
Wednesday 1 November 2017

American Horror Story — Series 4: Freak Show — Episode 5 & 6: Pink Cupcakes & Bullseye.

1st November, 2017

Oh … 

That’s what a dental check-up feels like.

I’ve got to say, I had a dentist appointment: that’s slowly turning into something a touch longer than I expected: in order to get a tooth extracted.

The dentist — a young lady, I should add — was very reassuring: and got all my details.

And managed to stick all sorts of things into my gob to find out what was happening in there.

The net result?

That I’m now due back, next week, for a scale and clean.

And some rigorous plier action.

You know, now I see that written down … 


At any rate?

It’s a Wednesday, today.

A day off: and one where I’ve had the start of some complicated dentistry, received advice on brushing, spent time with my family, hugged my nephew* …

And spent time watching television.

Yes: you got it.

Freak Show … 


Episode 5Pink Cupcakes — opens with a completely imaginary scenario that Stanley (Dennis O’Hare) has conjured up for himself: having successful sold Dot and Betty’s corpse to a museum.

Whilst back in the real world?

He and Maggie (Emma Roberts) are arguing about how best to get one of the performers at Madame Elsa’s literally pickled.

All the while?   Stanley is convincing Elsa (Jessica Lange) that a TV company wants her to front a new show.   Whilst both?

Are trying convince Dot and Betty (Sara Paulson) of the same thing.


Episode 6Bullseye —   shows us that Elsa … ?   Is planning something.   She’s had the knife thrower’s wheel dragged out of storage: the twins have apparently abandoned the Cabinet, they need a replacement.

Meanwhile?   At a local pharmacist, Paul (Mat Fraser) is getting suspicious: he’s met and recognised Dandy (Finn Wittrock), and noticed Jupiter’s richest resident is buying a look of very feminine products … in twos

All this … ?   All this, and we find out a lot more about Elsa’s love life than we suspected … 


Now … 

You possibly asking how I’m coping: either with the teeth or the show?

Well, for starters, the sooner the next appointment happens — next Thursday, I should add, if you’re interested — the happier I’ll be.

The scale and polish will be good, but getting the extraction I need, done?

Will be painful, but welcome.

On the other hand, tonight’s episodes?

Were quite simply fantastic.

Early on in Pink Cupcakes there’s a scene where Ethel (Kathy Bates) takes Desiree (Angela Bassett) to a sympathetic doctor: after Desiree has what turns out to be a miscarriage.

The looks on Bassett and Bates’ faces’, whilst the scene plays out?

Are quite simply a very good reminder of the pair’s acting abilities.   And that, sometimes?   The best acting is done, not with words, not with intonation, but by getting the look on a character’s face, spot on.

With this scene?

The pair hammer the situation: Bates’ character realising  the theoretically perfect she could have had to potentially going to be Bassett’s?   Is caught on both actors faces.

The fact that Bullseye … ?   Sees Jessica Lange† do one of the bravura performances in the whole series?

Only convinces me that watching this series of American Horror Story is very worth your time!

*        Jude will be seven at the end of December.   A)   Where do the years go?   B)   He’s getting tall for a member of my family!

†        OK, Pink Cupcakes sees Jessica Lange bursting into a quick rendition of September Song.   OK, I was hoping for Marlene: but Lotte Lenya will do … 

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