
Tuesday 10 August 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th August 2021.

10th August, 2021.

I’ve got to admit … I’vm desperately trying to work out how to phrase this … 

Perhaps diving straight in and telling you would be the thing.

At the suggestion of my work coach, I’ve filed what’s technically called a Statements Of Fitness For Work: also known a Fit note, or Sick note.

It basically means I’m off ill for a month.

I’m not sure I like the idea: I don’t like the thought of being ill!

With the kind of work history I’ve had, it’s all too easily associated with not getting paid … !


Has anyone seen the news?

If you have, you’ve possibly noticed the recent UN sponsored report: that tells us we’re doomed!

It’s not something I didn’t expect: it’s just more detailed.


Depressing UB40 songs seem the thing.

Equally as frankly?

We might want something a bit more up beat at this time of the morning!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, and Debbi^ and putting in their answers: with all four scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        10th August is International Biodiesel Day.   Biodiesel is animal fats, or vegetable oil, used as what: cooking oil, fuel or building cement?

Q2)        10th August, 1874, saw the birth of the 31st President of the USA.   Who was that President: Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover or Franklin D. Roosevelt?

Q3)        Leo Fender was born: on 10th August, 1909.   His company made what: pistols, cars or guitars?

Q4)        Actor, Eddie Fisher was born: on 10th August, 1928.   Who was his eldest daughter?

Q5)        Finally? 10th August, 1821, saw Missouri admitted to the USA.   What’s Missouri’s state capital?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Operation Demetrius was launched: on 9th August of which year of the 1970s?
A1)        1971.

Q2)        The Operation took place in which part of the UK: England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland?
A2)        Northern Ireland.

Q3)        The Operation introduced Internment to the area.   In other words, imprisonment without what: charges or release?
A3)        Charges.

Q4)        The people interned, were interred in what was called the Long Kesh Detention Centre.   It later became known as HMP what: Maze, Wheat or Corn?
A4)        HMP Maze. (It’s long since been closed.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   Operation Demetrius happened during what’s known the what: Troubles, Problems or Bother?
A5)        The Troubles.   (The Troubles were one of the more contentious part of British history.)
Here’s a thought … 
“By the time I was thirty-three years old I'd been married to America's sweetheart and America's femme fatale and both marriages had ended in scandal.”
Eddie Fisher, August 10, 1928 – September 22, 2010.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Having a cagoule does come in handy, Olga, I know that.   Especially with the recent weather!   I’m glad Zombie went down well: it’s possibly the Cranberries best song, and one that saw Dolores O’Riordan on serious form
        She was 47, when she died: three years younger than I was.   That was a shock!

        Yeah, you’re right, Trevor: you don’t look like Ian Dury … … 

        Hello, Mum!

^        That he was, Debbi, that he was.   I have to admit, I think I know a couple of the characters he wrote about.   Just don’t look up Plaistow Patricia: I think a US version would come with an Explicit Content label.   Possibly several Explicit Content labels!
        I’ve got to sit down with those McGoohan interviews, I really do: I’ve been catching up with some of the classic Star Treks, at the moment.   You’ve possibly noticed!   (Oh, the next series of Star Trek Lower Decks starts on Thursdays: if it’s anything like the first, it’ll be hysterical!)


  1. A1 Fuel
    A2 Herbert Hoover
    A3 guitars
    A4 Carrie Frances Fisher
    A5 Jefferson City, officially the City of Jefferson

    I remember those see thru thin plastic pack a macks. I also remember seeing a vending machine at the Sea Bus terminal in Vancouver which sold Umbrellas.

    It normally rains every day in Vancouver but the last time I went it did not rain for a fortnight.
    I understand that the last few months have also been rain free there.

  2. 1 Fuel
    2 Herbert Hoover
    3 Guitars
    4 Carrie Fisher
    5 Jerfferson City

  3. Q1) Fuel

    Q2) Herbert Hoover

    Q3) Guitars

    Q4) Carrie Fisher

    Q5) Jefferson City
    Sad about the singer, indeed. It's always a shock when people you've known about die, especially when they are younger than you. I've never been officially off sick (well, a few days with the flu years back, because I couldn't speak, and there's no much point to a psychiatrist who can't talk, but not since), but let's hope it ends up being the right option for you.

  4. I just realized Carrie Fisher's only slightly younger than me. Weird feeling. Don't know why exactly. Don't die, Carrie! :)

    1. fuel
    2. Herbert Hoover
    3. guitars
    4. Carrie Fisher
    5. Jefferson City (or "Jeff City", as I heard it referred to once)


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