
Wednesday 1 November 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-11-2017: Othello

Have you ever heard the phrase, “It couldn’t come sooner” … ?

I’ve got a dentist’s appointment, today: to have a tooth out.

And, yes: it couldn’t’ve come sooner.

It’s not painful: not as such.

But it’s certainly troubling, and making eating uncomfortable.

I know that extraction’s rough.

But the sooner the tooth’s out, the better.

I just hope Steve Martin doesn’t turn up … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring 10 out of ten, and Olga on nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 1st November saw the first performance of Othello.   In which year?
Q2) Who wrote Othello?
Q3) Othello, himself?   Is a general in an army.   The army of which Italian city-state?
Q4) The story tells of Othello’s rivalry with his ensign.   What’s the ensign’s name?
Q5) Finally … the ensign tried to make Othello jealous of his wife.   What’s her name?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 31st October is Halloween.   Halloween is celebrated as Hop-tu-Naa: on which three legged British Isle?
A1) The Isle of Mann.
Q2) It’s called Allantide: in which English county?
A2) Cornwall.
Q3) What fruit got handed out as a gift, on Allantide?
A3) Apples.
Q4) Halloween is ALSO known as All Hallow’s … what?
A4) Eve.
Q5) Many celebrate the day by abstaining from what: meat, vegetables or wine?
A5) Meat.
Q6) Moving on, slightly?   Halloween parts one and two are episodes of the first season of which horrific, American series?
Q7) The Lutz family move into a fictional version of 112, Ocean Avenue.   In which horror film?
Q8) Michael Myers is the central character in which film franchise?
A8) The Halloween franchise.
Q9) Julia, Rory, Frank and Kirsty, all appear in which Clive Barker novella?   (The novella: not the film version of the story.)
A9) The Hellbound Heart: the film version is Hellraiser.
Q10) Finally … which mystery writer wrote Hallowe’en Party?
Here’s a quote from the play …
“Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them.”
Othello, Othello, Act I, scene ii.
And a song … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day: and don’t get jealous … !

*        Frankly, I’m actually looking forward to the dentist trip, Olga: OK, it’ll be rough, but, once it’s done … ?   It’s done.   And I know what you mean about The Omen’s music.   Jerry Goldsmith, the composer who wrote it?   Only ever won one Oscar: guess what for?   And, yes, it’s a shame about House of Cards: there’s at least one more series, there.   It’d possibly go on without him: now that the Robin Wright character has starting breaking the fourth wall.   But it would need setting up.   (You couldn’t possibly comment?   You, me and Francis Urqhart!)

†        Oh, you’re right there, Debbi: it does.   Trouble is, it’s not something I’d’ve expected in something with Isaac Asimov’s name on it!   Most of the Terminator are allowed to be scary, though.   And if someone had programmed Skynet with the Three Laws … ?!   (Actually, Debbi, do you remember Robots of Death?   I seem to recall a few throwaway remarks in it, that robots couldn’t harm humans: but that they could break down or be reprogrammed.)


  1. Q1) 1604
    Q2) William Shakespeare
    Q3) Venice
    Q4) Iago
    Q5) Desdemona
    Interesting, indeed, about House of Cards. Yes, some of the comments were about Robin Wright. I went to watch the new Blade Runner and was pleased to see her there (I'd read about the movie but haven't checked all the actors).Good luck with the dentist (and I know what you mean. Even when it is not painful it can be bothersome and you're very aware of it).

  2. I vaguely remember the episode. It's been a while. :)

    1. 1604
    2. William Shakespeare
    3. Venice
    4. Iago
    5. Desdemona


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