2017

I have to admit, this week’s been … 


Hours cut at work?

That’s not good.

Interview last Thursday: I’ve still not heard.   I should know by today or tomorrow.

Catching up with Teasers and the minimal bit of house work I need to do?

Well, that’s done, bar the videos.

Leaving me with the real frustration, tonight: on a night when I have to be early for work.

More House of Cards?

An early night?

Or Wonder Woman, regardless of the fact I find the price on iTunes a little high?

On top of that … ?

I can’t wait for Sunday.

It’s the next episode of Star Trek: Discovery!



Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The first Baseball World Series game to be broadcast on radio, was broadcast on 5th October.   In which year of the 1920s?
Q2) Chief Joseph and his band surrendered to US forces: on 5th October, 1877.   Which tribe was Joseph and his group from?
Q3) 5th October, 1994, saw 48 people found dead: in an apparent mass killing.   They were found in which European country?
Q4) 5th October is the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi.   He’s the patron saint of what: animals, vegetables or minerals?
Q5) Finally … 5th october, 1919, saw the birth of actor, Donald Pleasence‡.   In which film did he first play Dr Sam Loomis?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 4th October, 1946, saw the birth of actress, Susan Sarandon.   In which film did she play Janet Weiss?
Q2) The Coverdale Bible was first published on 4th October, 1535.   It was The first bible published in which language: Spanish, English or French?
A2) English.
Q3) The current constitution of Frances was first published: on 4th October, 1958.   Technically, modern France is what: the fourth, fifth or sixth French Republic?
A3) The Fifth Republic.
Q4) Protestors fought the British Union of Fascist: on 4th October, 1936.   In which Battle?
A4) The Battle of Cable Streetª.
Q5) Finally?   The USA’s second largest robbery took place on 4th October, 1997: in Charlotte.   Charlotte’s in which US state: North Carolina, South Carolina or West Virginia?
Here’s a thought …
“There is no method, there is no way. I just do it.”
Donald Pleasence, 5 October 1919 – 2 February 1995.
And, given today marks the birth of Sweet frontman, Brian Connolly?   These … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        That’s something that I always found mildly un-nerving, Olga^: the amount of armed police in Spain!   It’s still not something you see much of, here in the UK: although a recent survey say more police themselves would prefer being armed.   Not something I like.   Britain’s policed by consent, and that’s not something I consent to!   (I’m getting the feeling someone’s a bit … you know … republican! :D   Personally?   I’m not too worried about the UK’s monarchy.   The Queen herself tends to keep out of politics … beyond being a rubber stamp.   We’d possibly have to replace her with a president: we’d get all sorts in charge!)

†        That confirms it, then, Debbi^!   I’ve got another reason to avoid La La Land.   I’m always iffy about musicals … well … beyond The Rocky Horror Picture Show.   And Cabaret. And I keep meaning to sit down with Fiddler on the Roof.   (I don’t even know if it’s the gun lobby that caught my attention.   Well … beyond the fact the guy, outside of the Vegas shooting sounds like the kind of responsible gun owner the NRA holds up as an ideal.   What got me?   Was the fact the adaptor you can buy — to turn a legal semi-automatic gun into an illegal automatic one — was, in and of itself self, legally buyable.   It’s not like it’s buying a blank cassette!)

‡        Famously?   Pleasence did some funny beer adverts, a few years ago.   And a couple of unnerving public information films.

^        Oh, I think I’ve made a mistake on one date: for the Francis of Assisi question: it’s still a point, though, as I’ve no time to change it!

ª        A Battle of Cable Street features in Terry Pratchett’s Nightwatch


  1. Q1) 1921
    Q2) Nez Perce
    Q3) Switzerland
    Q4) 5th October is the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi. He’s the patron saint of what: animals, vegetables or minerals? Animals (Yes, it was yesterday, wasn’t it? Somebody shared it on Facebook)
    Q5) Halloween (Of course, it’s also a character in Psycho, the boyfriend of the first victim we meet, I believe)
    I hope you hear about the interview soon and it's good news. I realised yesterday that the new series of Lucifer had started, so I have something to watch tonight. I haven't been watching much. Too many books to catch up with.
    I thought I'd ask... I've been investigating what to do with my DVDs, Blu-rays, and books. (I think I'm going back to Spain in a few months if I can manage to get myself organised). I've found quite a few sites that buy them, and some even come to collect them for free, but they pay very little (even for reasonably recent text-books). I will check some second-hand bookshops but although I'd like to take some stuff with me, I'll have to be very selective as it's not going to be cost-effective. I know I could try to sell it online myself, but as I'm going to be coming and going during this time, it would not be practical. I'll end up giving a lot of it to charity shops but I thought I'd ask.
    Thanks, Paul.

  2. I would avoid that one, if I were you.

    Donald Pleasence in The Great Escape, on the other hand, was awesome! Sad, but awesome.

    1. 1921
    2. the Nez Perce
    3. Switzerland
    4. animals
    5. Halloween

  3. Wow! Donald Pleasence really is creepy in that PSA! :)


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