
Wednesday 11 August 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11th August, 2021.

11th August, 2021.

I don’t know about you … 

But the older I get, the more a good read — rather than a movie or TV show — appeals.

That’s assuming I’ve not got a case of eye strain!

At any rate?

I’ve just started the omnibus edition of Clive Barker’s The Books of Blood (Volume One to Three).

Literally just started: I’m on ‘Pig Blood Blues,’ the fourth story in the first book.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll possibly say it again, at some point: but when he’s on form, Barker’s prose is had to beat: Weaveworld’s a very good example of that.

‘Pig Blood Blues,’ is another very good example.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Mum†, Olga‡ and Debbi^ and putting in their answers: with all four scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        11th August is the feast day of Saint Philomena.   She’s the patron saint of whom: virgins, sex workers or dancers?

Q2)        11th August is Mountain Day in Japan.   What’s Japan’s largest mountain: Mount Hotakadake, Mount Kita or Mount Fuji?

Q3)        Actor Chris Hemsworth, was born: on 11th August, 1983.   In which Australian series did he play Kim Hyde: The Sullivans, Neighbours or Home and Away?

Q4)        Steve Wozniak was born on 11th August, 1950.   Woz co-founded Apple, along side Steve Jobs … and who else: Ronald Wayne, Bill Gates or Elon Musk?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The last total eclipse of the 20th Century took place: on 11th August of which year?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        10th August is International Biodiesel Day. Biodiesel is animal fats, or vegetable oil, used as what: cooking oil, fuel or building cement?
A1)        Fuel.

Q2)        10th August, 1874, saw the birth of the 31st President of the USA. Who was that President: Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover or Franklin D. Roosevelt?
A2)        Herbert Hoover.

Q3)        Leo Fender was born: on 10th August, 1909.   His company made what: pistols, cars or guitars?
A3)        Guitars.   (Both the Telecaster, and the Stratocaster, are iconic bits of kit: as are the Martin Dreadnaughts, and the Gibson SG and Les Paul.   I think Fender and Gibson guitars are as different as PCs and Macs.   If you know what you’re looking at …)

Q4)        Actor, Eddie Fisher was born: on 10th August, 1928.   Who was his eldest daughter?
A4)        Carrie Fisher.

Q5)        Finally? 10th August, 1821, saw Missouri admitted to the USA.   What’s Missouri’s state capital?
A5)        Jefferson City.
Here’s a thought … 
“I went drinking with Gray Powell and all I got was a lousy iPhone prototype.”
Steve Wozniak, born August 11, 1950.
And a song …

Am I the only person Bunbury & co. sound like the Doors? At any rate, today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I think North America’s been getting warmer, Trevor: weren’t there wildfires in Canada, last year?

        Hello, Mum!

        I know what you mean, Olga.   An old friend died late last year: who was ten days younger than me.   That hit home … !
        Either way … ?   A few months off would be … well, it would mean less worries about jobhunting.   We’ll have to see.
        Now … if you get flu, again, Olga, would a voice synthesiser help … ?   

^        Um … you do know she died in 2016, Debbi?   It was one hell of a shame: she was one of Hollywood’s best known, and competent, script doctors.   And, yes, when a celebrity who’s younger than you dies, it’s … well … 


  1. Q1) Virgins

    Q2) Mount Fuji

    Q3) Home and Away

    Q4) Ronald Wayne

    Q5) 1999
    Interesting thought! I'm sure students would love the synthesizer (well, not sure what Jordi would think...). I agree with you about reading books. I seem to be either watching older films or reading these days. It's probably to do with age...

  2. A1 virgins
    A2 Mount Fuji
    A3 Home and Away
    A4 Ronald Wayne
    A5 1999

    Yes it is a shock when people die young. My father was in his mid 40’s when he died. I was 22 at the time. My third sister (Elaine) passed away over night on the day between her birthday and her wedding anniversary. She was in her mid 50’s. That was about 10 years ago.

  3. 1 Virgins
    2 Mount FUJI
    3 home and Away
    4 Ronald Wayne
    5 1998

  4. OMG! I'd forgotten. Oh, shit. :)

    1. virgins
    2. Mount Fuji
    3. Home and Away
    4. Ronald Wayne
    5. 1999

    Well, looks like I'm losing it. :)


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